I thought the new shipping requirements started

Sold item yesterday, the 9th, after the requirement to buy shipping on Bonanza. I go to see and NO $2 taken from anywhere to be applied to a label I buy later. When I go to buy shipping on Bonanza, it wants to charge me the 25 cents to process the label. I would like to save that quarter which is easily accomplished by buying the shipping directly through PayPal which I normally do. I am Not opted into any special API shipping thing. I verified that in my settings. Is this not actually live yet?

asked over 1 year ago

3 Answers

This is an official Bonanza response.

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Thank you for asking, PaceParts! If you already purchased the label, then the $2 was already applied to the purchase of the label. Essentially, for each order that does not have a label purchased through Bonanza, a non-refundable $2 shipping assessment will be added to that month’s billing statement on the 5th of the following month. Otherwise, there is no assessment fee.

Our goal with Bonanza Shipping is to provide the lower than retail/commercial rates that medium and large ecommerce sellers receive through shipping services with monthly subscription fees. Due to the volume of sellers in the Bonanza community, we are able to provide these low rates to ALL of our sellers, with no subscription fees.

We have also lowered our shipping label credit card processing fee from $.95 to $.25. This is not a fee we collect, it covers the card processing. However, you can avoid this by adding a lump sum to your Bonanza Shipping Fund. After the first deposit to your Fund, you will not be charged the $.25 credit card processing fee.

I hope that this clears up your questions, but please email us at support @bonanza.com if you have more. We are happy to answer and look forward to hearing from you!

All About Bonanza Shipping – https://support.bonanza.com/hc/en-us/articles/360001346552-Shipping-on-Bonanza

answered over 1 year ago


vintagepaperads3 says: November 10, 2023

@BonanzaSarah Do you get charged a $0.25 credit card processing fee every time you deposit money to your shipping fund? No other postage company that I know of charges their customers for paying by credit card…

BonanzaSarah says: November 10, 2023

@vintagepaperads3 No, once you have made your first deposit to the shipping fund, we cover the cost of your credit card processing after that. We don’t lump the credit card processing fee into the shipping label cost. Hope that answers your question!

autonutt says: November 14, 2023

Will creating a fund also take away the 2 cent difference in shipping with Bonanza versus ShipStation and even the USPS website? Because it seems Bonanza Shipping is consistently a bit more expensive despite the promise of the opposite.

BonanzaSarah says: November 15, 2023

@autonutt Bonanza offers a lowest-rate guarantee for USPS labels. To take advantage of this guarantee, send 30 days of recent ShipStation invoicing to support @bonanza.com and we’ll refund and establish a new rate!

Thanks for the clarification. I will add funds with my next order.

answered over 1 year ago

1 Comment

BonanzaSarah says: November 13, 2023

You’re welcome, @PaceParts. Please let us know if our team can be of any further assistance!

How do we add funds so I can avoid the 25 cent processing fee?

answered over 1 year ago

1 Comment

BonanzaSarah says: November 13, 2023

Thanks for asking @EmpressDepot! Here are instructions https://support.bonanza.com/hc/en-us/articles/360001346552#shipping_label_fund

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