Mentions and Achievements for January 27-28
Wow, ya'll's on fire! In the last 24 hours, look what you've done...
Indulge a vice, fine fellow, for Bonanzle is rockin', and you're to thank
Bonanzle Voted Best eBay Alternative (again)
In what SmallBusinessComputing called "a runaway," Bonanzle was named the "Best eBay Alternative" of 2008. Now let's just hope that they don't get wind of the fact that Bonanzle didn't even
exist for more than half of 2008..!
Big thanks to everyone that voted and told their friends to do the same. Beating out esteemed sites like Wigix, eCrater and even Etsy is a tremendous honor that ought to put Bonanzle on the radar of more buyers.
Bonanzle Hits 1m Items (repeatedly)
Well, folks, here we are. I still remember rooting around my tiny condo for electronics I didn't need, so I could post them to billabooth and inch Bonanzle's listing count closer to 1,000 items. I also distinctly remember the day, shortly after Mark came onboard, when he somehow convinced
Mooniebrn to post her 1,000 stamps to the site, more than doubling our overall item count to 2,000 items. Thanks, Moonie!
But that isn't some long ago story of years past. That was
half a year ago. From such modest beginnings, our sellers have done an [insert your incredulous adjective here] job of getting the word out about Bonanzle to their fellow sellers. In January, we've averaged anywhere from 10k-30k new items created per day, even with a strict duplicate item filter that can cut down a seller's inventory significantly when imported from other places.
Now, if everyone would
make sure their items are on Google Base, then we'd
reeeeally be cookin! :)
Mashable Notices Bonanzle
On top of all that, Bonanzle also got a
shout out from Mashable (many million visitors monthly) yesterday. Congrats to
beewells on the great exposure in the story, and thanks to those who've left a comment! (Comments for the story are still open if you haven't)
So where will you take us next? It's sure to be a great 2009 at Bonanzle, with our buyers and sellers busy spreading the good Bonanzle word throughout the blogosphere and beyond.
But for today, I'd recommend you grab your vice of choice and just savor the moment. It's been fun ride up, and our community deserves a long round of applause in what they've built here. All without the contrived marketing campaign aftertaste. More of the same, pls!
57 responses to Mentions and Achievements for January 27-28
With such a great group on the top, why wouldn’t we love “our” Bonanzle
It’s a team effort and you guys are the biggest part by keeping us up and running…
Guess you gave the polar bear an extended leave of absence hu
We luv our Bonanzle boyz

BTW — when I say we hit 1m items “repeatedly,” I’m alluding to the amusing coincidence wherein we twice approach 1 million items, then took down booths for various reasons to go back below one million. We got to enjoy crossing the 1 million item mark at least three times, I think
Amazing! Milestones Abound! Yeah I am gonna say it again You Rock! Mark Rocks! My fellow family members Totally Rock! and Bonanzle well Bonanzle Rocks & Rolls! Take that old record off the shelf..
Great Job Everyone!
Lol I noticed that too and thought it was just me… LOL but I didn’t wanna rock the boat…
Great news! So glad to be a part of this community.
And another great accomplishment!
Congrats guys~
Thank you both, Bill and Mark for the endless hours you have spent building this site and giving us a new wonderful home! The Bonanzle community is the best! Looking forward to many more milestones at Bonanzle!
Congratulations! Darn, my husband used to smoke cigars but with most of our inventory processed at home, he had to give the wonderful vice up! Still miss the smell of a good cigar! Too darned cold to sit outside to freeze your arse off outside here in the Pacific NW to indulge! Still have all the great humidors around, though. Ooh, we should sell them on Bonanzle!
Congratulations for a HARD JOB well done!
Congrats everyone especially Bill and Mark!
… and contrived marketing campaign aftertastes are so… tasteless! Congratulations to all Bonanzlers!
Looks like success becomes you Bill, and that background does not look like you’re in a tiny condo….LOL! So glad to know that hard work by you, Mark and all the Bonanzle family is paying off. There’s no stopping Bonanzle now….Toot! Toot!
I have posted among the threads how stunned I am back in mid Oct. when I joined and all the bottle necking. Then ALL the excitement of member 10,000 joining! The wishing to even get on the top TEN list and NOW look at us geeez as I look for stretch marks lol ..To now ADD to the list the proof we can do on-line auctions shakin head shakin head shakin head lol….ROCK ON !!!!!
Well…..thanks for clearing up the 1 million thingy Bill! Okay everyone, put your right hand on your left shoulder and give yourself a pat on the back! Going off to celebrate now!
Bravo to everyone at Bonanzle! Standing ovation here in Seattle
It’s wonderful to be a part of all this. Thanks Guys for all your hard work !!!
CONGRATS not only to Bill and Mark but to EVERYONE who continues to work endlessly to make this place THE BEST OF THE BEST!
“From such modest beginnings, our sellers have done a Bombastic Bodacious Bang-up Bonanzling job of getting the word out about Bonanzle to their fellow sellers.”
Howzat for a incredulous adjective? hehehe!
