As if closing in on our one MILLIONTH item wasn't exciting enough, we've got another very cool happening at hand -- the redesign of our "Browse by Category" page. Yes -- I know many of you are going to miss that 8th grade Computer Science project that is our current category page ( Zac whipped up a great looking mockup for our new categories page (at right), but there is one small problem with putting it online -- the aesthetic of the page depends on having three crisp, cool booth/product pictures relevant to each category at the top of the category page. Eventually, we want to use the top area of the categories page to showcase our premiere subscribers, but for at least the next couple months, we're going to open up the categories page to have images submitted (thus, booths featured) by any premiere OR plus subscriber. To submit your images to the page, visit Sell -> Advanced Options -> Upload Featured Images (it's at the bottom of the page if you're a plus or premiere member). You can upload up to three pictures, each associated with one category. We'll then sift through those in search of the most compelling to feature on the new category page when it goes online -- probably sometime before the end of the week. We plan to rotate the featured booths on the categories page, probably once or twice a day, but we'll give preference to the booths that upload the best pictures (will need to implement a voting system of some sort to determine which pictures are best, I'd imagine). What would make for "good" pictures? Damnit, I'm a programmer, not an artist, how am I supposed to know? :) I imagine it could be one of your products, or a bunch of your products grouped together artistically, or even an ambient picture relevant to the category. In my testing I uploaded a close-up picture of my projector, and even that didn't look half bad. There are lots of possibilities. To get a sense of how many pictures have been uploaded for each category, so you can help us fill the gaps, check out this page, which lists how many Featured Images have been uploaded for each category so far. Please understand that the Upload Featured Images feature is still in its very early stages right now, but I wanted to get it online quickly so that by the time the new category page goes online we'll have enough pictures uploaded that there hopefully won't be any blank categories. Thanks for your assistance, and for driving us to the cusp of one million!
43 responses to New Categories Page -- We Need Your Help!
Nice looking page!
What a great idea! I have submitted mine. Pick me! Pick me! LOL
I hope you get lots of nice shots. The tricky bit is finding ones with the right orientation and ratio, clearly I’m going to have to start taking wider shots so I can crop to size later.
I like the look of the page Bill.
Excellent benefit for our subscribing members.
You may think you’re just a programmer, but Bonanzle is one hell of a nice creation and in my opinion that makes you an artist extraordinaire.
Great Idea, hope they rotate more evenly than the front page …Did the upload too. So pick me, pick me, pick me
And hey, that’s one ugly looking thing…dog?….in the middle ..woof
Great job, all of you guys, and hey, don’t underestimate who and what you are, all your “hidden” talents are coming out now….Glad we could help to bring them up to the surface
I love it, but I didn’t see jewelry listed on the left links, is it just early and perhaps I missed it?
Bill …thanks again for all you have done to make the THE site to buy and sell on.
I have summitted mine as well, hoping I can contribute to this unique page.
Thanks for the opportunity and keep up the good work!
This new page looks wonderful! Lots going on, but not cluttered.
The image dimensions are awkward- are there coding elements that demand that specific size?
I’m assuming that once I’ve uploaded, you get them…didn’t see a send button or anything (and no, I’m NOT anywhere near a “techie”
Maybe add Handcrafted items to category ? Their coming !
Not sure if images work in here but this is what I mean about awkward dimensions. I wouldn’t ever want my images to look out of whack or cropped funny – which is the risk when trying to crop into any shape. It is a real pain to
Anyway, the size causes a lot of unused space and then I am stuck with having to try to fill the empty. Such as something like this
I am not particularly fond of this type of layout. Just something to consider
Ok we’ll see if the pictures post in here
Is there a way to see the new category page so that you can read it? A link or a way to enlarge the one shown? I can’t make out anything but Bonanzle and Half a Century and the dog. Would really like to see what the new page will look like.
Thanks Bill! I just uploaded some pictures for you! I can’t believe how fast Bonanzle is growing and you ALL are really on top of things too! Have a GREAT day!
Handcrafted for sure…a lot of my things would fit in there as well.
I am like pieper uploaded, no send botton! so will assume that you get them. Thanks
I uploaded mine…and they are shouting PICK ME
Great Job!
Do any of BBoyz ever get any sleep?? Your hard work and endless efforts of always seeking ways to improve this wonderful community is much appreciated!
Looking forward to the finished categories project!
It looks like a nice, crisp page. Not too busy, nice large images. Thanks for asking.
You guys rock what commitment and dedication there is no doubt you love what you are doing – thanks for every ounce of effort you put into this for us – you are appreciated.
Looks great! You guys rock!
Got my 3 in!
So, I guess the non-subscribing members are out of luck…
@sterling: jewelry will definitely be in the list, it’s just a half-done mockup on that page.
@eyecatching: the dimensions were chosen because they allow us to show close-ups of three different booths in a small space, in an aesthetically nice way. I find that item close-ups (cropping out the sides of the item) can look good in this format, if you have any crisp pictures taken close.
