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Introducing... Elizabeth!
Mar 12, 2010

Introducing... Elizabeth!

How did the quote go... "with great sales comes great responsibility?"  Something like that.  Anyway, as our buyer base continues to grow and you all keep busy building Bonanzle into The Next Big thing, we have again found ourselves in over our head in the community support department.  To maintain the stellar level of service you have grown to expect with Bonanzle, it is my pleasure to introduce the newest member of the Bonanzle team... the eloquent, extravagant, and extremely elaborate Elizabeth of ANightOwl fame!  

She's exemplary, she's engaging, she's... OK, I'm running out of E-adjectives

Anyone that's been around Bonanzle long enough to find this blog has probably already been helped by Elizabeth in some shape or form, as she has tirelessly and patiently been assisting our community ever since she joined in October 2008.  We've been consistently impressed with her knack for quickly picking up on all our latest and greatest features, and for the steady stream of positivity she infuses into her surroundings. 

Elizabeth's initial responsibilities will be helping to approve and improve our item traits, monitoring and enforcing payments, and keeping an eye on site help comments and images submitted for the category page.  We also plan to have her dabble in support and other community maintenance tasks as needed.  Like Tom did, she is starting as part time, but with our current rate of growth, we'll see how long that lasts!

Here are a couple fun facts about Elizabeth:

  • I hate being bored - I feel guilty if I don't fill my time with something constructive (although I do love to read - that's constructive, right?)
  • I like change and new opportunities to stretch myself into unknown waters. Give me a new toy and I push all the buttons to see how it works - forget any kind of user manual, I want to figure it out on my own.
  • I like things organized - I think Adrian Monk stole some of my habits.
  • I've done some pretty crazy things in my life. In my younger days I worked a summer at a Renaissance Faire (at the kissing booth of all things!) and I was a Rocky Horror Picture Show participant for a while - Time Warp anyone?
  • Now that I'm (mostly) all grown up I like tending my garden - the sun, the breeze and green growing things feed my soul.

I feel like I could have written those first three points about myself, but I'm afraid she's alone on the Renaissance Faire.  Anyway, please join me in extending a warm welcome to Elizabeth! 

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99 responses to Introducing... Elizabeth!

loristhisandthat says: 03/12/10 at 14:48:49

Yeah!!! You guys couldn’t have picked a better person! A true asset to all Bonanzlers.
Congrats Elizbeth!

SharsBoutique says: 03/12/10 at 14:59:41

You go, girl! Great pick, guys! What an asset Elizabeth will be to Bonanzle! ((clapping hands))

StarvingPackrats says: 03/12/10 at 15:03:00

Lets all “toast” Elizabeth. Okay, all you RHPS participants… get your slices of bread ready!

Truly, this is a terrific choice. I’m so happy to know she’s on the Bonanzle team. Congrats, Elizabeth!

swoodproducts says: 03/12/10 at 15:03:43

Good Job Elizabeth
And a wise choice Boyz

BargainBasement says: 03/12/10 at 15:09:44

Very wise choice! I’m delighted that she’s official now.

starshinin says: 03/12/10 at 15:12:54

Awesome choice!! Great Job Elizabeth, another fantastic addition to the Bonz team!!!

XXOhHappyDay says: 03/12/10 at 15:13:43

She’s been “working” here for a long time already!
Happy she gets paid now,lol.
Just save time for her to tend her garden, That’s the most imporatant thing she can do for fun and relaxation
Good Luck, Elizabeth!

sofyblu2 says: 03/12/10 at 15:13:47

OMG You couldn’t have picked a finer person! CONGRATULATIONS

Griffengarb says: 03/12/10 at 15:16:39

Great Choice!Elizabeth is always there with the answer and more. And also important is she responds in a very polite patient manner.

gingernellscloset says: 03/12/10 at 15:22:42

Excellent news! I know Elizabeth will do a great job.

gypsygirl says: 03/12/10 at 15:30:57

Hey! Congrats Elizabeth! (I can say I knew you when) Remember our twitter conversation? lol… you’ll do awesome!!

Tackmakr says: 03/12/10 at 15:32:15

Fantastic addition to the official team!

momspennies says: 03/12/10 at 15:38:58

Congratulations Elizabeth! What a great opportunity for you!

Whispering_Willows says: 03/12/10 at 15:52:09

Some folks get all the breaks,Just kidding you earn every bit of this, Awesome Elizabeth

BookbinEtc says: 03/12/10 at 16:00:48

That’s great to hear! Elizabeth will be a wonderful addition to the team.

hmmm, now it’s Boyz and Girlz, eh?

Memaws16 says: 03/12/10 at 16:02:37

Great news!! Already an asset, now part of the management team! No longer can we just say the “boyz”. Love it!

Queenmum says: 03/12/10 at 16:26:41

Congrats Elizabeth

Now we have Boyz & Girlz too!

