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The May Motherlode
May 30, 2010

The May Motherlode

Well, I guess this is what happens when you go a month without blogging when important things are happening every week.  Pitch your tent and settle in for a long one, folks.

Nice Sweet Talking

Exhibit A: Alex

Thanks to everyone who played along with my Those in Favor of Alex list -- apparently the incredible turnout for the list was quite persuasive, for Alex has decided to join Bonanzle as our Chief Product Officer!  Thank heavens.  This means we're finally going to have somebody smart to ensure the usability of Bonanzle as it grows.  We will now be able to systematically test changes to make sure that, as we iterate, we build an ever-better product (rather than an ever-more random and cluttered one).

What's so great about Alex, you ask?  Well, besides more than 10 years of product-building experience at big sites like Wetpaint and Blue Nile, Alex caught my attention with his focus on making customers happy.  This is how Bonanzle has grown to its current size, and I believe it is how we will continue our rapid pace of growth.  On the flip side, it's also what attracted Alex to Bonanzle.  In his words:  "I talked to several startups in choosing my next project, but none of them got me as excited as Bonanzle.  First, I love transactional businesses.  And the fact that Bill & Mark have built Bonanzle to one of the largest person-to-person marketplaces in less than two years is commendable.  But what was most compelling to me is their focus on putting the customer first.  I am extremely excited for theopportunity to interact with the community and leverage their feedback to help us build a product that offers the perfect niche shopping experience."

Cheerio, jolly good mate, welcome Alex!

Item Importing+++

It was long past time.  It's been more than a year since we made significant improvements to our eBay importer, but improvements have finally arrived, and for those that use templates (Auctiva, Inkfrog, Seller's Sourcebook, etc) in their listings, you are going to notice a far different look to your items the next time you import.  Over the last week, we have added support for many more types of items and descriptions, and most critically, our HTML parser now allows the background/background-image attribute, which is the key to making most templates look right.  

If you import your items, and your items' descriptions use templates, we highly recommend you try re-importing sometime soon for a much more accurate representation of how your item description originally looked.  It still may not be perfect (Javascript, Flash, and external stylesheets still aren't supported), but it will probably be a big step up from what you're accustomed to.

Buyer Protection Pledge in Beta

That's right, this blog is so damn long that it takes two pictures to make it not look like a solid page of text

OK, so we weren't the first marketplace to have this idea.  Or the second, or the third.  But there's good reason why top-tier marketplaces like Amazon provide their buyers with programs like the A-to-Z Guarantee, and so we are formally launching the Buyer Protection Pledge in beta.  Initially, this program will only be applied to a very small subset of items from sellers who have earned a high level of positive selling feedback.  As we iron out the kinks in the program, we hope to allow it to apply to an ever-increasing number of items.

What does this change if you're a seller?  Not much, actually.  The Buyer Protection Pledge will function as an extension of the already-existing Order Resolution Center, which helps buyer and seller ensure that items get delivered and in the condition they were described.  The only difference with the BPP is that we will now officially stand behind our sellers where the BPP logo is shown, giving buyers an additional reason to trust this Bonanzle marketplace that they may have never previously heard of, if they're arriving from Google. 

Again, to be clear, during this beta period, the Buyer Protection Pledge will apply only to items where the Buyer Protection Pledge logo is shown on the item page.  Initially, this will be a small number of randomly chosen items.

Bonanzle Voted Seattle's Best Bootstrapped Startup

For anyone who was watching the live webcast of the event, my first (non-joking) comment to the audience was that we have a lot of users in the forums to thank for our victory.  I know that I only voted once, and there were more than 15,000 total votes cast, so to emerge victorious in such a heated competition means that some serious effort was put forth on the part of our community.  Way to go, dudes.  If you stop by BonanzleUp we'll be sure to present you with your trophy. 

Next Up?

From a company standpoint, one of our main objectives for June will be to continue to flesh out our team with a couple programmers and a full time designer/user experience pro.  From a features standpoint, we have many goodies in store, including adding a new system to better manage our customer support experience, easier registration, and updating some of our more jurassic pages to be more usable (yes, we're looking at you, "My Bonanzle.")  Thanks for everybody's continued support, it's been quite a month!

