Hello Bonanzlers! Greg here. I’m sure that I’m dramatically understating the obvious, but it’s hard to believe all that has happened in the last 90 days – yet here we are! It’s our hope that during this unprecedented time that you first care for your families and yourself – everything else pales in comparison. For our sellers that are struggling right now, know that the Bonanza team has your back. Please let us know how we can be of assistance during this challenging time, talk to us at support@bonanza.com.
We provide free tools to help you manage your listings and set buyer expectations. If you will be delayed in shipping out items, we recommend that you update your shipping information. If you need to make items temporarily unavailable it is always free to place listings in reserve.
As we committed to in January, if you provided regular and candid feedback, we would reciprocate with clarity on our direction and plan. Based on the feedback we have received from you, either directly or through the Sellers Survey and polls, we feel that we have an accurate understanding of what you are asking for:
We know that you understand that there is a lot that goes into continuously improving each point listed above.
Our thoughts and best wishes are with you, your families, your friends, and your communities. It’s our sincere hope that in another 90 days this will all be a memory.
All the best.
60 responses to It's been 90 days???
Best to you also Greg in these challenging times of early 2020. At YVDS, we have noticed improved traffic and sales over the past couple of weeks. We look forward to this being a developing and continuing trend! We are also really hoping for some Canada Post Shipping Label integration to come to Bonanza in the future. Be safe, be well!
Thank you YVDS for your response! We’re so glad that some of efforts have begun to payoff. Generating increased buyer traffic in a way that keeps all of our costs down is paramount for Bonanza’s and your booth’s success. Great question about Canada Post Labels – I look forward to having an update on that soon! Thank you for your time and thoughtful feedback!
Thanks for the update Greg, stay safe and healthy.
Our team appreciates the good wishes, ShelliFitz! We are all in this together and excited about having this seller directed road map to work off of!
yay now let’s sell some s***
Hi Wilrue99! Yes, we are gearing up to help you sell all sorts of stuff! ;)
How can we as sellers get the Federal assistance money to offset our losses on sales? Other than the normal funds they plan to send each taxpayer. Are we classified as a small business online seller?
Terrific question! Today (April 1st – no joke!), the Federal Government launched the CARES act (https://www.sbc.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/guide-to-the-cares-act). Please have a look and see how it applies to you, as every business is slightly different. Good luck and please stay safe!
This is a great time to get the Bonanza website in front of millions of eyeballs. I doubt any seller would be upset to pay a couple percentage points in fees to have you do what Mercari or others are doing. Promote your brand. Lead eyeballs to our items!
Thank you for your vote of confidence, bonzuser_yjvyb! We will work hard to earn it in identifying ways to grow our buyer traffic. We look forward to growing with you!
Bad days of life so far. But this too shall pass.
caringly yours, wefbee apk
Wise words, wefbee. Thank you for the reminder. Good luck and take care!
Greg, not necessarily ME but you state “know that the Bonanza team has your back”. Well it seems that MANAGEMENT needs to read some of the COMMUNITY HELP threads as SUPPORT HELP seems to be lacking with extremely long wait times (more than 2-3 days)and the ship is sinking here. The community members like us can offer only a certain amount of guidance but we cannot do the administrative duties like the Support staff is authorized to do to help people who need it. People here who have problems and wait beyond 3 days (sometimes much more) feel Support is non-existent here. Again, NOT necessarily ME personally but these members need help faster than they are able to get it here.
Your honest feedback is always appreciated, Atomicdiner! Thank you for your commitment to a strong seller community in reaching out on others’ behalf. As you have probably guessed, our support team is experiencing higher than usual volume due to issues stemming from COVID-19. We are working hard to get back to our usual response rate of well within 24 hours. We will review all recent forum posts to ensure that our community members’ messages to support have been responded to.
Thanks again for your patience and commitment to the Bonanza community! Good luck and stay safe!
We appreciate the opportunities Bonanza has to offer and would like to say, thank you. Keep it up! This is a great platform and seller friendly site! We have utilized the reserve option on a few items as shipping has become a hassle with Covid19 shelter in place orders. We have 4 children to keep safe so movement is at a minimum. Thanks for your understanding!
