New shipping fee is very confusing and the label prints the wrong way.

We have two labels 5 1/2" X 8 1/2" labels side by side; however, the label prints portrait instead of the other way (guessing landscape). We will not be able to use our labels with this method unless there is a way to turn them in the correct direction. Also, The label didn’t print well and the ink is almost full. Also, we don’t understand the credit card charge and fees. Are we charged a fee when we add $30 to the shipping funds? Also, it said that we are charged a fee when we take money out of this fund? Sounds like we are being nickel and dimed or maybe worse. It’s so confusing. Why can’t fees be waived until we all know how to use this new shipping requirement. It’s kind of a fiasco as of now unfortunately. We like selling on Bonanza, but we don’t like this fee or how to use it and we might leave too unfortunately, if we keep getting charged fees for this new requirement. Can anyone help us understand all of this? Thanks.

asked over 1 year ago

1 Answer

I selected a 4×6 label, but its only for a standard printer, not my thermal label printer. Bonanza also is more expensive than Pirate Ship, and charges $.25 to print a label.

Not impressed at all, and not going to offer discounts on my items anymore to make up for the increased fees.

They charge fees when we make a sale, they shouldn’t charge an extra $.25 to print a label we’re forced to purchase from them.

answered over 1 year ago


DisKounters says: November 16, 2023

So Bonanza responded to my questions…

DisKounters says: November 16, 2023

Bonanza responded to my questions by sending me a form email explaining the shipping program, I posted to a FB group and most people said they closed their Bonanza account when they announced the scam shipping program.

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Viewed: 477 times

Asked: over 1 year ago

Latest response: over 1 year ago

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