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65 responses to The May Motherlode

MONTROSE says: 05/31/10 at 01:27:36

Welcome! Buyer Protection Pledge available for layaways? Hope so…+hank$

divinefabricsnmore says: 05/31/10 at 04:21:24

Welcome Alex! Not Really too-long a read, I Found it Informative, Exciting and Rather Uplifting, too! Thanks!

AllThingsVintage44 says: 05/31/10 at 04:31:21

Welcome aboard Alex! We’re so happy you decided to join us.

Thanks for keeping us updated Bill. We’re looking good

yeshuazgirl says: 05/31/10 at 04:42:52

Welcome Alex! All The Best To You Here! You will find that we are an ecclectic, intelligent, opinionated bunch that all have one goal in common… and that is to see Bonanzle succeed beyond The Bay, The River or any other piece of Online ecommerce real estate out there today! Get your work boots on young man and dig in! we’re all here to help!

RM1Gordon says: 05/31/10 at 06:08:31

Welcome Alex. You picked the best site to join.

momspennies says: 05/31/10 at 06:36:06

Welcome to Alex! Yes May was an active month…lots of fun had by all in the community and we are anxiously awaiting announcements of improvements that will bust our doors wide open! The Buyer Protection Pledge looks like a great new addition~

MNblarneystone says: 05/31/10 at 07:29:18

Welcome Alex!! And Bill….The read was fine. Very informative.

Fix My Bonanzle?? It is OK, but can always improve!!

Way to go Guyz!! Thanks!

catscorner990 says: 05/31/10 at 07:58:32

Welcome aboard Alex, we are glad that you joined the Bonanzle team. I like the idea of the buyers protection pledge.

todaysfinds says: 05/31/10 at 08:00:01

Welcome Alex – Bonanzle ROCKS, doesn’t it? Smiles

sofyblu2 says: 05/31/10 at 08:01:01

Welcome to the family Alex So very glad that Bill twisted your arm lol

Absolutely LOVE the Buyer Protection Pledge!

Memaws16 says: 05/31/10 at 08:15:47

Welcome to the Bonanzle family Alex! You’ve joined a great team!

Roxannmi says: 05/31/10 at 08:20:07

Welcome to you Alex. You are just gonna love it here.

reksplace36 says: 05/31/10 at 08:30:24

A hearty welcome aboard to you Alex.
Bonanzle just keeps getting better and better.
The Buyer Protection Pledge idea sounds super

whynotnow says: 05/31/10 at 08:32:42

Well, Alex – the ride has just begun! Hang on! Welcome to a wonderful place.

TimsDiamondWillow says: 05/31/10 at 08:40:37

Welcome aboard Alex! I look forward to seeing your work make this great place even greater! Have fun!

bogcandle says: 05/31/10 at 09:04:59

Welcome Alex! The Bonanzle guys have a knack for finding great talent, and it looks like they’ve done it again.

A thumbs up for the Buyer Protection Pledge!

BookbinEtc says: 05/31/10 at 09:39:18

Thanks for the updates, Bill.

Welcome to the team, Alex!

navysignalflags says: 05/31/10 at 09:45:39

Welcome Alex and thanks for the updates Bill

bookbrowzers says: 05/31/10 at 09:59:52

Welcome, Alex! So glad you’ve decided to hop on board. You know you’re in the right place when the boss works that hard to lure you in Fasten your seat belt!

jsgeare says: 05/31/10 at 10:15:34

Well, Alex, I see you have done the right thing and joined the B team. Saves me the inconvenience of groveling, bribery, kidnapping you or such other special methods as might have been required to gain your allegiance. We are all better for your choice of Bonanzle and you obviously DO get it about the customer. I now feel armed and dangerous and what a refreshing sensation that is!

Buyer Protection: As some know, I have long campaigned for some kind of surety bonding to put some muscle behind the common verbiage about how hard any venue works to see to customer protection. And while, indeed, the exposure may be insured it could probably be just as well “self-insured” and in any event it has the great appeal of being direct and simple – a perfect expression of the Bonanzle “way.” It is much better than anything I suggested yet captures the concept of a financial guarantee. Brilliant, just brilliant!

What an incredible place to do business!

