What's New & Next
My how the holiday season flies by when you're fixing bugs! All sorts of developments have been happening lately and I've gotten a bit behind in announcing them... so let the catchup begin!
New Features & Bugfixes of Significance
Checkout 2.0. Mark has been ...ahem... politely informing me for the last month that many sellers have hoped that we might take some steps to make checking out easier. They are finally getting their way, with more than 10 small and large checkout improvements put into place this evening. Some of the more significant improvements include: removing one of the three screens (shipping) from checkout for repeat buyers offers; clarifying the payment screen; eliminating the need for buyers to choose between Paypal or GC on the first cart page; and calculating shipping based on the offer's shipping location (rather than the user's home location). I'm hoping to soon squeeze in a couple more improvements still, like a custom invoicing system, but these first steps should be a fine start for an easier & faster buying experience.
HTML is default. One of our more common feature requests was to make it so that when new buyers visited the site they'd see the seller's listings in HTML when possible. It has now been made so.
Billing screen improvements. Not only was the Bonanzle fees page ugly, but it was also confusing and it failed to do some pretty basic things (like list past fees paid). It's gotten a face lift, and soon will have the option of automatic billing added so you don't have to remember to visit it every month.
Remote chat improvements. All four chat clients (Gmail, Yahoo, MSN Messenger and AIM) are now available. Sometimes. Sometimes MSN and AIM still go on vacation ('tis the season!), but we're certainly drawing closer to having them work regularly.
Coming Soon to a Marketplace Near You
- More checkout improvements, like those listed above.
- Automatic billing and optional enrollment in affiliate program (drives traffic to your items from bloggers and other sites) for those signed up with automatic billing. More details to come.
- Hopeful unveiling of that one plan to get a thousand more buyers per day injected into site (in 1-2 weeks?)
- More social features, when Bill gets to choose what he wants to add.
A Word of Caution
USPS has been quite the dullard lately when trying to calculate shipping rates -- sometimes taking long periods to calculate shipping, sometimes not calculating rates at all (I've checked on our end, and all is well in the request we make to USPS). In cases where shipping can't be calculated, buyers can still make an offer to seller, but can't buy items immediately, since USPS won't tell us what shipping price to charge. Tales of woe in trying to use even USPS' own site lately are well chronicled (on our forums and elsewhere), so especially during this busy holiday season, I'd recommend flat rate shipping prices (or UPS) if it is possible. I'll be continuing to monitor the availability of the USPS services over the next couple days to see if it improves, but lately their availability has been quite spotty indeed.
Congratulations to November Referral Winners!
Watch them go!
User NameReferred Users CountTheir Awesome Booth
Gift Certificate Value knkracing1190
Legos Plus$200
Cindy'sCloset's booth$25
Carolyn's Booth $25
The TLC Shoppe $25
Alilbirdy2 16
Digital Designs and More$25
Thanks for spreading the word guys and gals! You're way more popular than me, Mark, or any of our friends. I applaud you for that. Bravo.
Contest results are now verified, please email support@bonanzle.com to arrange for help in checkout when buying your Bonanzle loot.
The Ascent Continues
Thanks to all the buyers and sellers, new and old, who have told their friends and customers about their new home on Bonanzle! Traffic continues to grow daily -- we're now consistently averaging more than 10,000 unique buyers and sellers visiting per day. You continue to write the story of one the most successful grass roots marketplaces ever created, and we thank you all for your total radness.
26 responses to What's New & Next
Thanks Bill…we are still in a state of suspense..and appreciate the checkout improvements…love your sense of humor…“More social features …when Bill gets to choose what he wants to add”….:o) Custom invoicing will definitely be a plus…thanks for all you do!!!
Thank you , thank you, a million times thank you! 1-2 more weeks of suspense? You are killing us! LOL
ok…so I had a rather sleepless night awaiting the arrival of the BIG PLAN…Ha! and to think – I coulda been dreaming of the handsome B-Boyz….LOL
The new enhancements are great though and Bonanzle just gets better and better…Thank you so much for what you all do for us…….
Thanks Boyz… and I mean that :) nowhere else on the Net are we treated so much like someone cares about us.
As usual, you deserve a big thank you, thank you!
Woo hoo!!!! Thanks guys!!! Now I have to go buy something and try this out!
Thanks Guys, You are the best, as my granddaughter would say “YOU ROCK.” Thanks for all the improvements I have seen in the short6 weeks I have been here. (Made my 1st Outside sale overnight! Yippee.)
Wonderful enhancements as always! Thank you!
You guys rock! Thanks for caring about us!
I am so glad I found Bonanzle and the HEART you Bonz have for us is remarkable! I have never experienced being somewhere with this much growth and still be able to get help when I need it.
Thank You!
Thanks for taking such a keen interest in this site and its daily growth. It’s truly wonderful to be part of such a thoughtfully-operated Marketplace. Thank you for Bonanzle!
Thanks for all the Help & caring.It has been an amazing experience for me.Never dreamed selling could be so much fun.
After Ebay, folks bristle at the mention of ‘2.0’ anything but, new checkout… that’s fantastic! Now get some sleep and you tell Mark, keep those sandwiches coming. Eat. EAT! :)
You guyz never cease to amaze me ~ what you are able to accomplish with a bare-bones staff (like perma said EAT LOL), and responding to the needs/wants of the users (instead of “dictating” to us what will happen). I truly feel like a partner in Bonanzle, rather than just a user. Thank you so much for all you do!!
Excited about the changes, excited about being on the November top referrers, just continued to be excited about Bonanzle in general. :)
Thank you all for all of your hard work!
I can not thank YOU (Bonanzle) enough for creating this site/market place. I am amaized at the caring/sharing of your time and skills doing all this fine tuning so fast.
I am thankful for being here watching/making/growing as it takes off to become what it was created to be.
Once again…Bill and crew has made this site even better! I am really excited about the afflilate program…looking forward to that for sure!
And Bill…thanks alot for the “teaser” about in 1-2 weeks!
Got me all antsy to see what is in store for bonanzle!
Keep up the good work crew! Hugs to all!
YOU are Super-Rad, Bill, and the entire BONANZLE Team!! Thank you for listening and being flexible and creative and…well, just doggone Awesome!! You’re right, the holidays are flying by. We do love all the improvements, but don’t forget to stop and smell the pines and enjoy the season!! :-)
YOU ARE AWESOME – Thank you.
It’s incredible how many improvements you cram into a week. The site was wonderful when I came here mid-October, but it just keeps getting better and better, sometimes daily. Thank you so much for all you do! :-)
You guys are great. Thanks for listening to us (gripe and no gripe)…
But quit TEASING!!! We want our present NOW!! :)
I got to experience the new checkout last night. Nice! Thanks!
As far as the USPS problems go, it’s not pretty. As a registered customer, I received an apology email from them, but they are saying no end in sight.
Gracias, chicos! Son los mejores que hay!
Bill, Mark, and crew; I appreciate your time, commitment, and hard work to this wonderful marketplace you’ve created for sellers and buyers alike! It’s just so exciting to see Bonanzle grow in leaps and bounds!
Yah!!! My MSN chat is working !!! I am so excited. The 1st time I got a message I thought WOW what do I do. I have to get in there ASAP. HAH, hah.. Thanks so much for getting this going and all the other really cool things that you do. I appreciate it. Sue
3 cheer’s for the bonanzle crew well done, and to all the member’s keep up the good work,
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