You Wonder: What Happens When We're Huge?
"If I'm a low-volume seller, what happens when Bonanzle grows to a million daily visitors? Are my sales going to get diluted by high volume sellers that will arrive on the scene?"
Have you wondered these questions? You certainly wouldn't be alone -- these are key questions to consider when determining whether it's worth it to invest your time to make Bonanzle your new home. I'd like to address these issues directly in this blog, to try to help dispel some possible misconceptions about what our continued growth will mean to you.
Like a sundae, it can't hurt to try Bonanzle
a little bigger.
I'll start with the bad news: it's going to take a whole lot of blabbing to answer questions as important as those. When I sent Mark my rough draft ("Getting huge a problem? Fuggedaboutit!!!") he insisted I provide "more details." So grab your beverage of choice and settle in, cuz this entry is going to be a little longer than usual.
The most common concern I've heard from our sellers is that when Bonanzle gets huge, the high-volume power sellers will move in and make it more difficult to find items from smaller sellers. I think that this concern is particularly important for many sellers because of recent moves by That One Other Place that tend to give high-volume sellers preference in search results.
There are several reasons I think this won't be a problem at Bonanzle, but in the interests of leaving you time to eat your supper after reading this, I'll choose three:
It isn't our goal to become the next Amazon. High volume sellers tend to be commodity (electronics, new books/dvd, computer) sellers, and commodity sellers already have plenty of great places to sell (Amazon being our personal favorite). Bonanzle's target audience is buyers and sellers of non-ordinary items, and those sellers are simply less likely to have a 50,000 item inventory. Our goal is to build a marketplace where the most active and passionate sellers can be the most successful sellers, regardless of their booth size.
More items available means more buyers. The bigger a marketplace gets, the more buyers learn to expect they'll usually find what they are looking for at said marketplace. Thus, the bigger a marketplace gets, the higher the ratio of buyers to sellers. Because Google has approximately a billion kajillion items searchable, more buyers use Google to find items than any other site. Yet, despite the immense inventory of items on Google, there are still plenty of Google buyers sent to Bonanzle sellers. Extrapolate to a smaller scale, and you can understand that more items on Bonanzle equals more buyers on Bonanzle, and that's great for everybody.
At Bonanzle, buying is about more than finding the lowest price. Our most successful sellers are those that are posting messages in the forums, chatting in their booths, creating hand picked lists, hosting Bonanzas, and tagging favorite items/booths. All of these social features increase a seller's visibility and trustability to buyers. Thus, sellers who are involved in the community will always have the upper hand at Bonanzle.
So, being huge won't be a bad thing. Dare we try to take this a step further and declare it may actually be a good thing?
Getting huge means more folks at Bonanzle who will share your interests, more people who will leave nearby you, and ultimately, more great people to meet and share with. As you can read in Vangie's sneak peak of "
Bonanzle in 2009," some of the features we're most excited about adding are features that make it easier to find buyers and sellers who share your interests. No matter what kind of items you like and where you live, we want Bonanzle to be a place where you'll many find others who share your passions. These people will naturally become your most reliable buyers, sellers, or both.
Also, the more people that use Bonanzle, the more resources we'll have available to make greater investments in advertising the site to draw in buyers. Your grassroots efforts have taken Bonanzle to incredible heights so far, but combining those grassroots efforts with money spent on marketing efforts can only help to move your merchandise faster.
I want our sellers and buyers to rest assured that we have done our best to think through the issues that will present themselves as the site grows. Our core values are the same as they have been since we had 100 sellers: we want to build the most upbeat, simple, and fun marketplace you'll visit. We want to take the friction out of buyer/seller interactions. And we want to do it with as few rules as we can get by with.
Is it possible to accomplish all those objectives with a million people visiting per day? Man, heck if I know. Seems like it should be. But there's only one way to find out for sure!
49 responses to You Wonder: What Happens When We're Huge?