@myshabbichic: depending on your browser, you should be able to right click on the image and pick “View image” or somesuch to see the image by itself. Though be warned, that isn’t the “final” version of the page, it’s just a rough outline of how it will eventually look.
@OakIslandTreasures: Of course not! Non-subscribing members can subscribe at any time for only $10 But even if you don’t subscribe, you’ll still have the opportunity to be featured in the Bonanza items or hand picked lists that show on the page, not to mention in the browsing itself. With our increasing costs of running what is now 4 servers, we really rely on our subscribers revenues to be able to keep Bonanzle in business.
All: No, there is no special button to submit. As long as you’ve uploaded your pictures and picked a category, you’re good to go. Looks like there are still plenty of gaps to be filled in, though we’ve got great coverage in Jewelry and Clothing already!
Alright, I uploaded my 3. It’s hard picking just three…lol
Thanks for planning this new feature.
Here’s where the small picture is hosted. I hope this helps.
Nice feature, You can use the link from Kathyseven and then HOLD down the CTRL key and spin the wheel in the center of your mouse and make the picture larger or smaller.. Just reset it back to normal when finished..
Another cool thingy from the boyz
Are we getting more tiers in book category?…pretty pleeeeez!
ack!! I uploaded 3 but only one went through…no way to tell which one went! I’ll go make sure they’re all the right size and try again
duh! it shows at the bottom of the page which one went through LOL @ me
This is an awesome feature, you guys!!
I have tried uploading several times, but it still shows 0 uploaded. What could I be doing wrong. Thanks.
I am a premier member but do not see the"upload features images" section at the bottom or anywhere on my advanced options selling page. where am I missing this?
Hello Bill and Mark,
Soon, Promise!
Well since I am not a “paying” member yet, The only thought would be, are we going to get the same visibility when tagged as the paying members, or will this then over shadow that feature? (taxes are coming) so soon guys, I promise! One lump sum here, lol…I think you guys have done a wonderful job with this site, and I am very happy here. I will hope this benefits all of us.
Please don’t put a cap, on how long we have to do this…you KNOW how the government like to hold our returns for as long as they can!
I have to say (once again) that I think this is a very attractive site, I feel there is a woman in the background somewhere influencing the design a bit. Maybe a wife or girlfriend. Or it could be that Bill is in touch with his feminine side, and I mean that as a sincere compliment.
I love that site is easy to navigate, I can actually find what I am looking for with the search, no clutter. And green is my favorite color.
The browse by category page will be a great addition to the site, and help keep buyers eyeballs on Bonanzle.
Good job! Leanne
Nice looking page!
Bill, thanks for giving us good memories of this start-up site. Your coming into the threads and posting/responding to our posts, in our opinion, makes you look like solid gold, especially to those of us who have been recently rocked and rolled to the wrong kind of music. In the words of the immortal Buzz Lightyear:
“To Infinity and Beyond!”
Bill I loaded some. I think the 3 that fit the square good should work. The petrock, the shirl the hairdresser. 1 more there too if you need it. The house ones did not seem to fit the square. Linda
so that means that someone who is not a paid subscriber gets no profit from this? I can not afford to subscribe or become a member right now so I get nothing out of this page, is that correct? so I can not upload any of my pictures?
You “da” best! The page looks cool & handcrafted/artisans definately. Am going to upload so as they say: "pick me, pick me (pleeze). ~CONGRATULATIONS~
If I read things correctly and I am pretty sure I did! That means unless you have paid for your store, you get no exposure on this new feature? If that being the case, that sucks big time.
It looks GREAT! I am excited to see the design on the site when its all done.
It is only fair that those people paying extra each month get extra perks. That is the way life, and business works. You pay extra, you get extra. Plain and simple.
I think its horrible. Sorry, don’t want to offend but it looks like a personal web page for the 3 people’s booths whose photos are up. It overshadows the subcategories. I suspect no one will be selling on this site except those people who have their photos up. I think its a very sad day for Bonanzle. I had high hopes of the site doing well. Now I’m thinking it reminds me too much of ebay. Advertising for a select few at the expense of the many. Hard to believe the site can last long if this is going to be the case. I am extremely disappointed.
I’m not saying those who pay shouldn’t have their photos up. I am saying that those photos should not eclipse everything else on the page. I don’t understand how and why you think its ok. And I don’t understand why more people aren’t concerned about this except that I know people are still flying high over this site because they are desparate for an alternative to ebay.
But, as the buy page exists, I think many people will find it is not going to work for them.
I uploaded 3.
I haven’t yet had the opportunity to look around too much, but will listing my own item for sale, I noticed that adding “TV” as a subcategory in DVD/Movies for sale would be helpful and expeditious for buyers.
I agree with victoriansagejewelry and the others who posted saying unless you are a paid member, this smacks of ebay elitism big time. Hate to see this on what I thought was going to be a wonderful site. Please rethink this about leveling the playing field.
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