How can I do this? I was told yesterday it was being worked on and it would be available today, but still nothing?
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anthonyd462 Reputation: 12 See anthonyd462's booth |
Hello anthonyd462,
Thanks for your question. For more information about how insurance works with our new shipping label system, please refer to our help page dedicated to this [URL removed]
If you have any other questions or concerns Please feel free to contact our support team using the “Help” drop down menu at the top of any Bonanza page, or by sending us an email to
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BonanzaBrandon Reputation: 283 See BonanzaBrandon's booth |
Thank you for asking, anthonyd462. There was a delay in adding the additional insurance options to Bonanza Shipping. Happily, this is now active as of November 10, 2023. Here is an overview of what to expect, but you can also learn more here
Shipping insurance options vary depending on the service used.
USPS Priority Mail and Ground Advantage packages are automatically insured for up to $100 at no additional cost. For $100 and under with no declared value stated in the shipment, sellers can make a claim using the USPS website.
If the package is worth more than $100, you can purchase additional insurance at the time you purchase the shipping label. If the package has a shipping value greater than $100, you must input a declared value when purchasing the label.
The shipment will be charged 50 cents for the first $100 of declared value and .005 * the amount over $100. Sellers can file insurance claims by following the instructions on this page.
Sellers can purchase U-PIC shipping insurance for FedEx and UPS shipments.
The U-PIC insurance program requires that the shipper input declared value amount and charges 40¢ for every $100 of declared value. So, if the shipper declares the value of $150, the charge is 80¢.
If no declared value is input at the time of shipping, the carriers provide up to $100 of insurance for free. The shipper will have to login to the appropriate carriers’ website and start an insurance claim.
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BonanzaSarah Reputation: 248 See BonanzaSarah's booth |
Sorry I didn’t see the ability to add a comment to Brandon’s answer directly.
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anthonyd462 Reputation: 12 See anthonyd462's booth |
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