Something eBay Would Do
During Bonanzle's exciting ride up the ecommerce ladder, we've come to realize that, to many who sell on eBay alternative marketplaces, affixing the adjective "eBay-esque" to any given idea or concept is reserved as a special type of pejorative. This group characterizes features or policies implemented by eBay alternatives as "eBay-esque" when they find them particularly heinous. In building a marketplace, the constant question for the founding team quickly becomes, "What can we do to avoid the dreaded 'that sounds like something eBay would do' accusation?"
Whose logo were you expecting us to use?
Whenever I hear this accusation used, I think back to a famous chain email that circulated about 10 years ago,
originally written by Dave Barry. The email promised a surefire way to win any argument was to casually interject, "You know, that sounds a lot like something
Hitler would say" just when it appeared you were beat in the argument. I continue to employ the technique to this day (with great results, I might add). But I digress.
For our part, we don't think eBay is "evil." I'd even hesitate to say they've "lost their focus," because I think they are acting on a clear focus they've defined -- to build a marketplace that competes with Amazon, and to wring out as much profit as possible while doing so. I think that much of the tension between eBay and its smaller sellers has resulted because eBay's top objectives don't align with the objectives of many smaller sellers as well as they used to. This is not to say that eBay is "evil" to change its objectives, any more than these sellers are "evil" for exploring new marketplaces that are more aligned with their best interests.
What are the practical implications of this anti-eBay sentiment? Arguments like this: "Because eBay keeps changing policies / raising prices / giving larger merchants a competitive advantage in search and listing fees, they are evil. Because they are evil, competing sites should be different from them in every way possible." For the sake of brevity, I oversimplify the number of reasons used by those who have decided they don't like eBay (
full list is available), but the gist is that people who arrive at an alternative marketplace in search of "ANYTHING BUT FEEBAY" are at a pronounced risk to favor policy that is different from eBay, simply for the sake of being different than eBay. Good intention... questionable results.
Of course, regular Bonanzlers understand that Bonanzle
is different from eBay in most ways: we're more socially focused, and we solicit direct input from our community on our direction. While eBay focuses on improving the experience of buying generic items, we focus on improving the experience of buying everything but the ordinary. eBay makes no specific mention of Abe Vigoda in any page I have come across to this point, Bonanzle proudly celebrates his every living moment.
The bottom line is that the buyers & sellers who will still be at Bonanzle in 3-5 years aren't the ones who currently stay at Bonanzle out of frustration with other choices. It's going to be the pragmatic buyers who realize the opportunity Bonanzle affords them to find and buy non-commodity items, and the sellers who see the value of using our many Bonanzle-first tools to maximize their ecommerce footprint, sales, and dare we say... fun. These are the buyers and sellers we are most interested in appealing to.
Unfortunately, we realize that many (in particular, the media) are going to continue to compare eBay and Bonanzle for the foreseeable future. And there will probably continue to be voices here and elsewhere that choose to demonize policies & features they disagree with as "eBay-esque." And just as surely, there will continue to be marketplaces that take this sentiment quite seriously, and make decisions based on whatever will help them avoid these dire charges.
But we'll pass. While there's a lot to be learned from the missteps that the venerable giant has made in recent years, there's even more to be learned by gathering data, analyzing market opportunities, and listening to the practical insights of our community... where the
breadth of wisdom is truly infinite.
80 responses to Something eBay Would Do
How did you get so smart? You are not sounding very much like a website programmer, but more like someone who knows how to run a business.
very well said.
Thank you Bill for this reminder. I personally don’t like ebay, but that doesn’t mean they never had a good idea. And I would agree to say that does not make them evil, as much as thinking that can seem therapeutic (irony?) at times.
I tend to try to keep this in perspective. Where I work has a direct competitor who happens to sell products that I know are inferior to ours, and do not have nearly the company values. But that is business, to some it is the scent that is important, to others it is the ingredients and the values. When people come to me at work and mention the other company I don’t rip them apart, I simply show them what is good about our products, and emphasize the multitude of ways that our product is better. (A little "this product helps build hospitals and schools for orphans can actually go a long way!)
That is the best kind of attitude in this situation as well. I don’t think it’s disloyal, just like sellers that still sell at ebay aren’t disloyal. We all just do the best we can. I think most people know the power their dollar has and try as hard as they can to use it to support worthwhile companies, like Bonanzle.
Very intelligently spoken, orlenahope. It takes a lot of discipline and practice to take such a positive attitude toward an inferior competitor. I applaud your effort.
