Bonanza Shipping was launched to save our sellers both time and money. We are able to offer the lowest possible rates for FedEx, UPS and USPS to our sellers no matter the size of their business. Now, small businesses can access the same rates as much larger ecommerce businesses thanks to our community-wide rates.
Sellers who utilize an approved third-party shipping service that is integrated with Bonanza’s API are exempt from the $2 shipping assessment. We have also made it easier for sellers who do qualify by automatically exempting them with no action needed on their part.
Sellers who had previously opted out of Bonanza Shipping in their seller account settings, but do not use a third-party service’s Bonanza integration, are not exempted and are responsible for the assessment fees.
Sellers who use the following services and have added Bonanza in the third-party account settings are exempt from the $2 shipping.
Shipworks, SellerCloud, ShipStation, Selro, SkuGrid, GoFlowApp, Littleboss Information, ShipRush, Order Desk, SmartShyp, CedCommerce, ShippingEasy, JumboLister, Endurance Commerce, eComdash, PODTurbo, BaseLinker, Wholesale2, SellerChamp, MegaDropTool, XPS Ship, A1Post, CanUShip
Learn more about how to connect your existing account to Bonanza’s
We hope that helps to clarify. If you have additional questions, please contact us at support
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BonanzaBrandon Reputation: 283 See BonanzaBrandon's booth |
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Latest response: about 1 year ago
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