Bill…One thing I know in my heart, Is you will always be fair to everyone here at Bonanzle, whether they have 5,50,500,or 5000 items. Getting big at first was exciting…but then the OMG….am I going to be buried? kicks in.
I for one am looking forward to the growth…
Growth = traffic = sales! And I am confident with you and your team at the helm, the growth will only be a good thing for all here! Hold fast to your core values, and there will be no stopping us!
Thanks Bill – for addressing a concern that has recently been on my mind.
I once saw a photo that has never left my mind and that photo was a picture of a goldfish that had grossly outgrown it’s fishbowl and of course died – it could not survive … the purpose of this photo was to bring home the point that growth can destroy a business if it’s not prepared for growth … It is refreshing that you and others are thinking ahead and preparing for the growth that is ahead …
May you and all the other Bonanzlers have a prosperous New Year!
I am excited about the continued growth of Bonanzle…I am planning to be a part of that growth…..
since Oct 08 it has been a exciting ride of many faucets including making friends learning of online selling of course making money and getting further into what my lap top has to offer besides spider solitare!
I agree I dont see myself buried by huge Power Sellers and I dont see myself becoming a number and waiting for the next available ‘representative’. I wasnt there when other sites started BUT it sure is awsome to be apart of this one and to help promote and to dig in and work side by side with other sellers, I dont see the group effort of it all getting pushed aside I just see the effort growing and a good thing just getting better ….!
So pass out the spoons as we dig into the icecream! (dibbs on the cherry)
I don’t ever see Bonanzle turning into anything other than what it is now, only super sized. Looking forward to 2009 !
It’s nice that this was given serious consideration, I expect those who helped start the site will always be treated with respect.
Everything has been that way so far.
Good Luck in 09
I am ready! Bring it on!!!
Bill, Thanks so much for addressing these issues. I know that everything will be done for the good of Bonanzle and it’s community. I am truly excited about the addition of “features that make it easier to find buyers and sellers who share your interests”.
We have much to be grateful for and so much to look foward to!
The affiliate thing raised a brow.
Bill, when we get big… Steer clear of the Wingoes and PESA ‘promoter’ types who start selling Video Professor kits of how to make millions here. Flyswat ’em, quick. Above all, do not cut deals with them. They will take this site down faster than barb wire strung across an ATV trail.
Size per se doesn’t worry me. As long as keyword search remains literal and not ‘Best Match’ I don’t think items will ever get buried, regardless of our size. If I have the only Egg Straightener on here, then it doesn’t matter how many Ipod Nanoes are listed, none will (should) come up when you search for my straightener.
Anyhow I’m happy this site is proving viable enough to even have this conversation. You guys did a real good job.
Thank you
I think it’s great that you share this with the community.
This shows that there is a concern for the sellers here and that Bonanzle cares about our concerns – even before they become big concerns.
Thanks again,
I love it..Its like we are all a family of buyers and sellers. I am glad to hear about the social stuff. I think it helps peoplw gian trust in others.
After 10 years “over there” it’s very pleasant to be a part
of something new and growing.
I’m looking forward to 2009, expanded growth and more buyers/sellers.
Thanks for starting this………………….
Awesome entry! I am of those users who gets delighted at every new user, new listing, new booth…
soooo happy & grateful to be here!
Thank you for letting us know about your thoughts – I had been worried as I moved here from over there. I had been there since 2000. It had been a great please at first – but when it got big and the owners got greedy – it went down hill and only the power sellers and the “buyers” got what they wanted and the little seller got starved out.
So I had been worried – but now I am not.
Thanks and blessings
Bring on the huge! We can handle it! 2009 is going to rock unlike anything anyone has ever seen!
love he place and we appreciatte the owners always helpful happy new 2009
Bring it on BAD Boyz! Let me know when you and Mark decide to go “public”. I wanna buy some stock.