Being one of the literally hundreds of lost souls
ANightOwl has helped,advised, and cheered on, I gotta say,
Great Choice Boyz.
She’s a true Bonanzler through & through
and embodies the spirit of the ranch
that we all hold dear.

bookbrowzers says: 03/12/10 at 16:32:09

Wow! Such great news…Congratulations, Elizabeth & to the Boyz for making such a great choice!!

driver211 says: 03/12/10 at 16:43:58

Great news on picking a great person! Great to see you hire from within.

MONTROSE says: 03/12/10 at 17:14:03

It’s so nice to know that T0M will finally be getting the Saturday(s) off that he’s been requesting (LOL), congrats!

equillink says: 03/12/10 at 17:18:24

What a fantastic choice! Congratulations, Elizabeth!

GracefulArtifacts says: 03/12/10 at 17:22:30

Thank You – Thank You and Thank You for asking the so very qualified Elizabeth to join your team and Elizabeth Thank You for accepting. This is wonderful news.

sistahqueen2 says: 03/12/10 at 17:56:44

How cool is this….

I don’t always make comments or say thanks in the threads but ANightOwl has helped me plenty …Thanks Boyz for getting her on board and a BIG Thank You to Elizabeth for being here helping all of us….

LilacsNDreams says: 03/12/10 at 18:05:26

WOW! Great News & Excellent Choice! Congratulations to you Elizabeth, and best of luck into your new venture

sandy7172cat says: 03/12/10 at 18:22:55

Wonderful news!! Congratulations Elizabeth!!

SherAhnn says: 03/12/10 at 19:00:31

Congrats Elizabeth !!
Its About Time They put you to work..lol
Being A “Night Owl” myself, I have interacted with Elizabeth since I joined in Oct 2008 also. What a wonderful Person to add to the continuing friendly atmophere of Bonanzle Support.. She has always been a great asset to our community.

alicesgiftshop says: 03/12/10 at 19:44:03

Congratulations Elizabeth. This is great news. She will be wonderful.

teapotgallery says: 03/12/10 at 19:51:19

Super news, Congrats Elizabeth. A great addition to a super team!

calicoseas says: 03/12/10 at 20:23:00

Elizabeth has consistently and tirelessly given help people can trust. Congratulations, Elizabeth!

And congratulations, Bill, for making another very wise choice in staff, in addition to Mark and Tom. You are choosing people who rise to the top in service.

I am so grateful, Bill, that you are building such a solid foundation for Bonanzle.

It’s just going to get better and better!

AntiquesPlusMore says: 03/12/10 at 20:26:34

Elizabeth of ANightOwl is a great choice. She is one of the great and hardworking people on Bonanzle. Thanking for your help in the past and future.

kathyseven says: 03/12/10 at 20:34:24

Wow, you couldn’t have picked a better person Bill!

I was just telling someone last week how much I admired Elizabeth. She’s always offering a helping hand. She’s sharp, witty, talented and really does stay up on what’s happening with Bonanzle.
What an Excellent choice!

Congratulations Elizabeth! I’m very happy for you!

vintagejunkiebev says: 03/12/10 at 20:35:08

congratulations to you and i’m sure you will be a great asset…You go girl !!!!

kathyseven says: 03/12/10 at 20:38:17

Now we’ll have to come up with something other than “the Boyz”. lol

calicoseas says: 03/12/10 at 21:13:59

How about “The Bonz Team”? The “Bonzies”?

ANightOwl says: 03/12/10 at 23:27:24

Thanks everyone!
I feel so loved!

I’m really pleased that Bill asked me to join the team. I’ve been working incognito for a few days, and all I can say is I am even more impressed with the high level of support the Boyz have been giving all of us now that I see the astonishing amount of stuff that is handled behind the scenes. I’m more convinced than ever they never sleep!

I am already having a great time, and I look forward to doing everything I can to support the others on the Team and all of you as Bonanzle grows and grows!

OnTopOfJunkMountain says: 03/12/10 at 23:39:45

Phew! When I read the title I thought it was gonna be this years Bizzy..LOL Nice choice fellas! And congrats Elizabeth.

zanderbooks says: 03/13/10 at 00:37:16

Have you seen those photos of ANightOwl’s inventory system in her home? So organized…so clean…so Beautiful!! Anyone who can accomplish that, can do just about anything, in my book. Awesome choice, you guyz!! Congratulations, Elizabeth!!

twysp2 says: 03/13/10 at 00:38:27

Super great news..great pick….Congrats Elizabeth.

Marlin114 says: 03/13/10 at 00:49:10

Congratulations Elizabeth! You were always a true asset to the Bonanzle community. Now you are officially official

Great choice Bill!

catscorner990 says: 03/13/10 at 00:59:39

Congratulations Elizabeth (nightowl) a very wise decision you guy’s made. She is definitely all the time giving her input on various topics.

yeshuazgirl says: 03/13/10 at 04:46:01

Congratulations Elizabeth! So wonderful for you!
What a superb asset you have been to Bonanzle so glad that you will be around and actually paid for all of your wonderful support that you have so generously given in the past!
Super Choice Bill

All The Best To You Elizabeth!!!


