Moving items in my booth

Having a way to click and move items around in our booth would be amazing. Please make this happen Bonanza! I find that the way our booths are currently designed make it difficult to organize and group like items. Customers have to go page by page to see everything. This results in only selling items on the first page. The back pages get buried. Categories are helpful, but people don’t always use them.

asked about 1 year ago

1 Comment

EmpressDepot says: December 16, 2023

You can also Submit an Idea from the Help drop down. Just hover your cursor over the Help drop down arrow at the top of your screen :)

3 Answers

This is an official Bonanza response.


Thanks for your question. It actually is possible to re-arrange the items on your booth page, but this feature is only available to sellers who have a Silver membership or higher. You can find this feature from the “Selling” drop down menu at the top of any Bonanza page and choosing “Booth settings” From there you just need to click on the “Categories & sorting” tab and scroll down the page and you will see it.

You can learn more about this on our dedicated help page [URL removed]

If you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to contact our support team directly using the “Help” drop-down menu at the top of any Bonanza page, or by sending us an email to


answered about 1 year ago

If you set up Custom Booth Categories you can sort your listings to your created categories

answered about 1 year ago

I have my items in categories. What I was referring to is being able to click one item and move it to a particular place in my booth. Other sites have this capability and I think it would be great for Bonanza to have it as well. This would allow you to click items from a back page and move it forward to the front page. I find that people only look at your first page of items. That is where 98% of my sales come from. They never bother to go through all of the pages of your booth.

answered about 1 year ago

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Asked: about 1 year ago

Latest response: about 1 year ago

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