Always spot on Bill.. I’m glad you are at the helm, I know we’ll go full steam ahead.
Well like it or not, a lot of sellers got their on line selling starts “over there”. I know I did and while I don’t appreciate the direction they have taken, I do appreciate all I learned while there and think it’s made me a better seller and buyer.
Bonanzle can’t be compared to “over there” in any way.
This site has way more innovations to even be able to come close to comparing with them.And with the dedication the owners have to the daily running of this site it’s only bound to get better. And I am pretty sure it’s going to happen pretty quickly.
Exemplary Leadership! Charismatic!
Many of us made good livings at eBay for several years. It has changed, and so have we. It was time to leave the nest, but it doesn’t mean that all that time spent there was all bad. We learned valuable lessons, we learned how to build our businesses, and now that we have flown to new homes we can take what was good and use it. eBay is not the ultimate evil. It just isn’t the place for me anymore. I want to associate with a company that values me, my business, and my ideas.
It would be almost impossible for any ecommerce site like Bonanzle to completely avoid all resemblance to eBay. It would be foolish indeed to throw the good ideas out with the bad. eBay had some great ideas (and ideals) once upon a time. Knee-jerk negative reactions to a feature just because it resembles something on eBay without looking at the positive aspects is short-sighted to say the least. It’s trite, but the phrase “don’t cut your nose off just to spite your face” springs to mind.
The new features that are constantly being added to this site make it better, and if a few of them harken back to eBay a bit, what of it? This site is not eBay. A few ebay-esque features aren’t going to change the underlying fact that this place is different.
(BTW, a couple of your links are funky Bill) edit: Later readers, nevermind…it’s been fixed
You are da bomb, boss…gosh, I just love having you at the helm as we forge ahead!
Very good post. I recently put the Bonanzle Forums on RSS feed and suddenly realized there are MANY ‘I hate Ebay (or PP) because. . .’ Frankly, it’s getting irritating seeing all the posts.
Hating something/someone limits your future opportunities and your ability to learn from the past, plus it’s just bad for your mental health. Glad you don’t plan on letting them affect Bonanzle in a negative way. And to anyone who likes to post about how much they hate (fill in the blank) – get over it and move on.
I just got the meaning of that link – the breadth and depth. LOL. But, we all knew we were coming here to build, and, granted, it is frustrating waiting for the floodgates to burst wide open with buyers. I was just thinking that it is a bit like raising a barn for a new farm. We’re all working together with a common goal, even though the job skills vary and abilities also vary. The hardest part is for everyone to leave the bitter disappointments of the past, well … in the past. It messes up the future! We have the chance here to look through glasses with a new, better prescription. Let’s give them a run for their money!
Wow! After reading this I want to throw my brain away. This is simply one of best written, most compelling arguments I’ve ever read for anything.
Great job Bill, really.
Well said. Exactly what I want and expect from the Boyz of Bonanzle! Carry on!
Spot on!
I’m not happy with the changes at eBay but am not about to jump ship. eBay is not evil and out to get you. It’s purely for business purposes they want to squeeze every possible cent out of you!
There was a thread yesterday about whether or not the word “eBay” should even be allowed on the boards. Then in comes Mark with “eBay, eBay, eBay! There I said it! Without eBay we wouldn’t have met most of you” (I’m paraphrasing). I absolutely LOVED that attitude and response!!
I looked at last year and didn’t even bother listing a single item. My New Year’s resolution this year was to get off my butt and diversify my online business (meaning eBay). I joined Bonanzle in mid-January and took my first step in that direction. Not exactly my own website like I had planned but it was a step nonetheless. I’m glad I did. This place has a feeling of “If you build it, they will come”. I’m excited for the time Bonanzle becomes my main selling venue!
Excellent. Thanks for taking some air out of the “eBay is evil” debate so that Bonanzlers can move past it and build Bonanzle into what it is destined to be.
Excellent timely topic -and wonderfully written!
Very well said!
Ah, someone who can disengage from the honking horns , the noisy gongs, and the clanging symbols all around him, and hear the sound of a different drum.
Once again, my heart breathes fresh air sent us from a brilliant mind.
Amen Bill. Live and learn, the focus is different, and some would not be here at this great place if not for some mistakes made at other places. We all choose our platforms for different reasons. I can not drop ship Antiques.
Won’t ever happen in my world. so that being said The bay would not have been a good platform for me, but can be a great platform for others.
Thanks for the integrity behind your statement. Very re-freshing.
