Yes or no PLEASE, as I’ve read the blog concerning this matter and the question about being mandatory was asked numerous times. No clear answer was given by Bonanza, just something like “we guarantee you the best shipping rate.” What’s so hard about saying yes it’s mandatory, or no it’s not mandatory?
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originalsbycindy Reputation: 20 See originalsbycindy's booth |
Thanks for your question. Under our new program, it is not “mandatory” to purchase shipping labels on Bonanza. If you don’t fall under one of the exempt categories, then you can still purchase a shipping label from wherever you want, but if that place is not Bonanza, then the $2 shipping deposit would not be credited back to you, the way that it will if you do purchase the shipping label from Bonanza.
For more information I highly recommend checking out our second blog post on this topic, where some of the concerns regarding the new shipping program are addressed directly.
If you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to contact our support team using the “Help” drop-down menu at the top of any Bonanza page, or sending us an email to
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BonanzaBrandon Reputation: 283 See BonanzaBrandon's booth |
Sounds like we get FINED $2 if we do not use their Bonanza shipping. These stores are getting so unfair.
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MrTrain Reputation: 12 See MrTrain's booth |
Why is there a deposit? If its gonba be so great, why are we being FORCED to use it, rather than letting the service stand on its own?
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rockexplosion Reputation: 16 See rockexplosion's booth |
I asked to opt out and this is what I received.
Judy (Bonanza)
5:57?AM (4 hours ago)
to me
Hey Tammies_Treasures
An agent has reviewed your request and has provided an update, located below. Feel free to add a comment at any time by replying to this email.
Judy (Bonanza)
Oct 30, 2023, 3:57?AM PDT
Hello Tammies_Treasures,
Thanks for contacting Bonanza support and sorry for any confusion. Bonanza is launching a new shipping program to help businesses of all sizes save money and time by offering the lowest-rate labels and cutting out the data entry when buying a shipping label.
For each order that does not have a shipping label purchased through Bonanza, a $2 shipping assessment will be added to your monthly bill. The $2 shipping assessment will be collected along with your final value fee payment. If you purchase a shipping label through Bonanza, you will not be assessed the $2 for that order.
Bonanza offers USPS, FedEx and UPS shipping labels. You can even compare prices for each carrier at the time of purchasing your label to ensure you’re getting the best value! And when you purchase a label through Bonanza, all of the buyer’s information is automatically populated, and tracking (if applicable) is added to the order summary & emailed to the buyer, saving you time by not having to manually input that data.
While this new program will apply to all sellers, there are a few exceptions that allow sellers to opt-out of Bonanza [URL removed]
Sellers who use an integrated third-party API, such as ShipStation or ShippingEasy Dropshippers that use a third-party inventory management and fulfillment service Sellers who ship from outside of the United StatesFor sellers that do not have a printer to print their own labels, Bonanza will provide a QR code that can be brought to a USPS, FedEX or UPS counter so they can print the label and affix it to the package for you.
We’re excited to help our selling community save time and money on shipping with this new program. Please let us know if you have any other questions, and happy selling!
Judy O
Happiness producer | Tier 2 & Triage
SO,the only people who can opt out are
1.Those outside the USA
2.Drop shippers
3.Those who sell on multiple platforms and have a 3rd party shipping service.
The rest of Us can not opt out.
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Tammies_Treasures Reputation: 537 See Tammies_Treasures' booth |
I concur Cindy. Clear as mud, it is.
I believe it IS mandatory, unless one opts out. If one chooses to opt out, I’d bet they’ll try to wear you down by TRYING to convince one that THEIR shipping program is the bees-knees of shipping programs.
I’m patiently waiting for their reply to my opt out request.
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MagnoliaScreens Reputation: 1120 See MagnoliaScreens' booth |
Hi Judy, How come you guys at Bonanza haven’t posted anything on FB or Twitter for the lonest time. On Twitter the last thing you posted was Juneteenth like we really care about that. I’m Greek. How come nothing said about Greek Independence Day? You sound biased. Who runs the show there? Millennials and gen z?
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theaboo1961 Reputation: 20 See theaboo1961's booth |
I have a lable writer and stamps why do i need this new shipping deal .
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CAMEOMUSIC2 Reputation: 96 See CAMEOMUSIC2's booth |
Extremely disappointed in Bonanza for doing this as it’s clearly a cash-grab from sellers who have invested their time, energy and money into Bonanza’s Marketplace. For Shame!
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spacetime Reputation: 22 See spacetime's booth |
I ship using ENDICIA can I apply for the exemption? This is really putting a damper on the invoice seeing the $2 on each order where I can ship it on my own along with orders I do for other platforms at once and not pay this fee at all. Can someone let me know if my exemption would be valid? I am considering leaving Endiica because of this, I just spend $24 on those assessments, time is money Bonanza shipping labels take too long.
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TheEuroStore24 Reputation: 12 See TheEuroStore24's booth |
Viewed: 940 times
Asked: over 1 year ago
Latest response: about 1 year ago
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