And it is all thanks to you, Bill. And Mark, Jordan, and the other Bonanzle Boyz. Your hard work here has made it fun for all of us to work for Bonanzle! And we know you love us!
Thank you so much!
Thank you Bill & Mark & Thank you to my dear friend who encouraged me to come at least “check” Bonanzle out. I have been so happy ever since.
Bonanzle continues to amaze me with how fast it is growing, the attention you guys pay to us members, and well just everything. I will try to not make this as long winded as I normally make everything.
Just Thank you & Congrats Bonanzle on all of your accomplishments
Don’t forget to say Salut at the French Mashable site here:
Good Luck!
I feel so good being a part of this site …thanks so much for creating it and giving me a home. (one where I will be be full time soon..that is) Great Job guys!
Whoop! Whoop! Whoopeeeeeee! Great work EVERYONE!
Whoop! Whoop! Whoopeeeeeee! Great work EVERYONE! Oops, got so excited I hit the button twice! Sorry
I am so honored to be a part of such a wonderful community of people. I have never encountered a group as friendly as Bonanzlers! Thank you Boyz. Good luck to us all.
Congratulations Boyz, you have a winner with Bonanzle!!!
I’m so happy to be a part of this great community!!!
I love being a part of this new site. Now on to 2 million.
Congrats to everyone for a wonderful job extremely well done
You Guys are the glue that holds this ship together!!
….Right now we are headed to the Sun…forget the Moon and Mars!! Thank you to all of my online Family and you Bill, Mark, and Jordan, and everyone else who helps to shoulder the load here.We are #1 already in our world, but the rest of the world will speak our name soon!!
TY for such a great group and super nice website
I am so happy to be a part of this growing community….Congratulations and much success to everyone!!!
Hip Hip for a fabulous group of positive people who know a good thing when they see it & particularly congrats to the Boyz for their time, effort, dedication, determination & smartzzzzz, I’m thrilled to be one of your many supporters.
Yes Bill we did go over 1 million three times! lol
It was funny to watch, but it worked out okay because the first time was it was very late and I’m sure half of our community was sound asleep! zzzzzzzzz lol
There was very special picture posted by eyecatchingbeauty on one of the celebration threads. I don’t know if the commments section of the blog will display pictures and if not, make sure to click on it. It was pretty special and I think the Boyz might even want to save it.
Thank you Bill for this wonderful site and Mark for all the hard work you do and to all the others that worked so hard to make this milestone a reality!
Pass the beer, nachos and pizza – we dun did it! Major huge congrats for seeing your dream come true!
Hey, can we post that gif in the comments section of some articles?? 
Thank you a million times for your hard work and great humor. I may never be a tech. lol but Ill always think and talk of you all very fondly.
And thank you to all of you that post on the forums, helping new people get oriented and encouraging each other. It is such a pleasure to see you all posting every day.
Yes! Now on to 2 million… I say by the end of March.
I posted my great comments about Bonanzle and tried to say it three times in the comments. ;-) over on mashable. I translated it into french using babel and it looks good. I have a lot of great buyers from there. I sure hope they come over here. Ill try to email them when I get done this weekends show in Puyallup. Anyone in the area stop by and chat Bonanzle with me. ma at mastoyshop
Wow, it feels SO GOOD to be a part of this community! Something I can be proud to participate in, something that has a real future!! It just doesn’t get any better than Bonanzle!
THIS Monkey is HOME!!!
We are so happy to be here and be a part of a new beginning in the online sales world.
I may be a newbie but I had the fun of telling the others we had just gone over the first million. Then we had an online party and stayed up ’til 7.00 am. Now for the second million. Congratulations. This is a fun site. Ann
We wouldn’t even be here at all had it not been for you and Mark, so my hats off to you! Congratulations on an extraordinary job, and for making my life so much better. For real! Thanks
Great Job! I am soooo thrilled to be a part of it!
Thumbs UP for a job well done.
Onward and upward.
Huge “Thank You” to everyone!
There is “Strength In Numbers” and I have seen it at work before, but never like this. It is a joy to be part of such a thriving community.
AND…let’s not forget the hundreds of new users flocking to Bonanzle’s front door!! On our way to 24,000 (today maybe?) Unbelievable growth for a site basically still in the infant stages.
I could have done without the nasty comments posted on the Mashable article (ooh, there’s so much I wanted to say back!)…but I think the Bonanzle users’ positive comments pretty much overrode the nastiness
Bill, Mark & guys ~ you should all be very proud of what you’ve created here!! I am most definitely proud to be along for the ride
Thanks for all you do!!
Thanks!! I am enjoying my membership in Bonanzle……….
It really is amazing when you think of just how short
a time all this has taken………………
Whooo Hooo!
I am proud to be able to tell everyone about Bonanzle!
I’m having FUN at Bonanzle!
It’s a combination of working hard and working smart that has brought us this attention. I am so proud to be a member here and will continue to do both.
Will be five months next week and I am always glad I made the switch to Bonanzle.. Best of everything
Great pic. Now if this were the ‘Bay, that guy would be sizzling his cigar into some poor seller’s forehead!
Mind if I put my feet up while I celebrate?