Bill… hope you are braced for even MORE disappointed sellers from there to make the move!
After the last round of annoucements, etc from eBay, I bet there will be yet another wave of sellers jumping ship to find a better suited place for them and their wares.
eBay…evil?? Hate them??? NO…I think most are just feeling left out in the cold there….and finding the warmth here at Bonanzle very nice indeed!
Bill, Add me to the list of folks who very much appreciate your post.
I bought and sold on eBay for over 10 1/2 years, kept my feedback rating 100% perfect, and had a very good (albeit frustrating) time doing so. I chose to leave for greener pastures and tried a variety of other sites to sell on before coming here. I chose to leave eBay as I simply felt I was no longer welcome there.
But do I hate them? Not a chance! The experience I got there was incredible and I wouldn’t trade that for anything! Times change, companies change, but life goes on.
Now that I am here on Bonanzle, I have seen for myself that Bonanzle is the real future of online retail. Anybody can ‘copy Amazon’ and sell 10,000 of the same ordinary refurbished or new products and give lackluster.. or excellent customer service. And, anybody can purchase anything common there. Sometimes at an excellent price, sometimes not.
But here, real people buy and sell things that truly matter to them! Here, we get to interact with the people we do business with should we so desire. Or, we can simply push the “Buy” button and send the money. We have so many people here who will line up to help someone figure out how to make something work in their booth, or how to figure out a problem. We have fast friendly support from you and Mark, and the changes you make to the site are very well thought out and meet actual needs the community has.
So as for me, I spoke my main feelings about eBay and my experiences there elsewhere in my blog –
(Why say all of that here? I felt this it was best to say my peace in a neutral setting.)
I am not here to bash eBay. I am here to help build Bonanzle into a large vibrant community where it can be fun to buy and sell again. And so far, even if my income isn’t what it used to be yet, it IS fun again! It’s a LOT of fun even!
So please keep up the good work, and I look forward to many more years of successful buying and selling.
Great Post. I got my start on Yahoo Auctions, then moved to the Bay sometime later.
It’s very hard to compare Bonanzle to Ebay, it is apples and oranges. I still do not “hate” ebay to this day, but it become tiresome to log in there morning after morning and find my hat on the floor, when I knew I had hung it up.
Here, my hat is in the same place I left it with notes of well wishes from fellow Bonanzler’s.
Thank you for that!
Although many feel that eBay is personally out to get them, you have to realize as the saying in the movie goes: “It’s not personal, it’s business.” This is the way they choose to run their business. If it personally doesn’t suit you, you need to find a place that does and look where we all are- the place that does.
Stay strong! And stick to your plan. Something we should all take heed to.
Very well said! Thank you for this evenhanded statement about eBay and alternative marketplaces. I am not one of those who would clap my hands with glee should eBay fail. It is what it is and you either choose to stay there or move on to something else.
I find the often vitriolic comments and misinterpretations about eBay a little disturbing. Let’s focus instead on helping to build Bonanzle into the #1 online marketplace. Thank you again!
I am in awe of your brilliance!
This is why I’m here.
I admire your courage to talk so transparently about fundamentals. That already makes you different from Ebay.
It is also great that you position yourself differently from EBay, so more focused on selling rather unique items, not commodities.
You’re awfully nice to credit EBay with any focus and to credit them with their ‘wanting to compete with Amazon’ as something worthwhile.
As an experienced and knowledgeable customer of both Ebay and Bonanzle, I’ll be disagreeing with the qualification as ‘beneficial strategy’ of ‘making one’s focus dependent on a competitor’, as Ebay’s focus on competing with Amazon is.
That is not a good strategy ever. It is the strategy of a second’hander, someone who cannot think independently.
The good news is that their ‘second hander strategy’ is a learning opportunity for Bonanzle. Avoid it at all cost.
Think instead independently, only use parts of what you feel works at your competitor(s) and avoid what does not work with him/them. Don’t try to become a photocopy of any competing marketplace like Ebay is trying. Copiers like that will never succeed.
As to what really is different at its core (and what most sellers subconsciously or sometimes consciously acknowledge) between EBay and Bonanzle, it is not so much one is ‘good’ and ’one is ’evil.
The core difference betwene you two goes deeper. It is important that you identify it and acknowledge it in order to understand both your sellers and your buyers and grow your site in the right direction.
Mots Ebay sellers and buyers who moved here and elsewhere experienced increasingly a diminished freedom to transact with each other solely based on their own judgment.
