As you can see, we have at last polished the notoriously ancient "My Bonanzle" page. We had a few key objectives for this redo:
Other items of note: (1) the "recent items posted by favorites" section has only been paying attention for the last 12 hours or so. Over the next few days, you will see this area fill with up to six items if your favorite booths are in fact posting new items (2) You're not crazy if you think that you can't find the link for the the BOP (Booth Optimization Project). We realized over time that we simply didn't have the resources to be able to build this out to a meaningful size (having only posted about 5 articles during its first year online), so we've removed it for the sake of simplicity.
Like all big page changes, there will probably be a day or two of bug squashing to get it shipshape. Thanks for your patience with any bugs you may encounter in the meantime.
32 responses to Welcome to your new "My Bonanzle!"
I log on and what a surprize…and having been woken in the middle of the night by a terrible sore throat I thought I was also hallucinating at first! Looks interesting, will have to explore more when I am coherent! LOL the “polished” look it definitely does not have the yard sale look any more Thanks Boyz !
Looks great….wonderful job…
i like the look but booth views is not working right. when i click it takes me to a main page and says I don’t have permission and must be logged in… but I am!
Suprise, suprise, I like the fact that I get all the info I need on sales etc, without having to look for it. Good job!
Very neat crisp and clean.
Two thumz up..ya done good guyz
wow, great work on the new page. Great info and easy to understand! That is what us “oldsters” need. LOL
Thanks for that!
Bill, my general feeling is that my sales stats have very little space inside of my account now and that my favorite sellers and their items have about 75% of the space inside my booth on the My Bonanzle page. We need a way to suppress the stuff we don’t want to see. I’d rather have the focus inside my account be on MY booth, not on other people’s items for sale. I’m not saying that it isn’t an improvement, I’m just saying that the focus inside my booth now is on other sellers and their items. I guess I will have to eliminate all my Favorite Sellers to get rid of the extra content if there isn’t a way to suppress all of that stuff. Since I can only spend what I earn here, it is useless information for me at this time and just takes up real estate. My apologies if it sounds harsh, but I don’t want other people advertised to me inside of my private booth. Perhaps something like the SHOW/HIDE option would work for these extra boxes now?
I’m getting to be more of a crabby old man as every minute passes. I love the bold pictures and easy to read and intuitively simple approach to the items offered for sale. I thought that the original “My Bonanzle” page was a fine, useful contrast to those items for sale. The NEW large, green video instructional feature offered at the low center is a distraction to me that is confusing. I tell my clients that I am so old school that I can verify, by experience that the floors were indeed dirt at the school house. I believe in KISS and some other basic rules of selling that have kept me in the business, moderately successful with out gunshot wounds from my patrons since I started hauling things home from the Chicago city dump to fix and amaze customers with. I may not fit with the “new” style and ethic though but I will try to work with it.
what a great surprise, still have to investigate it more, but so far so good!!!
Bill you and your crew never fail to amaze me. This is a sleek new page and very much welcomed. Keep up the good work…
PS – Moms pennies … sorry, but the flashy thingy is annoying here …
I received sever bmails this morning, when I log’d in and saw the NEW My Bonanzle page I was in awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!! It took me a while to remember WHY I had gone there.
SIMPLE and having the pictures there of the items my FAVORITE Sellers have just listed is FANTASTIC! Just yesterday I again bought an item from a favorite that had just been listing…
Keep up the GREAT work

I Like It !
Well so far I like it. The new view is more “streamlined” looking to me and I like a “clean desk” look. I’ll reserve more opinions to when I’ve played around with it a bit more. But thanks for the work on it. It did need an update
keep those old screenshots for the Wayback Machine bill!
Love love love it!!!!
Don’t see the advantage to these changes. Instead of paying IT people for busywork, put a little into Bonz promotion, please.
Its clean, but it does not look Bonaznley – why the grey bars, why not Bonanzle green ?
It’s lost that down home appeal with the quirky wording gone. Whether this is a good thing or not.
I have often felt that Bonanzle looks like a back yard sales, not a modern shopping mall. Its probably best to be one or the other.
These are the sorts of changes we will be getting now that Bonanzle got that extra million in funding, those shareholders are going to want some input. And they are not down home boys like Bill. They are hard nosed entrepenurs.
I too could not check my views, it says I am not logged on, whereas I am. I suppose this is just a small bug.
I note that the number of members has disappeared !
Was this intentional or just an oversight ?
CoveredBridge will be very upset, the number of members does give us all an indication that Bonanzle is on the up.
Oh my I was just going to say I like it…but I feel the same as the post above… about the Shop feature in the center of the page. I am not having any special feelings about it there.
Don’t like it at all. Too much space taken up by things I don’t need.
Really like the new look. Very professional. If we could just get rid of the comments on the log in page calling our merchandise junk, we’d be taking a giant step toward becoming more professional. Also the comments suggesting new buyers are not very bright – “Say it along with me….”
To many, it is funny – especially those of us who have been around a long time and understand much of the humor here. But for someone coming here for the first time???? Doesn’t make for a very professional impression.
Nice new look. Thanks Bill & the Gang.
I see Bonanzler’s mention grey bars in their page, mine are a dark olive green.
All the important things that I want to see are at the top of the M B page, I have to scroll down to see what my favorites have listed, so that really doesn’t interfere with my view that much.
Thanks for the improvement.
I love it, it simplicity, and clean. Makes it easy for a novice like me, and I thought I was all that taking introduction into IBM PC back in the 1980s.
Thank you
Thanks Guys for listening to us. I see a few changes made from our suggestions. I for one appreciate your working with us and not making your ideas a fact we have to live with. You are doing a great job with Bonanzle!
I’m getting used to it now…took a few days to grow on me..but I’m not one good for guys for all you do…
I think I am starting to like some things, takes a litle getting used to.
I would have gladly edited my comment but I see it was removed. Better to be positive than so overly negative.
But as originally stated, I loved the change~
I generally like it, but where did the link to the Booth Optimization Project go?
Oops! Sorry, I see that is was removed. Too bad, I liked that as a motivational tool.
Structured & Condensed very nice…
I personally like the new look, and what I like about the old look, the large picture icons of my products, has stayed put. Am I just looking something over, or is there someplace where I can put in a booth name and go directly to it? Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
Great job yall are doing. Keep up the good work!!!!!!!!!
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