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Bonanza's New Logo
Jun 27, 2023

Bonanza's New Logo

image of new logo

Change is in the air at Bonanza! With the recent acquisition by Bonanza Worldwide, our team has been hard at work, not just on our logo and icon redesign, but also on a host of exciting updates for our beloved online marketplace. These updates reflect our commitment to providing captivating buying experiences and supporting our valued sellers in new and innovative ways. Join us as we delve into the details of our new logo, our vision for the future, and the tools we're developing to empower sellers.

A Modern Font: Redefining Bonanza's Identity

The first thing you may notice about our new logo is the modern font. We wanted to create a visual identity that conveys both timelessness and a fresh outlook. The new font strikes a perfect balance, lending a contemporary feel while honoring our rich heritage as a trusted marketplace.

The Slanted "B": Infusing Excitement into Shopping

One of the highlights of our logo redesign is the slanted "b." It represents the contagious excitement that comes with discovering unique and remarkable deals on Bonanza. Our marketplace is known for its one-of-a-kind items, and this slanted "b" captures the thrill of finding those exclusive treasures. It's an embodiment of the passion and enthusiasm that our buyers experience every time they explore our platform.

Captivating Buyers, Connecting with Products

At Bonanza, our ultimate goal is to captivate buyers and connect them with the products they love. We believe that every purchase should be an extraordinary experience, whether it's finding something specific, stumbling upon the unexpected, or even custom-made just for them. Our new logo signifies our dedication to providing a diverse range of exceptional products that cater to the unique tastes and preferences of our users.

Supporting Sellers: Tools for Business Success

While our logo and visual updates are an essential part of our evolution, we are equally committed to empowering our sellers. We recognize that their success is intertwined with the growth of Bonanza as a marketplace. Therefore, our team is diligently working on developing new tools to enhance their businesses.

By introducing innovative seller tools, we aim to streamline operations, provide actionable insights, and foster growth opportunities. These tools will enable sellers to efficiently manage their inventory, connect with customers, and optimize their presence on the Bonanza platform. We understand that the success of our sellers is pivotal to offering buyers an extensive and diverse selection of products.

Embracing Change, Building the Future

The new Bonanza logo and icon are just the beginning of a comprehensive site update that reflects our commitment to evolving alongside the changing needs of our buyers and sellers. As we embark on this exciting journey under the ownership of Bonanza Worldwide, we are eager to provide enhanced buying experiences, foster connections between people and products, and equip our sellers with the tools they need to thrive.

With a modern font and a slanted "b" to represent excitement, our new logo symbolizes the vibrant energy of shopping on Bonanza. We invite you to join us on this transformative path as we continue to bring captivating experiences, exceptional products, and increased support to our valued Bonanza community.

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18 responses to Bonanza's New Logo

BookbinEtc says: 06/27/23 at 16:58:10

I like it!

I’m excited to get back to listing more items.


Evintage says: 06/27/23 at 17:07:33


DealsHQ says: 06/27/23 at 17:25:55

I kind of like it

WestchesterCoins says: 06/27/23 at 19:00:54

Nice logo

bonanzapetsr1 says: 06/27/23 at 19:31:41

I am very happy to be part of the new vision. Can’t wait to see what’s next.

EmpressDepot says: 06/27/23 at 21:07:32

I like the logo.

I’m looking forward to seeing more site enhancements/improvements for sellers and buyers…. and this here quoted from the blog… “equip our sellers with the tools they need to thrive.”


AAProe says: 06/27/23 at 21:30:59

Changes are sometimes needed, Bonanza looked as stoped on the time, hope changes are coming for good, for sellers and customers.

OlikoOliko says: 06/27/23 at 22:52:40

I like the new logo

lostplanet says: 06/27/23 at 23:08:58

I am just going to say… I don’t get it? The slanted logo I mean. It honestly looks less appealing to me. Just my opinion.

BookLover67 says: 06/28/23 at 04:53:01

Sorry, but I don’t like the slanted “B”. It kind of looks out of place, like it fell off, or drunk. : )

Virtual_Mamas_Place says: 06/28/23 at 05:35:07

It is very captivating, Love it!

Ms_Prissys_Patterns says: 06/28/23 at 06:52:17

I like the icon also, the “B” on a shopping bag. It communicates so much. Use that more!

axyz says: 06/28/23 at 16:08:54

I was scared for a sec when I saw the new favicon, but I like it!

autonutt says: 06/28/23 at 16:12:15

I have to admit, that jaunty slanted “b” against your signature green background would make a perfect icon for a reimagined Bonanza app.. just saying.. ;)

Giamer says: 06/28/23 at 19:31:48

Nice touch. Hopefully it will attract more buyers.

misskeech says: 06/28/23 at 20:40:18

I like it. But can we hear more about the seller tools that are coming?

NiyaG4 says: 06/29/23 at 00:29:33

very nice.

Stoneponies says: 06/29/23 at 06:52:35

I like the new logo, looking forward to more traffic to the site and increased sales

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