The reason for this is that EBay has diminished the trading freedom on its site with increasing rules and diminished available choice of functionality for both buyers and sellers. In short, ‘choice’ has been replaced for ‘dictates’.
Bonanzle’s strength, which is acknowledged by both seller s and buyers growing here in numbers, is that you offer again that ‘freedom’ they need.
You largely leave sellers and buyers alone, to independently trade with each other based on their own judgments. You do this by offering a maximum of choices in functionality and a minimum of regulation. You’re ‘laissez-faire’.
Hopefully that will always remain your hallmark.
It is a ‘winner product mix’.
Bill, way to go! Real standup. As far as I can see every marketplace has something to offer, some we agree with and some we don’t. But it’s such a waste of time, energy and karma to bash others. I for one am happiest with a happy crowd and everyone getting along. We can all learn something from you here. Thank you.
BTW I missed seeing the forum where Mark posted that was mentioned above..too funny, you go Mark!! Sorta of like not mentioning the large gorilla in the room isn’t going to make him go away now is it!!
Thanks guys for making my experience with Bonanzle, and the opportunity to be here, a great and rewarding one thus far!
This is just I would expect from our Leader, and this is the reason Bonanzle will grow beyond all expectations, I am not one of you that calls ebay “feebay”, or spew hate, I had a great run there, I made a lot of money, I left there as a Power Seller, at the Top of my Game, not someone who had any adverse problems with the changes YET, but could see the writing on the wall. It was no longer a place for small sellers, sellers doing consignment selling, I built a great customer base from around the world, but its hard for them to make changes just as it is for us. The changes were having no effect on them, except to see their favorite sellers leave. I love the fact that we as sellers here can interact with each other here, and interact with our two new best friends, Bill and Mark, the fact they listen to us, the ease in which we can list our wares, the fact they keep working on ways for us to promote our wares, case in point Craigs List, I love the fact that when we have a problem they are Johnnie on the spot, there to help us through it. I for one will be here for the long haul, and am very proud to be in on the climb to the top. Times are tough right now in our Country and they are going to get worse, its a very good feeling to know we have a home in which we will be able to ride out the coming storm, knowing we will be able to sell our wares, make some money, make friends, offer advice, accept advice, all because Bill and Mark are just like us, they feel our pain and instead of just complaining about it they did something, they created Bonanzle. I will be forever grateful to them. Shari Monetta, Naples Florida and proud to be a Bonanzler
Thank YOU Bill! Your insights, wisdom, and how you apply and express them amaze me.
For many of us old time eBay sellers it was the fantasy of everything staying the same. For myself I took the recent changes with a blow and took a LOA to heal my emotions, and feelings of betrayal.
I tried other sites which were not to my liking..(Bonanzle was not birthed yet). After a few months I went back to eBay knowing that I could leave at anytime. My choice is to stay there as long as my sales merit my investment both of money and time and not become emotionally involved. eBay has been very good to/for me in the past and is OK now but very hard to keep the PS statis.
Bonanzle is better than the “good ole’days” there and just keeps getting better. For those of us that have experienced the past, Bonanzle is a blessing that came just in time to give us hope for a future selling on line. I arrived late last Aug. and have experienced the fast growth with excitement for I know I am in the right place at the right time…hope I am around when Bonanzle becomes a household world…I am 72.
Well here I am as usual a bit late as there are many comments so I usually don’t bother to comeent because I wonder if mine will get lost in the shuffle.
However I am going to comment on this one. I can’t hate
e-bay. I got my start there and have over 1000 customers that found me there. I knew of no other way to get what I sell out there back 6 years ago when I opened a stoer there.
As For Bonanzle, this is my kind of place. I have tried others but I have found a home here. Mostly because I do Personalized Designs and there is a great need for me to talk with my customers so that I can make them something that will reflect them and they will be proud to have in their business.. I create there logo or banner in the items they buy from me..
Bonanzle’s Booth and Discussion boards give me the opportunity to show people what I do..
Not to mention, that I can add more items to show what I have therefore that enables me to be more creative and to give customers more choices…
So, Thanks Bonanzle, I am one that will be sticking around.
Hugs! Judy
We had 10 trouble free and profitable years there. It was a good experience and we learned a lot and “met” some great people. From the Summer of 08 to Nov 08 when we left was a nightmare. The changes of policy were sudden and unexplainable.There was a long and constantly changing list of rules and retrictions. Customer service was unresponsive to say the least. It seemed as if our business wasn’t ours anymore and we were treated as enemies instead of customers. It became impossible. We know that business models change and that there is no going back. Our kind of business just does not fit on the bay anymore.