MommyOf2QTs says: 05/31/10 at 10:19:58

Welcome to Bonanzle Alex! Great to have your expertise here! We will expect some wonderful things from you in the near future to help Bonanzle grow even faster. Sit down, hold on tight and enjoy the ride.

sonsandie1507 says: 05/31/10 at 10:29:54

Welcome Alex! Glad to Have you join the B Team!
Bill thanks for all the info!

littleroses says: 05/31/10 at 11:06:04

A Big! Big! Welcome to ya Alex. It just gets better and better each day.
Great read Bill, and no it wasn’t long. I think you’ve had much longer blogs.

adammas says: 05/31/10 at 11:17:08

2 thumbs up.

ShopaholicTreasures says: 05/31/10 at 15:15:37

Welcome to Alex!!!
Welcome to the Bonanzle Buyer Protection Badge!!!

Bonanzle continues to get better and better with each passing day! Thanks boyz for continuing to fine tune the best site on the market!!!

MamawsButtonsAndMore says: 05/31/10 at 16:01:33

Welcome aboard Alex. Bonanzle just keeps getting better and better.

AvocadoLane says: 05/31/10 at 18:20:25

Welcome! Wishing you a happy and long stay.

Queenmum says: 05/31/10 at 20:43:49

I’ll add my “Welcome Home” to the chorus, Alex.
Sounds like the boyz are continuing down the right trail

Glad to see the up coming “goodies” and changes.

How awesome that they are being implemented now, rather than waiting for the busy holiday season, to give us a chance to become accostumed to them, work out any kinks, and get things shipshape while it’s reletavily quiet.

As always, you got our backs, and we got yours

EastCoastNightGirl says: 05/31/10 at 22:03:37

Welcome Alex.
I Love Bonanzle!

Felicitations says: 05/31/10 at 22:59:12

Welcome Alex, we believe in Bonanzle and are glad it caught you too.

kathyseven says: 05/31/10 at 23:19:28

And one more Welcome aboard Alex!

Love the idea of an internal Buyer Protection program. Very Cool
Bonanzle just gets better and better

EclecticStuff says: 06/01/10 at 00:15:01

I voted …and I watched. Congratulations on the Bootstrap award!

And nice to see the team getting bigger and stronger.

renagade says: 06/01/10 at 02:21:45

Welcome to the crazy friendly world of Bonanzle Alex!
Personally, the fact you come with a very impressive resume is irrelavant, it is Bill’s seal of approval that is what is important.
I appreciate the fact you seem to share the customer first vision that has grown Bonanzle and I look forward to seeing what things you have coming for this great place!

BargainBasement says: 06/01/10 at 04:05:08

I just love progress! Welcome Alex and thanks for the update Bill.

Griffengarb says: 06/01/10 at 07:13:35

It ’s all good. Welcome Alex!

AntiquesRGreat says: 06/01/10 at 08:54:29

I’ll be accepting my trophy in Kansas

Congratulations Boyz well deserved!

Alex welcome aboard!

Can’t wait to see what you have up your sleeves Bill

Bargaineer says: 06/01/10 at 09:17:16

In Greek, Alex means “protector of mankind.” Sounds like an excellent fit for Bonanzle. Welcome to the team, Alex!

Lisas_TX_Treasures says: 06/01/10 at 09:42:30

Alex, Welcome to the Bonanzle Team. It is exciting to see the growth, and glad you joined.

You are in good company IMHO and I for one am personally looking forward to all the wonderful things that will be happening in Bonanzle.


Rdesigns says: 06/01/10 at 10:58:34

Welcome Alex!

HavensRainbow says: 06/01/10 at 11:28:29

Welcome to Bonanzle, Alex. I always get so excited when I hear of Bonanzle moving in a positive direction. Glad to see that you joined along with the Bonanzle management team. Looking forward to all the positives that you have to offer

CritterCreekRanch says: 06/01/10 at 13:18:36

Wow May was an exciting month, Welcome to the Bonanzle Team Alex!

DS520Diecast says: 06/01/10 at 16:01:51

Welcome Alex and a big thanks to Bill and the team for all you continue to do!

krochetkritters says: 06/01/10 at 17:01:30

Welcome Alex .. goodie goodie!

FabFinds says: 06/01/10 at 19:11:29

Welcome Alex! This is a Great Place to be.

newriverone says: 06/01/10 at 20:03:17

Welcome, Alex!

