BEFORE: Poor birds... they're fuzzy and off-color and nobody will buy them.
What value do the pictures attached to your Bonanzle listings have? Do your pictures enhance your listings or do they turn off potential buyers? I would ask that you step outside your booth, look in and critically assess your listing photographs. Are the images "fuzzy" and out of focus or are they clear and sharp? Do you crop the image to show more of the item? What about close-ups to show the item's detail? Have you ever wondered why you cannot reproduce the colors in that purple shirt? Browse through the booths of other sellers and compare your pictures to theirs. How do your pictures stack up? Which booth looks more professional?
AFTER: The birds, seller and potential buyers are all much happier.
Does it look like you took your picture 50 feet away from the item? Close-up details are important to many viewers who want to see the item in an uncluttered environment. As a seller, you want that shopper to be able to identify the item from the photo and click through to YOUR booth. So, how do you present your items in “the best possible light”?
This PHOTOS 101 series will cover:
• Understanding your camera settings.
• Proper lighting of the item to achieve proper exposure and the utility of a light box.
• Photographic techniques and props to show off your item.
• How backgrounds, camera angles and light sources affect your photograph’s quality.
• How to take clearer, sharper photographs (and how computer software can help).
• Cropping your photo in the camera and photo editing with computer software.
• Proper sizing (resolution) and format of your photos - JPEG (JPG), GIF, PNG, or PICT
• Uploading your photographs and adding them to your Bonanzle Booth.
• Photo hosting sites – what they can do for you.
• and more!
The Photos 101 series will be “fluid” so if it’s important and helpful, we will add it to the series. Your input is welcome and appreciated, as I don’t claim to be an expert in everything.
I feel comfortable saying that if you implement some or all of these tips, you can turn out great-looking pictures and enhance the appearance of your Bonanzle Booth and web presence. If that leads to more visitors and more sales, then maybe that picture will be worth $1000.
Don't forget to check out the other BOP articles at
14 responses to Is a Picture Worth a Thousand Dollars?
Hey Tom..
Great intro.
I can hardly wait for the lessons to begin.
I am a VERY visually oriented person, so, to me, photos’ are worth more than a thousand words.
Unfortunatly, I’m working with an antique camera, and must do the best I can with what I have.
Digital is a whole new world for me,(give me my Minolta Maxim or Cannon AE1,& a bag of film & I’m good to go),so hope you can give some advice for those of us who are digitally challanged
Wow, very well put and very much appreciated! Thanks for all your input on the subject of pictures for listings, Tom!
I will also encourage members to use the CROP feature within the listing page, that Bonanzle offers, it does a fabulous job of correcting anything you didn’t catch and will present very well on your booth front page.
When is this coming up? I have a point or 2 I can maybe add. Let me know in case I forget to come back. Too many emails!
This info is so true everyone likes to see what they are buying.
I am also interested in the series. I have experienced the value of a clear precise presentation. I have also listed my desktop photo kit, the same one I use for my own photos, in case others want to get in on the game. Although there are many examples, some less quality, some more, mine is cheaper, yet still has the quality needed for small items.
How do we know when the Photo 101 will be active? Can we get a memo?
@ HerWay and others… when a new blog goes up, I will end up Tweeting it (if you’re following me) and it will be posted in the forums. —Tom
Good picture can even be worth several millions dollars.
Wonderful, to the point article – thanks!
When is the tutorial coming? This was a great article and I look forward to more, more, more!!!
I believe a picture is worth a million
If its not showing the true value and it’s just blur and dark No one will even bother to evaluate it! It’s best to make sure the photo is as Clear as Day As you’ve shown above i bet everyone looked at the clearer photo.. ?
I just found this posting and as it’s now 1/3/2010, perhaps the class has come and gone. Is there another scheduled? Or can I get the notes for the class from somewhere? Sounds like a great opportunity to learn a lot about an important subject! Thanks, Carrol/Kokokat
I can add..I had items with poor pictures that never sold. I took them off sale, re-photographed them, put them back up for sale and less than a day went by and I had a bid on the same item!
A picture is worth a thousand words!
I’ve always been told though, take a picture like someone who sees it cannot read and write the listing like someone reading it cannot see a picture. If you can do that, you have a very complete listing with details and picture.
Sometime it’s really worth a thousand dollar.
I can’t seem to get Bonanzle to upload my new pictures for my new items how do I go about getting this done?
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