I third Sofy & BB..bring it on…
I seconed BB – I wanna buy stock…
I’m also thankful that I have found this site and you guys are really “rocking this joint”. Its been exiting to be a part of it and I guess I’m one of the weird ones that DO read “whats new” and “the blog”. I’m wishing you Boyz the health to continue on with this Bonanzle train because the Bonanzle Friendship train is growing right alongside with it. I have found many new friends and it is so nice being interactive with each other when we’re up or down or just because……
I love the freedom of this site, sometimes freedom of speecha is a riot and sometimes …ahheemm…well, thats when you DONT say a word and it might go away
Where else can I make more than one booth (I’m actually sitting in my 3rd one right now), and not having to pay high monthly fee for rent
Again, keep the news, changes and most of all your guys’s great attitude coming, its refreshing in a cut-throat world of e-comerce.
And happy 2009, lets have a party….and hey Bill, save your change so you can buy us all plane tickets to come eat nachos with you when we hit 100,000
Eve (evesbooth)
Thank you for giving us “little guys” a place to be!
I’m a VERY small time seller of vintage, antique,collectible, bits and pieces of olde.
I know there’s many collectors and decorators out there TRYING to find just the right pieces,amongst the shiny new knock offs and repros,and they’ve about given up.
There are many of us sellers of old treasures TRYING to connect with said collectors and decorators, but we got buried, or starved out “over there”.
It’s wonderful to find a place where the lovely, unique,odd, unusual, and amazing things of the past are not only welcomed, but celebrated and held up as precious and worthwhile.
I know you Boyz will have your hands full over this next year, but I know that you will also KEEP US IN THE LOOP.
Something other places need to realize is not only polite, but NECESSARY, if they want to survive and grow.
How refreshing to find a place that values it’s sellers as well as the buyers, and realizes that without the sellers,
there would be no site.
Keep up the good work Boyz, it is very much appreciated.
Best of luck to Bonanzle and all Bonanzelers in 2009.
Bill…I have to agree on a couple of points made here…
1. – permacrisis says:
12/26/08 at 20:48:06
The affiliate thing raised a brow.
Bill, when we get big… Steer clear of the Wingoes and PESA ‘promoter’ types who start selling Video Professor kits of how to make millions here. Flyswat ’em, quick. Above all, do not cut deals with them. They will take this site down faster than barb wire strung across an ATV trail.
2. – BargainBasement says:
12/27/08 at 03:06:13
Bring it on BAD Boyz! Let me know when you and Mark decide to go “publicâ€. I wanna buy some stock.
I think you now realize you have a very loyal base here! We are all here to help you out in anyway we can…for we all realize you will not forget the humble beginnings of Bonanzle and how the “little people” made it all happen!
Thank you…for all your hard work!
Ditto to everything that’s been said! I haven’t been here long, but long enough to realize that this is a special place and the potential for growth is huge. I’m really looking forward to what 2009 will bring.
There are so many different sites out there, but none offers the environment that Bonanzle does. This place rocks. So glad I found it! Online sales is fun again!
Come on Bill – I didn’t even get to finish my smoke – that wasn’t long enough. However, I believe I can talk for a large majority of folks here.
I believe you and Mark will do what ever is in the best interest of Bonanzle and as far as WE the sellers/buyers are concerned we are BONANZLE so whatever you do and how ever you get it accomplished (and you will)- we will find it in our best interests also.
I too agree with what has been said. Do not forget the sellers that make it all happen, be loyal to your base, and keep it fun
Looking forward to 2009!
I’m looking forward to the growth for both our business, and Bonanzle. Business decisions are made evey day on the basis of growth or the lack there of. That’s what we all are in business for. To grow something from nothing is the ultimate! Having someone trust you enough to purchase from you is just as exciting to see as having a 100 users turn into a million users. We are here for the same reasons that you are …to grow like weeds….LOL Looking forward to that day!
It’s gonna be a great 2009!
Thanks Bill. I was concerned about being lost when the big sellers start coming. You set me at ease.
This is absolutely amazing that you would “Blog” this subject. Just last night I hosted a live Chat for the Marketing Group on The Bonanzler’s Network and this subject came up. You hit most of our discussion right on the head. I told them the Boyz are work’n on something – you are so far ahead of us in your thinking, it is almost scarry!!