I like many others on Bonanzle, got my start on eBay.
What I learned over my 10 years there has provided me with a foundation to build on here at Bonanzle.
I don’t hate eBay. In fact, still have a few listings there and may well continue until policies and fees finally drive me away.
In the meantime, Bonanzle, with it’s level headed approach to providing us a vehicle to do what ever it is we choose to do in buying and selling has afforded me a comfortable place to be.
What started out merely as a hobby and a way to entertain myself while maybe actually selling something we have been carrying around for years has turned into a small business.
At my age, if health and other personal issues permit, I plan to be around the Bonanzle scene for some years to come.
Thanks to Bill and Mark for providing this unique marketplace that allows us to simply be ourselves………
Best wishes to all…………..Rod
Thanks Bill and Mark !
Oh glad you have business common sense
I look at it this way, Ebay was Elementary School for most of us…Everything happens for a reason, and I believe all the changes that were made there were done becuase of a business model that Donohoe was being paid to formulate in order to re-mold Ebay into something new…As a business owner, I understand the need to keep a vision and that the vision needs to be adjusted on occasion.
Their actions have pushed many of us to make new decisions and create new visions for our own businesses, visions that will allow us to succeed and grow to amazing heights. And at the same time, we are all learning new things that will only benefit our objectives even more. I am thankful for the crash course Ebay gave me in Ecommerce and I am happy that you addressed this Bill, I think in time, everyone will aggree, in a year it won’t matter, because Bonanzle is climbing to the top. All through the efforts of many talented people. It is a combined effort and your leadership provides the strength and stability we all need to accomplish that.
Final Thought…ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS… and it is our actions that are making all of this happen.
Thanks for your commentary on this Bill.
Thank you for this blog. It is everything the true Bonanzler believes in!!
Eloquently spoken, Bill. Your intuitive business sense, level head, excellent leadership, as well as appreciating the value of the buyers/sellers, is the precise reasons why Bonanzle is climbing (and will continue) up the ecommerce ladder so quickly.
Excellent commentary, Bill! Now I hope we can all think of it as “There is there” and “Here is here” and “Never the ’twain shall meet.” Bashing in discussions just gives “There” too much power! Let it go quietly into the night and rest in peace.
You express yourself very well; and I enjoy reading what you have to say — even if I don’t always leave a comment.
I look at things like this:
I attend church where my needs are met; and if the time comes when my needs are no longer met, I change churches. Doesn’t mean I hate the other church. Just means they’re no longer what I need.
It’s the same with EBay and Bonanzle.
For 9 years EBay met my needs and I’m glad I was there. The same way I’m glad to be at Bonanzle now that EBay no longer fits me.
Thanks for giving me a place to grow some more.
Thanks for a well-written piece. It does get frustrating to run into so many eBay bashers. eBay has never been anything but good for me, to buy AND sell things, over the years. They are changing their course, so I need to also adjust mine, and right now the grass is looking pretty green over here at Bonanzle! The whole atmosphere here is one of simplicity and efficiency which I appreciate since those are two of the main things I am targeting in my life right now. So thanks for all your hard work, your humor, your listening, and your innovations that have put the heart into this site and the joy back into online selling for me.
By the way, love the graphic you chose to use
I completely enjoyed reading your commentary regarding eBay. I too first tested the waters on eBay and have been there for years. I don’t hate eBay, I wouldn’t have such a fun hobby if it weren’t for eBay. My favorite part of the week is the time I spend at garage sales finding treasures. Yes, I do use the money to add to my income, I don’t think any of us don’t want to make money, I just wasn’t enjoying myself anymore and the contact with Buyers had changed. I used to enjoy getting to know them, but it became to complicated. I am having fun here on Bonanzle and love the social atmosphere. I may not sell as much, or sell as quickly, but I love it here and expect Bonanzle to keep growing. I hope to still be here 3 years from now and see the success it has become. Thank you for making it better every day
Thank you Bill! The hard working men behind Bonanzle and dedicated sellers will certainly make Bonanzle a success!
