It's on!
At least in an early beta form.
You can now filter items by traits. For instance, see a search for DVDs, or a search for Action/Adventure DVDs.
For those late to the party, item traits are Bonanzle's emerging way for sellers to assign structured, category-specific information to their items. For example, in the aforementioned case of DVDs (wait a minute... you're selling DVDs on Bonanzle?! (actually despite the fact that DVDs are a rather generic product, I've been surprised at how many actually do sell here. But I digress)), you could assign traits that marked your DVD as being in the "Action" genre, rated "PG-13" and in "Like new" condition.
We use these item traits for two purposes currently. The first is that, where possible, we will automatically translate your item traits into Google Attributes, so buyers can better find your items in search engines. No more need to fiddle with setting up Google Attributes by hand (in most cases). The other purpose is the one I'm writing this here blog about: that Bonanzle buyers can now use traits to narrow down their on-site search results.
As mentioned in the previous blog, it took a complete rewrite of the data structures for our traits to get them working in search (and get them ready for user-driven suggestions, which we hope to add in the next week or so), so there will probably be a few bugs to iron out in the next couple days. Two bugs that are already known: when you look at your item traits in the batch editor (under "Item Traits"), checkbox traits display weird. Also, until this evening, traits weren't being imported from eBay correctly, so if you imported your items from eBay prior to this evening and want traits, you'll probably want to give your import another go. Note that there are many traits that we don't import from eBay, including any traits that weren't hand-entered by you (due to copyright issues. Most traits for items with ISBN or UPC codes are automatically entered on eBay, so we import very few traits for items with ISBN or UPC codes).
There were quite a number of other exciting changes in this evening's update... take a looksee at the "What's New" list if you're the curious type.
P.S. I pity the next marketplace to follow our lead on traits. As I learned when trying to program these beastly things, there is good reason that even the bigger eBay alternatives have steered clear of traits so far. Too hard! :)
24 responses to The Big Trait Update
((( Bill))) I am so afraid of new things and trying traits really scared me. I received the Fabulous newsletter last night, clicked on the traits link and it was so easy!!!! The drop-down next to each item was a no-brainer, click, click next item, did that for 9 pages in no time.
Thank you, thank you, thank you are the BOMB !!!!
Thanks a lot for all your hard work!!!
You BOYZ are breaking new ground with traits and even thou as you said in your blog how time consuming it is YOU definitly made it simple for the sellers like a hot knife thru butter just click and move on think I hear the sound of money around the corner!
Thanks again
As usual, great job! Thank you SO much for making MY job easier!
Bill, what a time-saver it is with your new system to add traits to our listings! Thanks so much for this great addition! I just clicked on the link in the newsletter, and they were all there for me to peruse and insert additional traits. One question: Do you know why some of my cosmetic items show “No extra information needed for this item” when none are given, and other similar items do have traits? There is no way (that I can see) where I can identify the items as skincare, makeup, etc., as I can do under “category.” Maybe they are not needed???
Hey Ann,
Some categories just don’t have traits setup yet. When we create our trait suggester (hopefully next week), you’ll have the opportunity to make suggestions to us for what traits a given category should have.
This is a fabulous addition to our selling tool box
especially that we will be able to suggest traits to add to items!
Can you make a diagram to demonstrate the significance of this tool? I ask because someone stated they won’t apply this to their listings (or Google attributes) because they don’t want to muddy the water. Of course it isn’t a good thing for sellers if she influences others with her false perception of item traits and attributes.
Great tool, Bill. I sent some additional suggestions for improvement and enhancements.
As to the ‘trait suggester’, that would be quite an innovation. Make sure you included a hierarchy suggester part too, since some traits are more important, more utilized by buyers, than others, and the order of use in a drill down using traits requires a certain hierarchy, from ‘general traits’ to ‘most specific traits’, like a true categorization works like. Example: Periodicals is a more general trait than Magazines if chosen between the two and ‘Life Magazine’ is again more specific than just ‘Magazines’. generally buyers will be trying different drill downs, depending on how specific the ‘top trait’ is that they seek to start with. Some buyers will start at teh highest trait like Periodicals, but many buyers will already be more specific and start for example at ‘Life Magazine’ then drilling down from there to ‘Decade’ or ‘Year’, sometimes followed by even more specific, like ‘Month, or ’Day/Date’.