Can’t think of anything off the top of my head that needs to be changed.
Thank you for helping keep this such a great seller community, TheRealDealDiscount! We’re glad to hear that the reserve option is working for you during this unusual situation. With 4 children I have no doubt that you are extremely busy right now without having to worry about shipping. We’re here if you need anything. Good luck and stay safe!
Hi Greg.
One big issue that I can see is in the Candle category. If you navigate to “Home & Garden” → “Home Decor” and look on category list on the left side of the page it shows currently 119,000+ listings. When you click on “Candles” the listings that are shown are mostly not candles. There are many ornaments, clocks, rugs and other non-candle items. In my estimation there should be 1,000 or less candle listings.
I reached out to some of these sellers and they believe that the issue is that when they import their items from some eCommerce platforms it incorrectly categorizes the items as “Candle”.
I think that the item imports should be looked into why items are being categorized as “Candle” and also doing a search for any item that is categorized as “Candle” but does not have the word candle or melt in their title should be re-categorized. Let me know if I can be of any help.
Thank You!
Hi Hubbardstoncandle,
Thanks for the heads up on the candle category. We checked our search results as you indicated, and it looks like some Amazon categories that don’t match to Bonanza categories are being directed to the candle category. We have sent this bug to our programming team to fix. Thank you so much for letting us know!
Please extend payment seller invoice payments
And please have “STRIP” as a free other payment option
Thanks for your feedback, EtronicWorlds! We are very close to being able to offer Stripe as a payment processor for all sellers regardless of membership subscription status. We appreciate your patience and can’t wait to announce it!
Seems like you care far more about your sellers than eBay does. Thanks
KennyBeck21, we do care about our sellers, as you are at the center of our business mission! Thank you for your response. Please keep the conversation going!
Marketing Bonanza as well as my store
Thank you, lildaneia! We appreciate your commitment to getting the word out about Bonanza. We will do our part to keep showing shoppers all of the unique items that our seller community offers. Have you tried out Bonanza’s Hand Picked Lists yet? It’s a great (free) tool to show off your and other sellers’ treasures on our site. Check it out! https://support.bonanza.com/hc/en-us/articles/360001348291-All-About-Hand-Picked-Lists-on-Bonanza
Hi there !!!
thanks for helping in this crucial time to your sellers , although every thing is stopped since the lock-down of the globe , from production to shipping has very hard time ,
we should informed the shipping time as you know all big companies are not handling the luggage to one place to another.
We should safe our self and our family first and try to stay at home as much as we can.
kind regards
Hi hbilal2020! Thanks for your kind message. I know that your shoppers will appreciate your care in updating the shipping times. It’s a challenging time for many but we are all in this together, across the globe. Good luck and stay safe!
no one has heard of Bonanza..and no advertising effort to change that! only so called benefit/plus is tie to Google search? no traffic means no sales; very disappointed
Hi JeffH1184, Thanks for taking the time to let us know your feelings on getting the Bonanza name out there. It is our top priority to establish our online presence and consistantly drive traffic to the site.
Hi! I guess someone needs to “Break The Ice” here. Good information in your message. I need to look into “Listings in Reserve” and “Stripe For All”. Thankyou and Best Wishes to the Bonanza Staff!!! Have a Wonderful Wednesday!!!
Thanks for “breaking the ice”, Summerkitchenresale! Glad the message was helpful. Placing listings in reserve is useful in situations such as this one when you may not be able to ship all of your inventory or need to temporarily step away from managing your booth. There is no charge for you to do so. Looking forward to being able to announce Stripe for All! Best wishes to you and yours!!
So, are you actually doing the things we told you we needed? Because there is literally nothing in your vacuous post to suggest that you are doing anything to assist your sellers.
I have 4000 listings and haven’t had a sale on Bonanza in a month. Meanwhile I earn almost $30k monthly on other platforms…
Storage_Warrior, I appreciate you for speaking up and airing your frustration. My top priority is to get our brand name out there and established. We understand that our and your longterm success is predicated on our ability to consistently drive traffic to our site. This cannot be done by snapping fingers – and will not be changed over night. I know that you don’t yet know me – but there was nothing remotely “vacuous” in my post – as you will see. Please keep your insights and feedback coming, and thank you for believing in Bonanza!