I appreciate your article. If ebay has now become a four letter word to many, it is because ebay is now deemed to have forgotten and stepped on the millions of small time sellers who made ebay the No. 1 internet site in the world. Without so many of us, ebay would still be selling Pez dispensers. It is indeed a slap in the face to those who so loyally gave all their business to make ebay rich and powerful. ebay never seemed to know where to draw the line on greed and ego. The bigger and more powerful they grew, the more the personal service declined and the fees escalated. Meg Whitman was the beginning of the end, because she was too Ivy League to appreciate the small time dealers, whose success in sheer volume is what made ebay so successful. If ebay wants to shift their target market, so be it. I’ve always been taught never to bite the hand of the mouth which feeds you and that is precisely what ebay has done in the name of greed and ego. Further, ebay has always maintained they are ONLY A VENUE. ebay is anything but a venue. It would be easier to comply with the IRS Code than ebay rules and policies, some of which are clearly in violation of state and federal law. Not that they care mind you. Afterall they are ebay. Their future no longer concerns me as I will never again buy or sell on ebay. They have no right to dictate and rate sellers on customer service to others, when ebay has no clue about customer service to the ones who generate their income. Honesty and integrity left ebay a long, long time ago. In sum, I’m moving up not out – which is why I am now at Bonanzle.
with you guyz all the way!!
I still feel the same exact way when I first came to Bonanzle in late August…Smiling as big as I can. It’s gotta be the grass man…Gotta be the grass.
I do not have time to read everyone’s comments, but I will say, I finished reading the blog and pretty much told the person sitting in the room with me exactly what the very first post above said… “wise words! and funny to boot!” The link to the “breath of wisdom” cracked me up!
I like what Bonanzle is doing and while I don’t think you all are some kind of gods, I do believe you have good motives, heads with common sense, and if you make a mistake, you will adjust. I can work with that!
LOL…and Cindy…I had not thought of it being the grass!!!
First, Excellent!
As an e-commerce site, Bonanzle is still in diapers, “But hey, You have to learn to crawl before you can walk” Bonanzle can never be compared against Ebay, that’s my thinking on this. Ebay have been in business for years, and have in the past been very successful as a auction site. They have lived through their good days, due to policy changes and greed, they are now near the end as the dominant site. Saying that, I do not want to harp on how Ebay is a bad site, but concentrate on how good this site is becoming.
You and your team are working for the good of this site, bringing changes in quietly, Those changes are helping us a great deal in our goals for success.
On the members side, we are 110% behind this site, we will help in any way we can to make it a success. Blogs are being written daily by members, promotion is a high agenda for many, Talk Shows, social network sites are being set up for members. All with one Goal. To make Bonanzle a SUCCSESS.
We are here for the long term Not short term.
Believe you can succeed and you will
Cure Yourself of the Fear of Failure
Build Confidence and Destroy Fear
Use Goals to Help You Grow
Think Like a Leader
True excellence in both speaking and leading. Forge on!
Well written and understood.As in every place, there is the good, the bad, and the ugly. What turned some off, me included is the lack of voice some lost. Some being the sellers. IN ORDER FOR THE SHIP TO MOVE FORWARD, WE MUST ROW IN THE SAME DIRECTION! As a group with a voice where everyone is at least heard. Ebay lost that a long time ago. You lose respect for your people, your people lose respect and faith in you.
Thanks Bill. I love to hear positive words well spoken. Ebay taught me alot about business. It grew me up so to speak into the person I am today. I learned alot, lost alot in fees, and have now moved on to become a part of a site that I think will beat out ebay and amazon. And I cant wait.
So very well said. How sad to be afraid to mention you sell other places besides Bonanzle or my gosh not on ebay! Well I did, I learned so very, very much from some very wonderful people. I do think if Bonanzle keeps going in the direction it is headed it will be “the” place for smaller, eclectic sellers who also wish to be social. In the meantime ebay will transform into what it wishes to become. I am staying with Bonanzle for so many reasons, does that mean I will never list something on ebay, no it does not but Bonanzle is home.
You’re all so damn rational. Love it!
While I was reading all of this very encouraging and smart writing, my 2 year old got both of his hands totally immersed in a big bowl of spinach artichoke dip…guess I was immersed
Thanks Bill.
I have to agree. Very well written.
Bill, It didn’t take much for me to see the Bonanzle idea is a very sound one. It took coming here to get my selling jones back, for that I will always be grateful.
I have a strong feeling that once Bonanzle hits the 50K member count, critical mass will be achieved and this place will blossom!!! Thanks, too for the common sense approach to business AND community!!!
I still sell on Ebay and do a large volume of business each week. Bonanzle sales have been good but at this point do not even compare to Ebay results. But I will keep plugging away until I no longer need Ebay and their high fees. This site is going places and will continue to grow under the fine leadership of Bill. Clifton CBWJ1145 (Ebay and Bonanzle) Coins-Bullion-Jewelry-Whatknots
I am so impressed with your write-up. It is well put and very professional. As has been said, many of us do not like eBay because they made us change, but you are right, they have a different vision than we do, they changed and we did not. Thanks for keeping it all in the right perspective for us.