IcedLilac says: 06/01/10 at 21:49:05

How great is this? Improvements and more improvements..who can ask for more? Way to go Bonanzle Team!

Welcome Home Alex, we’re excited to have you here and look forward to great things from you!


myjewelrysuite says: 06/02/10 at 09:14:15

Very impressive. Welcome! We love Bonanzle & hope that it will be along with our designs website lydialerner.com the only place we sell in the not too distant future!

teapotgallery says: 06/02/10 at 10:41:08

Welcome Alex, you’ve come to the best place and joined a great team. Bonanzle all the way!!!

sarascosmeticshop says: 06/02/10 at 15:44:27

Welcome Alex! So happy you joined us. Bonanzle is the best place ever and with people like you, it will only get better by the second. Many thanks to the ENTIRE Bonanzle family. God Bless!!

kodachrome says: 06/02/10 at 21:12:42

Alex…A BIG Texas Welcome!
Bill, Thank you for generating that ‘feeling’ again that tells us Sellers we are all on the cusp of something great!!
Love the idea of BPP!

calicoseas says: 06/03/10 at 00:57:39

Welcome Alex! I am impressed, and glad you chose us! Bonanzle really does put customers first, and it is NOT just an empty promise, but sometimes it feels like I’m dreaming, how great it is here!

On another note, Bill, it just keeps feeling like Christmas around here, with new, wonderful surprises, growing better and better! Thank you for TRUE customer service!

I am especially thrilled to find that we can now successfully import templates from Auctiva, Seller Sourcebook, Inkfrog, etc. I practiced last night listing with a template I love from Auction Boutique, and the background and borders and EVERYTHING were PERFECT! (The listing is currently in Reserve status, as it was just a practice one—the item was an item that sold already a few months ago.)

And the Buyer Protection Plan—it’s so RIGHT! It just keeps getting better!

Congrats for winning the Seattle’s Best Bootstrapped Startup! How could you not!

Thanks again!

designsbymisschris says: 06/03/10 at 06:52:31

A very warm welcome to Alex.

And thanks to everyone for working to make Bonanzle an even better place to buy and sell.

junebug46 says: 06/04/10 at 04:56:42

Welcome Alex… Great blog read lots of interesting changes coming..am glad I am here.

junebug46 says: 06/04/10 at 04:56:44

Welcome Alex… Great blog read lots of interesting changes coming..am glad I am here.

debdoll says: 06/04/10 at 12:24:32

Great update, Bill, and lots of positive things happening for sure.

A big welcome to Alex! Smart move you made to join this HOT venue.

Buy2Sell4U says: 06/04/10 at 21:53:46

Welcome aboard Alex! We’re so excited you decided to join us.

LilacsNDreams says: 06/04/10 at 22:10:32

WOW! Great news, and it just keeps getting better, and better! Thank you Boyz for all you do, and welcome aboard Alex! You will like it here as much as the rest of us have been enjoying too.

Onto bigger, and better ways at Bonanzle

madison says: 06/05/10 at 07:32:29

Welcome Alex!

stuffyouneed says: 06/05/10 at 17:57:40

Welcome Home, Alex, Welcome Home!

Thanks for the great update, Bill! We hope you also mean, “Way to go, dudettes!”

Galrion says: 06/07/10 at 18:19:47

I want a booth search feature, so I don’t have to give a long gobble-de-goop URL to move people to bonanzle. Eh?

lyhsun221 says: 06/07/10 at 21:03:17

Welcome to Bonanzle family Alex! You’ve joined a great team!it’s a nice friendly place here!

LLGMILITARIA says: 06/08/10 at 07:52:06

Welome abaord!
Bonanzle is a great site with fantastic potential and it keeps getting better all the time.Wonderful to work on,a posative expereince all around.

used1goods says: 06/08/10 at 13:58:13

welcome aboard alex!!! cool! a needed program to protect sellers and buyers

bonusroom says: 06/14/10 at 12:18:58

Welcome aboard Alex! Wishing you the very best.

maa456 says: 07/05/10 at 21:43:58

Nice Blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
I think it is more useful to all.
I prefer my friends to read this blog and obtain gain from it.
They also impressed by this site’s blog.
Really a excellent site.

thanks for this blog
keep it up!!!!!!!
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