The trick is to allow buyers to select where their ‘trait drill down’ starting point will be, possibly by showing/previewing the hierarchy in each category or subcategory.
hmmm I may need to look at this again, because I was comparing them to item specifics. Item specifics don’t need to be “nested” from what I observed when adding them to my listings on the bay.
If you get a minute maybe you can clarify how this works exactly
I thank you, Mark and the whole crew for all of the work and effort. I have the traits applied to all of my 1200 plus listings and am very excited by your efforts.
Karodens Vintage Post Cards
Thanks, Bill!
Wonderful! Thanks for creating a tool that will lead to more sales! Your hard work does not go unnoticed!
I was dreading having to add item specifics. Am I right to believe that the trait tool obviates the need to input item specifics?
The traits are amazingly simple and fast. I don’t think I have the right words except to say thank you.
Even though I don’t quite get it yet…Thanks in advance! Someday soon, the light bulb above my head will flash on
I do not get how you are doing it but it’s starting to make sense.
Thanks so much!
I appreciate all your hard work. I just wish I understood it all. I understand the traits that specify New, but don’t understand why everything doesn’t have the choice either new or used. There is more that I don’t understand, but I am reading as fast as I can to catch up. Again, thanks for all your hard work.
WOW!! A ton of work. I can’t wait for the “trait suggester”…Many of my stones and findings can’t have traits yet :( . Really glad to see this tho, cuz I wasn’t gettin’ the attributes thing… Thanks guyz!!
This is a wonderful opinion. The things mentioned are unanimous and needs to be appreciated by everyone.
Amy Cooper
Baby Shower Invitations
Did a search for shirt last night and I just wanted to say that you are amazing. I can’t believe how smooth everything on this site runs- Love It!
We’re having a good discussion on About Bonanzle about these great new Traits.
Estatetrunk mentioned the extensive attribute list that Ruby Lane has for Antiques/Collectibles.
I looked … it’s a superb selection. Now to my question…
On the “trait suggester” I’m seeing that this will be a per trait suggestion by each seller. Is there a way to incorporate a big list of traits for categories? Apparently (from what some of the sellers posted) the Antiques/Collectibles areas have little in the way of traits and user suggested ones might not be as “good” as the RL ones — for example.
Another area where there can be (needs to be) an extensive list is for Glass/Pottery. Unless every seller is really knowledgeable about these items, their recommended ones might not be as good as the RL ones. For example, for Glass they break them down by Function, Maker and Type.
I guess what I’m suggesting is that if you could add a large batch of industry standards to some of these categories, that might make it easier for sellers, especially if they’re not experts in some of these areas.
When are you going to globally add new/used as a condition as required by google?
I tried to add it to one heading but you added age instead. I have about 50 or more to do.
I just did a search on Bing for this phrase “traits or attributes for antiques” and The #1 answer was this Blog.
Just a reminder that we are being crawled by robots other than just Google
IT is very easy and I also say a BIG THANKS to you for that. But, I have found and I did suggest new traits needed on several items I have listed. For example, coffee mugs cup only have NEW as the trait to choose and I have a few Vintage or Pre-owned, Used, etc. The only way it is now is NEW, NOT!
Also, my vintage quilts are certainly not new, but very used or pre-owned as the have tears and torn edges as I listed them as Cutter Quilts. Either used them as shabby or use to cut up for other uses.
Also, Vintage VHS are not NEW either.
So, there are several items that need Used or Pre-owned to at least choose from.
Many thanks for getting this going and reporting how easy it is to edit in bulk.
Smiles, Cyndi
Hi- I’m coming from behind on this conversation, however am eager to learn more about traits….the references to a “newsletter with links to traits” begs the queston.."how do I get a copy of that newsletter?? As a relatively new Bonanzle member, I’m still learning the ropes. Thanks for whatver help you can provide.
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