WOW… All of this is why I’m here. Bill’s comments are awesome and so is everyone’s reaction!
Thank you for the reminder!
I don’t hate ebay, but I certainly hate this thing the 3-piece thugs replaced ‘my’ kidnapped ebay with.
Keep in mind the opposite of love is not hate, it’s indifference- an utter lack of passion. “I don’t care what happens to you” is FAR more painful than a mere “I hate you.”
Like a bunch above have said, most of us had our chestnuts roasted pretty good by an entity that we once promoted with ferocity. That type of about-face will do it every time.
I don’t hate ‘em so much as I’m sad they stopped loving me.
Now in practical terms, you have to consider Bonanzle’s timing- you guys came hot on the heels of ebay’s missteps. They certainly threw you a bone.
Ebay’s magic ingredient was literal search, coupled with item churn, which we have no mechanism for here (yet). But that’s okay because judging by the items appearing here we got the cream of the crop of their sellers!
I’m thankful that this platform is here, and is holding its own financially despite the current economic climate. Hanging in here is tough, but I look at it as reputation building. I’d rather wash dishes and trade here, than not sell at all or sell at ebay. When things blossom again I will have put in the time and earned the accolades.
And as far as what ebay would do, at this point I don’t even think ebay knows what they would do!
…’Cept maybe hit $7 a share.
Your Wisdom, Caring Attitude, Confidence, Business Sense, Fortitude, Honesty, Character, Concern for others, Intregrity, Understanding Hardships, Willingness to work hard along side others, Lack of Greed and Selfishness, Your Humor and Common Sense are all reasons why I am here. Thank you !
I certainly expect to be one of those here in 3 to 5 years..and beyond.
The social networking concept is the new clubhouse for friends to catch up and bond. Bonanzle is our common thread and Bill’s words ring clear: eBay is not the enemy, just the catalyst to build an intelligent site which incorporates the positives we’ve learned from the online commerce giant and marry it into a social site for us to embrace, focusing on items that are unusual, not cookie-cutters.
Thanks for everything you Boyz are doing. It’s like looking out my back door and seeing the daffodils coming up. Every day, they’re a little taller & stronger…just like Bonanzle. Full bloom can’t be far away now!
I’m very glad to have came and set up shop at Bonanzle! Thanks again boyz!!!
Very well written. Bill has his hand on the helm and his eyes on the horizon. What a nice thing to read on my very first day at Bonanzle!
However, Ebay is in fact evil
Hitler? Now I know who is advising eBay…!
Seriously, one of the main reasons that folks love to carp about Feebay is that they had invested so much emotionally into it and their seller identity, that they feel betrayed by the 800-pound gorilla that has chosen to ignore their needs and focus instead on trying to placate stockholders and become a bigger gorilla by taking on Amazon. Along the way, eBay has offered tons of carrots to the larger sellers, those diamond types, in trying to achieve its objective. But while doing so they forgot a business fundamental: don’t turn away from the core business that made you successful (smaller sellers) and don’t bet the farm on the diamond types because eventually the diamond types will be telling eBay how high to jump. Once you put the majority of your business into the hands of a few large companies or accounts, you become dependent upon them. And they know it. Some will try to squeeze all they can out of the arrangement. It’s another way of saying: “We own you.”
I understand the negative feelings of those who have been pushed off of eBay. But constantly expressing those emotions serves no purpose. It takes a vast amount of emotional energy to constantly complain about something you can do nothing. eBay has made it clear that smaller seller’s heads on on the block and they have no problem lopping them off. The reason for so much hate is because of the emotional investments folks have made on eBay. It takes a lot to learn how to make a sales venue your home only to watch in horror as bit by bit it is taken away while the company claims: “Hey…we still care.”, as it costs more for you to do business and your profits shrink. That is eBay today.
