Again, updating between ebay and bonanza is not working!

This is becoming a HUGE problem. The first three items showing up in my booth today sold on eBay the other day. UPDATING BETWEEN THE SITES IS NOT WORKING! I’ve had to cancel sales on eBay because of Bonanza not removing them after they sell too many times now! Current Import Settings on [URL removed]
Remove all items that were removed, expired, or ended for any reason on eBay
Don’t include items without a ‘Buy it Now’ price
Import new items only
Don’t include expired items from your “Unsold” folder

asked about 1 year ago


Tammies_Treasures says: December 12, 2023

I have had several items relist on Bonanza after they have sold. I go through my booth periodically and remove those items again. I do not link to ebay but list items myself because of this issue.

Old-TimeTreasures says: December 13, 2023

Checked today, another item that sold on eBay over the weekend showed up today on bonanza as “for sale”.

wonndunn says: June 01, 2024

I’ve been having the same problem. And I think I figured out the issue. If I sell an item on ebay, within 30 days of initially publishing it from Bonanza to ebay, it will be removed from my Bonanza store. If it’s after 30 days, and ebay has renewed the listing, then it doesn’t seem that Bonanza r

2 Answers

This is an official Bonanza response.

Hi Old-Time Treasures, we are so sorry that you had this issue. Thank you for reaching out to our support team and working with us to troubleshoot your eBay Importer. It is vital that this free account tool work correctly for you and for all of our sellers. Our engineering team is investigating the eBay Importer sync and have found a bug caused by a recent eBay API update. We will have it resolved shortly.

Again, thank you for contacting us and you will hear back soon from the customer support agent that you are working with. All the best to you this holiday season!

answered about 1 year ago


Old-TimeTreasures says: December 14, 2023

Thank you, it’s VERY vital that it works properly!

wonndunn says: June 01, 2024

I’ve been having the same problem. And I think I figured out the issue. If I sell an item on ebay, within 30 days of initially publishing it from Bonanza to ebay, it will be removed from my Bonanza store. If it’s after 30 days, and ebay has renewed the listing, then it doesn’t seem that Bonanza r

I’ve been having the same problem. And I think I figured out the issue. If I sell an item on ebay, within 30 days of initially publishing it from Bonanza to ebay, it will be removed from my Bonanza store. If it’s after 30 days, and ebay has renewed the listing, then it doesn’t seem that Bonanza recognizes that.

answered 9 months ago

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