Thank You
You’re welcome, Tigbul_sVariety! Thank you for being a long time member of our selling community! If we can be of any assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at support@bonanza.com. Good luck and stay safe!
Thanks for the updated information ! ! !
You’re welcome, AlfredB100! We are so grateful for the response we’ve received from our seller community when we asked for feedback. Now that we’ve compiled the feedback and see that these were the top 3 “asks” we have our marching orders! It will take time but we’ll keep the updates coming!
Hi ElvisKaraoke! Thank you for joining our seller community and keeping us “everything but the ordinary”, as our motto goes. Collector’s items such as yours often shine on social media. Check out our free social media marketing account tool: https://support.bonanza.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000752032-How-to-share-your-product-listings-on-Facebook-Pinterest-and-Twitter. I also recommend this help page for a variety of ways to promote your booth: https://support.bonanza.com/hc/en-us/articles/360001349852-Promoting-Your-Booth Good luck and stay safe!
Same to you, Greg – stay healthy!
Thank you, Brenda! We appreciate your being an early member of our community. You’ve seen a lot of changes over time and I hope that you’ll enjoy watching what happens this coming year as we work to make our sellers’ feedback a reality. Good luck and stay safe!
Its interesting to note that placing items for sale on your site does not even garter a response from any buyers. Does this mean no one is watching or even buying from this site? A little depress over this site.
Hi F22Yogi! We’re glad to have you here! I recommend taking a look at this help page we put together especially for new sellers with tips for building sales: https://support.bonanza.com/hc/en-us/articles/360001350612-How-Can-I-Increase-My-Sales-on-Bonanza- Our team would also be glad to provide personalized tips for your listings or booth set-up. Simply drop us a line at support@bonanza.com. Thank you for the honest feedback and good luck!
thank you for the information Greg. We will continue to add more items to our Bonanza shop while everyone is stuck in their homes. No one is buying, but this also gives me more time to get to know this system.
Thanks for finding the silver lining in staying home, TeriSays! One feature that you might enjoy is putting together a Hand-Picked List. It’s a fun way to promote your own beautiful accessories along with other sellers’ unique items to our shoppers: https://support.bonanza.com/hc/en-us/articles/360001348291-All-About-Hand-Picked-Lists-on-Bonanza. Good luck and stay safe!
Thank you Wavelbj123615, unfortunately you started with us at a time where we were inundated by new sellers without any history with Bonanza. As always a few “bad actors,” caused us to rethink our pricing policy on gouging during this international crisis. Due to this, we made a decision to restrict new sellers from selling such items. Sellers that had been with us for a longer period of time with some positive feedback were allowed to do so at reasonable prices. We are proud to continue to provide a marketplace for needed items at a fair price. It’s our hope that you will continue to stay here, as many sites have banned those items all together. Whatever you decide, good luck and please stay safe!
Yes its been 90 days with no sales. I am new to here. I sell on Ebay and I do like the way Bonanza works. I have noticed a few flaws. I sold an item and it still shows that I have it for sale. I had to go through and delete a lot that sold. I dont know what to do here with no sales or real support. I was going to subscribe but I’m glad I did not. I had emailed someone a while back I got charged for shipping from paypal and I had paid for postage here. I dont know what to say except stay safe.
Marys_Place, thank you so much for taking the time to reach out to us on this. Hearing this is like fingernails on a chalkboard for me. Attracting more buyers is critical to our success and yours. For us, this is our top priority to resolve. Thank you for your continued feedback and support. In the meantime, I’ll have our Happiness Manager, Shelly, reach out to you to talk about opportunities to improve booth performance. Thank you again!
I loved Bonanza, it’s more user-friendly when compared to eBay. Especially listing items are easier. Also takes lower fees.
I hope one day it becomes number 1 selling website.
Thank you, Awayjersey! We’re so glad you enjoy using Bonanza. Our goal has always been to be a seller-friendly site so that is great to hear! We look forward to growing together!