So, why Bonanzle? I’m here because eBay messed with me and my near-perfect DSR/feedback rating. It became too expensive to sell, and seller customer service was a joke. Bonanzle offers none of this. There will always be certain business aspects that Bill and Mark do that may be somewhat reflective of eBay. It makes sense. Learn from the mistakes of your competitors. I don’t recall a single instance where the CEO of eBay took time to help me with a problem as Bill and Mark have. This is remarkable considering Bonanzle has 35,000+ members now. Obviously these guys live on Jolt cola and no sleep. But they have a dream and the dream provides a home to those looking for a community. That’s why I’m here. Doing business on Bonanzle is fun. Bill and Mark’s focus in on the community of sellers who they want to succeed, because in doing so Bonanzle will succeed and Mark can go buy his Ferrari. Being in business means you are in it to make a profit. As Bonanzle makes profit, I say way to go guys! With Bill and Mark’s idea, us sellers would be searching for homes elsewhere. I am also one of those whose income is based on selling. I’ll cheer when the buyers come. Meantime I’ve learned a lot about online selling and made a few friends here. I ain’t going anywhere.
Right on Target again, Bill !
My main quest on bonanzle is keeping the positive attitude alive and well here. Bashing ebay or bashing bonanzle for implementing something that is akin to ebay is just not a professional attitude.
We all have had our problems on ebay and if a person wants to rant and rave so be it. But I prefer the FRIENDLY Interaction with other users on the site. Change is difficult but necessary at times and a smooth transition is better for our business than hashing out old problems and “baggage”. I hope to leave all my “negative baggage” behind and forge ahead on a wonderful rewarding experience.
P.S. Hope I will be one of the users that stay and contiue to develop my business on this site for many years to come.
very well point but Bonanzle have profits 100% and ebay nope
So well said. I love Bonanzle and the possibilities are tremendous. It’s easy, it’s fun and it’s really time for the site. The Boyz are great too, no question goes unanswered, I always feel welcome and well, I love it here.
Thank you so very much for the site and for caring about the people who are working side by side with you and each other to make this the fantastic site what we all envision.
So let’s all move on to constructing what we really want with people who care about the community. Leave those guys behind, put your energy on building.
Life is like driving down a road. Keeps your eyes on the potholes and that is where you end up. So keep your eyes (and your focus) on the road ahead, not on the potholes!
“Whose logo were you expecting us to use?” You cracked me up Bill! Oh yes, well thought out comments, going in the right direction!
As an English teacher, I say “bravo” on a well-written article! Your former teachers must be very proud of you!!
As usual, I applaud your professionalism and integrity!
I followed a link from another site users blog two weeks ago, signed up the same day and am currently setting up my shop. Now, I am telling every E bay user I know about this site. Bonanzle is the place to be.
Bravo! Bill, Bonanzle and its members are becoming a robust online community. Keep up the good work!
Bill – I love reading what you have to say. You’re very interesting and funny, too! Even though I’ve only had one sale since I’ve been here (October), I’m not giving up hope. I have two booths here. So that has to say something for my determination in making it over here.
ok- can we have a new topic now? It has been over a week now. Geeze unbelievable laziness!
I just signed up yesterday and am working on setting up a booth. I am so very encouraged by Bonanzle after selling at eBay for over ten years and continuing to be discouraged day after day this past year for all of the unnecessaries. I am impressed with Bonanzle to say the least and have incredibly positive gut feelings about this venue. After researching the alternatives, I feel confident that Bonanzle is the place to be, going nowhere but UP!! Referring all of my eBay customers to Bonanzle, not to mention all of my friends as well. Thank you Bonanzle.
Hello. I just had a chance to read this. Appreciate the transparency. I closed my eBay shop for more than just financial reasons, though. Once I saw what Bonanzle had to offer, I HAD to close shop and move over. This is a great way to have fun at what we already have fun doing.
Love to invite all to my bonanza !
this coming May 23rd. from noon ’til 3
20% off…
I met a person on ebay who had been on there for at least 10 years. Ebay said dont want you selling blank items anymore. she left and is a Bonanzle seller now. She told me about Bonanzle. told me to try it for awhile. Have had a lot of trouble with Ebay, so here I am. I love it here. and I am trying to sell what I can, when I can. Thanks for letting me sign up with Bonanzle.
Sorry, but considering that John Donahoe starts each morning meeting with the question “Are they (small independent sellers”) gone yet, I think Ebay qualifies as worse than “evil”. They don’t even seem to be as much about making money any more as they are about projecting the swaggering egos of their grossly overpaid and grossly unintelligent executives.
And with the CEO before this one running as a REPUBLICAN for GOVERNOR of CALIFORNIA, I think Ebay along with the major banks, oil companies, insurance companies, big pharma, etc. has come to define what “evil” is in this era of Great Depression II – oppressive corporate fascism and idiotic executives who overpay themselves drastically and hold themselves accountable to nobody.
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