Thanks Bill & Mark
You totally ROCK!!
Looking forward to the growth! It is great to know that you are thinking ahead. As a small fish in a pond that is growing daily I know that you guys will do what is in the best interest for both the buyers and sellers on Bonanzle.
Thanks Bill. You Guyz Rock!
I was at a family gathering last night, talking up Bonanzle. (Of course. lol) One of the questions asked was “So what happens if it gets huge? Will it get like (you know where)”? And my confident answer was “No, I don’t think it will ever get like (u.k.w.). The guys running it are too smart to ever do what was done (over there).” And you just proved me right!
Keep it up, know that we are with you every step of the way, and I want stock too!
AJ aka mrsmoondog
Hi Guys, and THANK YOU!!
It has already mostly been said! With everyone watching everyone else’s back here, this place can only be the best!! We work together, we play together, and promote together! You have built a site that both enables and encourages us to do this.
Post the IPO here first…A million views a day??? !! I better get busy !!
Next year at this time Bonanzle will be Number One – simple fact. Can’t wait!
Another issue I didn’t directly address in this post, but that I hear very often, is people being happy to get personalized responses to their questions (usually from Mark, sometimes from me). While we obviously won’t be able to respond to every message personally when there are 100k users visiting per day, that doesn’t need to change our commitment to having a user-centric support team that treat our buyers and sellers with respect.
I talked about this awhile back when Auction Wally interviewed me — that when I look at many of the most successful companies these days (Costco, Nordstrom, Amazon) you see an extremely strong culture of wanting to treat the customer right, even if when looking at the bottom line it appears to be expensive to do so. Our goal WRT customer service is to be the Costco of the online world, where customers are taken seriously and given the benefit of the doubt.
Of course, finding someone like Mark who has such boundless patience and friendliness (more than me, fer sure
) is definitely not easy to come by. But if we create a culture of customer-first thinking, there should be others we can find who will help to scale our support even when it stretches beyond what Mark and I are personally capable of.
When I left the other place, I was looking for more than just a sales venue – I was looking for a home. It’s important to have a successful place to sell, but it is equally important to know you’re appreciated, wanted and heard. I have tried to sell on just about every sales venue on the web, and Bonanzle is the only one that offers all of this. Plus they have managed to build it in a simple format.
So hats off to you guys, and here’s to phenomenal growth in 2009! The rest of us should fasten our seat belts!
The new year will find me listing in 3 Bonanzle stores. After 10 years on the other place, several as a powerseller, and recently feeling unwanted…I am just so happy to start over here. Bonanzle is fresh, friendly and forging ahead. I really appreciate the clarification on this subject. Thank you Boyz!
We are so happy to be here and to watch this site grow. The interaction with the owners gives us that old time family business feeling that we hope to have in our own business. We are here to stay.
Strapped in and holding my hat with both hands for the ride… it’s been a Wild & Crazy kinda Ride …can’t wait to be here for what ever’s up ahead!
Thanks, Bill for another terrific and timely post.
Congratulations on hitting 16,000 users tonight What a Blast! Keep your sense of humor and remember to share it with us occasionally and it will all be GOOD!
Always here to lend a hand whenever possible…
Thank you for your reassuring post, Bill, and kudos to Mark for insisting that more details be provided! What a team!
Vangie said that Bill’s enthusiasm appears to be contagious, and that’s soooo true. Your enthusiasm, energy, optimism, humor, and heart have “infected” all of us with Bonanzle Fever…and we’re Lovin’ it!!!!
Without a doubt, 2009 is going to be both Phenomenal and Phun here on Bonanzle!!!
As a low volume seller I’m relieved that this has been addressed. It was a major concern because I felt intimidated by high volume sellers drowning the marketplace with more of the ordinary. So glad to know that the small, unique seller is valued here! Thanks Bonanzle!