Yup, sure has been 90 days and No Sale , notice i said Sale,verses sales. Even one sale, will get me excited. I sell thru GoAntiques. and i just SOLD item on Amazon. i am confused with Bonanza.
Hi Curiositycove, I just took a look at your booth. I would like to work with you to adjust some of your shipping settings to ensure your items are advertised on Google Shopping. I will be reaching out to you today. Thanks for your feedback.
I’m not sure it is your brand but that it’s to much of a Hodge podge,i was surprised to see so many sellers with 40 thousand items or more,it is like a wholesale jungle ans way to hard to search through,I got tired after looking at the first one hundred,I think you need an identity,are you a wholesale jungle? or handmade and vintage like ETSY or maybe an auction site like Ebay?maybe you could take a lesson from Costco,some times you just can’t be all things to all people,thank you.
Hi Greater_One, You have perfect timing for your comment, as we are currently building our brand out. We appreciate your thoughts. Stay tuned, and please feel free to let us know what you would like to see at Bonanza.
God Bless you all!!! Thanks for the reminder.
Thank you so much, Fioridella1327!
THANK YOU… Greg… Hoping the Bonanza FAMILY stays safe… We can DO this !
Thanks for the well-wishes, ooak! Yes, we can do this!
thank you so much
You’re welcome, tomasserthomi834zx! Take care and thanks for being a part of the Bonanza community!
Is bonanza on vacation because of the covid-19 epidemic
Hi LuuTruong1068! Bonanza is open online for business. Any sellers who are not able to ship during this time have individually set their booth to vacation mode, or adjusted their shiopping times.
Thank you for sharing with us, and we sincerely hope you will continue to update or post other articles.
Yes, absolutely! We will continue to update you on all things Bonanza! Take care!
I have never seen a seller survey or poll. Do you have to be sent them?
Hi, We send a seller survey to all sellers on Bonanza. You may want to make sure your notifications are allowing emails and they are not going to a spam folder. If you think your email is not working properly, please contact support@bonanza.com and we will help you test it. Thanks!
Getting it in front of eyeballs I have everything sharing across from ebay and nothing has sold in 2020 at all and I am still selling on ebay that is keeping me afloat and I can’t go bigger on here because I can’t afford the increase in cost at the moment. I feel like my stuff is not seen at all. Not complaining just concerned.
Hi Amyb882002, thanks so much for taking the time to let us know your concerns. If you could check in with support@bonanza.com the team could take a personal look at your booth and possibly offer suggestions to optimize your traffic. Hope we hear from you soon. Take care!
Hi Greg.
Thanks for the update. I know Stripe for All was supposed to roll out in I think Sept 2019? Maybe I’m wrong on the date. I haven’t seen where I can sign up for it. Someone please if you can let me know how to do that.
I don’t think I’ve had a Bonanza sale in over a year but of course like everyone else, I’m more active on other platforms.
Everything for the last month has stalled everywhere with everything going on. Online selling platforms for me have all halted.
I’ve resorted to having to join on with food delivery services as an independent contractor. It’s really scary for me to be out there in this delivering food to folks, but what choice do I have when online platforms aren’t paying the bills?
I hope to find out about Stripe. I hope sometime when I say Bonanza, people know I’m talking about here and not an old TV show.
Best of luck, Greg. Look forward to what’s next. Stay safe everyone. <3 We will get through this.
Good afternoon Waterfalls_Outlet! Thank you for taking the time to reach out and speak with us. Good luck to you and your family during this incredibly trying time. Stay safe! Regarding Stripe, I’m not going to say anything other than…..keep watching! =)
Hi Waterfalls_Outlet, Thanks for asking about Stripe. We are very close to being able to offer Stripe as a payment processor for all sellers regardless of membership subscription status. We appreciate your patience and can’t wait to announce it! Also, please contact support@bonanza.com to have a team member check your set up and advertising in your booth. Take care!
Thank you sir
Thank you! We’re happy to have you selling with us!
Thank you for helping us out here on Bonanza! YEE HAW!!
Welcome! Glad to have you here! Take care.
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