How to recover theft by bonanza buyers??? $791.99

I made a sale on Bonanza in the amount of $791.99 and gave the buyer free shipping. That person received the goods, signed for delivery, closed their Bonanza account and filed a payment dispute. So, for letting just any degenerate open a Bonanza account and there being no recourse thus far, I am out all my money to Paypal, Bonanza Fees, Product Cost, Shipping Cost, Packaging Cost, and my time and effort. This biggest loss I’ve ever taken as an online seller! Since most of my buyers are first time Bonanza buyers, I always wondered if something like this would happen. I can tell you it would not be tolerated, and I have seller protection on all my other online market places and payment platforms. I’m disgusted with this ordeal, as this money was put back for dental that I had to put on a credit card because of it.

asked 5 months ago

4 Answers

Wow, that really sucks. I’m sorry. I had one similar for over $500, and Paypal sided with me on it fortunately. You should be able to file a claim with USPS if it was priority mail.
Did you contest the dispute with Paypal?

answered 5 months ago

Definitely contest the dispute if you lost. For me, I have only had 2 cases where someone tried this and as long as I can prove delivery to the address provided to me thru Paypal (especially if they signed for it) there have been no issues. Not quite sure how they could contest it, but, thieves will be thieves. Crazy world now days.

answered 5 months ago

“I have only had 2 cases where someone tried this and as long as I can prove delivery to the address provided to me thru Paypal (especially if they signed for it) there have been no issues.”
It is easier to counter through Paypal then Stripe. With Stripe you are going to lose regardless. All they have to do is say they did not authorize the transaction and your money is gone regardless of anything you do. Is just part of doing business online. The CC company is going to side with the buyer no matter what. I have had this happen at least a dozen times.
With Paypal it depends on how they file it (most of these scammers know the tricks of the trade). If they file it through Paypal then you can most likely counter it. If they file it directly with the CC company and bypass Paypal you will lose it just as with Stripe (Stripe is Credit Card direct). Paypal does not cover it if filed this way. Paypals seller protection does not cover it if filed directly with the CC either. I have only had this happen once. Best practice is to realize with every sale there is a potential to lose your product and funds.

answered 4 months ago

Someone just did this to us for $35 and we have proof of sale and delivery but PayPal says their bank sided with them for unrecognized transaction and we’re out the money and charged another like $25 PayPal scam us fee.

This has NEVER happened on e13ay.

answered 5 days ago

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