I just left E-bay and luckly I found Bonanzle yesterdaymorning. it took me only a heart brat to know I wonted to be a part of this. As long as administration listens to us small guys and not to just the 200,000 and above item guys it will be possable. It is administration that must fight the greed urge. So guys and Gals it is up to us to keep them humble. So far I have realy enjoyed my expreence here. However I have a couple of questions if anyone has the time to point me in the right direction to get the answers.
There is just one thing I’ve really been wondering about. Do you have enough servers to handle this new growth rate that has been coming by leaps and bounds? I’ve never seen a site grow so fast and have really been concerned about that. Otherwise I’m glad you posted what you did as I have been working very hard like many other sellers and don’t want to be pushed aside after all the hard work. Thanks for the upbeat post, Bill.
I just have to say “Thanks” for providing the alternative I was looking for. I am looking forward to the growth and promoting my heart out! I just have to say..please don’t lose sight of the basics of what you started with. These are what is drawing in the sellers and buyers.
My biggest fear if the site starts really growing would be that a certain greedbay auction site would offer mega dollars, buy this site out, just as they did Paypal when it started cleaning the clock of their own on line pay system. You can say it would never be sold to them, but mega dollars talk too loud.
Thank you for your post on this, Bill, and for continuing to be directly involved with the sellers. Since closing my eBay store 2-1/2 years ago, I’ve tried a few different places on the internet, including my own stand-alone store. None of these other places quite felt like it was the right place, but was better than what I had previously found. Coming to Bonanzle seemed like a better place than the others as I started to settle in. After being here for a few months now, I feel assured that I have finally found my place to stay. What can I say? This is a great place founded and operated by some great people?
Nikki =)
Thanks Bill for adding the post on the 27th. Fast growth without enough “man” power to support it has been a concern of mine. I know you guys will have to multiply yourselves to find ones to assist you with those magic qualities you both have—wit and wisdom, patience, compassion, understanding and willingness to serve to keep this reputation as THE site everyone loves.
You will do it…and do it well..I am sure.
Beetique we have seen 1 other site grow like this. It’s the one we are all leaving.
Bill….we have been here a short time selling but lurked a bit before jumping in. The one thing that strikes us the most here is the transparency you have created with the site. We know how many members there are and how many items are listed at any time and its not just a number scrolling across the top that someone updates once in a while. It is live feed. That my friends is integrity! We look forward to a bright future here.
I’m brand new to Bonanzle, just started this week. And, I have to tell you I wish I had started earlier. I had an issue with google feed and wrote to you about it. I received an almost immediate response with exactly what I needed to do. The tone was friendly and right on the money. Don’t lose that when you grow. And, I say When rather than if. That is exactly what separates you from the big sites that no longer care about the sellers. Thanks so much. I look forward to being here a long time.
You guys keep reminding me THIS is why i can recommend Bonanzle to friends & family… buyers & sellers… neighbors & customers WITHOUT HESITATION !!!!
Thanks for building such a fine ehome for us!!!
Thanks for all the hard work!
I too am excited to grow my business with bonanzle. I made my 1st purchase today and stumbled upon it in the search engines. From a lowly beginnings at http:\\ to an ebay store and now I will sprout and grow with you guys to help me promote my retail security loss prevention New & Used equipment sales business. Thanks again for being there! —sensortags
I am a high volume seller. But hey, I have been here only about 3 weeks and I have purchased 2 items and am awaiting an offer acceptance on another. I have about 200 items on the Google feeds so far and I have had about 10 people click directly on my items on Google and brought them here. So us high volume sellers do bring buyers. The other day I saw a post here that talked about an article in WebPro News about the continued “good” things the the other site" keeps doing to keep their sellers (lol). Immediately I went and made a comment and I put my links in to my website, another auction site (not the other) and of course here. In one day I had 30 hits bringing people to this site. I continue to get hits from that one little comment. So us volume sellers also bring buyers. Don’t knock us. I know how to market, been doing it about 10 years. I have invited a user who invited 2 users and on it goes. I have every faith that we can give other auction sites a run for their money here at Bonanzle. Love it!!!
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