Dont understand bonanza fees im a platinum member

Im new to Bonanza, I started the 2023 year in January and paid 660 dollars for the membership, I imported my ebay store to Bonanza, every month my card gets charged 25 bucks for a website I didnt even know I had. Then I get charged of course for the sales I make, I have over 12k items in my store and for 2023 I have only made almost 600 bucks. I havent even broke even for the year. to be a Bonanza member do I need that 25 dollar website? where do my sales come from the 25 dollar website or does Bonanza advertise my items out in the internet? Help

asked over 1 year ago

1 Answer

It would be best to email Bonanza directly and they can check to see if you have a Bonanza website or if you just have your booth with no website.

But no, you do not have to have the website.

and if you are not interested in the membership you have you do not need that either. If you have a booth without a membership here is what would happen with final value fees…

I’ll use me as an example (I have no Bonanza website and no membership)…

I’ve got my advertisement percentage set at 9% to show up at in Google shopping. I can do a higher percentage but this is what I chose.

Then, there is always a .25 cent charge over and above that. It is not an insertion fee to list your items up for sale but instead, part of the final value fee.

Let’s take a listing that is $10 at 9 percent (the percentage that I choose to pay). That’s .90 cents and add .25 cents for a total of $1.15 final value fee. And while I’m at 9 percent and because of paying .25 cents over and above, on a $10 item it looks like I am paying a little over 10% final value fee.

Now you can choose 3.5 percent final value fee with the .25 cent over and above but then you are only being promoted via Google organic and Bing. No Google shopping.

Separate scenario from the above is that there is a minimum of .50 cents final value fee. So if you sell a listing for $3 and you pay a .50 cent final value fee and .25 cent fee over and above that, you have a total charge of .80 cents in which looks like 25 percent final value fees .

So, you are paying a total of .80 cents to sell a listing for $3.

Here are several links to take a look at that may also help. Because they do have something that is called a referral link, which I do not do this because I really do not do social media. It has something to do with using a link that is related specifically to your booth, placing it somewhere on social media, a shopper clicks on this link and goes to your booth and makes a purchase. And there you go, I don’t know what final value fee you pay, if any, but obviously some sort of a break.

Based on the above links and the info provided do you have any other questions?

answered over 1 year ago

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