Bonanzle is still young – but I think we can celebrate a little…
Congrats – this is wonderful NEWS – need to go and spread the word!
Well, here we are, celebrating a couple of milestones
that mere months ago seemed too far away to even dream about.
The Boyz, the booth owners, and all the buying clients
deserve a tip of the red chapeau,
a toast of the best bubbly, and standing ovations.
Their two mottos:
“Everything But The Ordinary†& “Inspire Simplicityâ€
are appropriate for the site,
and for the philosophy behind the running of it.
Is it any wonder that this upstart site,
with an audacity born of the knowledge that
there is a better way to do things has reached this milestone?
Things are a little different on Bonanzle than any other selling venue.
The Boyz ask the booth owners about things they want or need.
They actually listen and act upon suggestions .
The booth owners get to vote on improvements.
The tongue in cheek playfulness when improvements get added or deleted,
(sometimes things look good on paper & crummy in the real world),
The blog and “What’s New†that keeps everyone in the loop.
Things are simple, easy, quick, and
there’s always a community member within earshot,
if a buyer or seller needs help,
just wants to say “HI†or has something they need to share.
Who’da thunk it?
A couple guys, a bunch of “misfits”
another venue chose to call “noise”,
and a determination to make something new,
better, greater than has been seen before,
come blazing out of nowhere,
and within the space of 9 months,
the online auction world is set on its’ ear.
The hoots of derision have turned to stunned silence,
Those who said, “It can’t be done”,
are standing awestruck and dumbfounded.
How can you run a site like that?
(responding to your customers,the sellers, one on one, up close and personal),
How?…it’s simple, really,
just remember they are your customers, your boss, your friends.
Odd, isn’t it, how when you put things on that footing,
everyone’s attitude changes?
It’s not us against them, it’s
“We’re all in this together and by golly,
we think it’s gonna fly!
The mutual respect the sellers and site owners show one another.
The,â€I got your backâ€, from the Boyz and the sellers,
Everyone looks out for buyers’ and sellers’ alike…the Boyz look out for all of us,
and all of us look out for them.
The genuine caring for one another in the community,
supporting one another, offering advice, gentle critiques,
bouncing ideas around, passing on information
for places to advertise.
The fact that the Boyz have limited the number of items
per booth is a prime example of their determination
to keep Bonanzle from becoming just another
online big box store, and keep it truly a place for
“Everything But The Ordinary.â€
These things and several hundred more all add to the
“something†that Bonanzle has that draws people.
In another 6 months the buzzwords on the
online sales net will be:
“I Found It On Bonanzleâ€
and we’ll be here celebrating
2 million listings, 100,000 members,
and toasting “The Boyzâ€, one another and
the best selling venue on the net;
Congrats Bonanzle !
Besides giving a big congrats & thanks to Bill, Mark, & crew, I would also like to pass the same to the Bonanzle Pioneers.
You folks came early, stayed late, and helped lay the foundation.
Boy it’s great here!

No other site like it!
And it’s free to list!
Not just a venue, but also a community!
Zest for online selling has returned!
Lol, the humor on the forums will make you do that!
Everyone, your break is over, please get back to listing!
Congrats to the Bonanzle Community!!!
It’s great to be a part of something as wonderful as Bonanzle. Thanks guys!
WAY TO GO BONANZLE! I am so grateful BONANZLE exists! When the “other site†we all know about made major changes to the search in September in order to advantage the big sellers like BUY over the rest of us, they cut our sales in half overnight. We badly needed an alternative place to sell and BONANZLE is it for us. BONANZLE obviously cares about the same things we do, they work hard to address our concerns, and they are dedicated to keeping the site a good place for small family businesses to grow and prosper. I look forward to many years of selling, buying and making new friends on a site that we can all trust. And thanks BONANZLE for helping us to be successful. Steve
I took a vote back in Dec. that we would hit it Jan. 28th. Well I missed it by a day first time, but second time it fell on the right day!! Wooo Hoooo
Seriously, Thank you Guys for all you do to make this place so fun. We will all make it through the growing pains just fine. That is the hard part on you guys but you do a FANTASTIC job of it. Thank you!
My goal is 2 million by the end of March so you better start planning a few more servers. And to the Nay sayers. lol Just wait and see. We at Bonanzle are foot loose and fancy free. we dont want the negative sleeze. We are here our users to pleez. ;-) ma
Very well stated! With all the lost incomes and torn families created by eBay’s new direction, it is easly understandable where the feelings of the evil eBay comes to life. But, yes they are no more than a business with shareholders to answer to. Trying to compete in their marketplace.
Please remember… hate consumes the hater and will destroy itself tenfold over the hated. We must stay focused on our own direction and progress to success.
I would like to thank e-bay, because if they hadn’t been the greedy hogs that they are, I wouldn’t be on the best site around, In a fantastic community and with the best bosses you could ask for.
My old granny use to tell us that when one door closed, another opened, and I for one , am thankful for that opened bonanzle door and for the boyz that made it possible to walk into a positive, productive work place that makes you feel like you have “come home”. magnoliaglitz
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