Luxurygadgets says: 03/13/10 at 05:16:45

Wow! This is exciting news,Congratulations, Elizabeth!:)

bjstlmi says: 03/13/10 at 06:05:23

Congratulations, Elizabeth!!

chestoftreasures says: 03/13/10 at 06:15:23

Congrats! Keep up the good work.

adammas says: 03/13/10 at 07:59:31

I like the fact that “The Boyz” hire within the community. Thank you. Congratulations Elizabeth.

spencer455 says: 03/13/10 at 08:17:31

Congrats Elizabeth. Glad your are joining the TEAM, as you have been so helpful over the past year plus plus, especially when I just was having issues with my Bonz or listings.

I like to reiterate what adammas said too. It is nice to see one of our own being hired on to the Bonz staff.

Thanks for going after that much needed attribute feature, as for sellers of old and collectible, there are hardly any of these that exist now that apply to those items.

Looking forward to the improvement…

stuffyouneed says: 03/13/10 at 08:25:04

Congratulations Elizabeth! The boyz are wisely choosing staff from those who have “been there – done that!”

greystonemanor says: 03/13/10 at 08:39:21

So glad to see the expansion! Congrats to Elizabeth!

SylvanLaneProducts says: 03/13/10 at 09:08:44

Wonderful pick as Elizabeth has truly shown her desire and ability to benefit our Bonanzle family. WTG, Elizabeth. We love ya!

ThaiSiam says: 03/13/10 at 09:45:13

Congrats Elizabeth, I am looking forward to your valuable input.
Thank you for all your past and future help !

Skarkiss says: 03/13/10 at 10:04:54

Congrats Elizabeth. You rock like early van halen!

MY2009TREASUREBOX-4U says: 03/13/10 at 10:52:18


bluepennylady says: 03/13/10 at 11:06:44


Congratulations are definitely in order!


jacks says: 03/13/10 at 11:19:49

Congrats Elizabeth. I think we all had an idea the Boyz have been swamped, welcome

stationerybyjudy says: 03/13/10 at 11:38:31

Congratulations! Elizabeth. Great Choice Boyz?
Glad you have more help. Sure shows Bonanzle is growing.
I am happy to be a part of it. Thanks! Judy

STBThreadworks says: 03/13/10 at 14:33:42

Congrats, Elizabeth. Great team shaping up here.

Bargaineer says: 03/13/10 at 15:16:25

Congrats, Elizabeth. Welcome to the team!

bloomermo says: 03/13/10 at 16:15:39

The Boyz could not have picked anyone better for the job! Congratulations, Elizabeth!

BlueBoy says: 03/13/10 at 22:24:43

Oh Man, aehm, girl!! There couldn’t have been a better choice!
Our Wise Owl landed at the right place!

Congrats, Elizabeth and good luck

pieper says: 03/14/10 at 07:43:55

Congratulations! A great fit and you’ve already proven you are capable! Pieper

MNblarneystone says: 03/14/10 at 08:07:00

WOW!! A BIG Standing “BONANZLE OVATION!!” Can we still call you ANO? or is it Ms ANO now?? LOL! What a wonderful choice and promotion!! NO better and knowledgeable person to do the job!!


bparkerhouse says: 03/14/10 at 08:39:58

Welcome Elizabeth!

tonysuniqueantiques says: 03/14/10 at 09:15:26

Yay! That’s awesome Elizabeth, Congrats! Boys, I cannot think of anyone finer or more perfect for the task!

Congratulations!!!! :-)

TimsDiamondWillow says: 03/14/10 at 22:24:45

Very fantastic! So cool Night Owl got the job! Um, I mean Elizabeth! She’s always such a great help, so what a perfect match.

mypiy says: 03/15/10 at 10:24:07

cool beans and just think I knew them when they were just little somebodies like me Michele

CoinsYouWant says: 03/15/10 at 11:01:11

YAY!!!! A wonderful choice and a Awesome Asset to Bonanzle!!!!

Laboutiquefrancais says: 03/15/10 at 11:01:15

A good company promotes from within …. very cool and congrats to Elizabeth – perfect choice!

fairdeals4u says: 03/15/10 at 11:51:11

Bonanzle crew looking better everyday.

KarensKorner says: 03/15/10 at 12:53:07

A very good choice!! Congratulations..Elizabeth!!

bvaughnfamily says: 03/15/10 at 13:37:17

Congrats to Elizabeth / A Night Owl & kudos to management for adding such a fine lady to the wonderfully talented & eclectic mix that keeps things running so smoothly here…

nativemaidens says: 03/15/10 at 16:41:29


jacksplace says: 03/15/10 at 19:33:01

Congrats to you Elizabeth! (now, let’s put our hands on our hips!) lol

polzar says: 03/16/10 at 07:02:35

Congrats Elizabeth…Your expertise will be an asset to us all at the ranch.

CindyBear says: 03/16/10 at 13:31:36

cool and good luck to you!

NightowlGardener says: 03/16/10 at 13:32:51

Way to go Elizabeth! Congratulations! I know you will do a wonderful job

ValueMart says: 03/17/10 at 06:30:11

Congratulations and Welcome to the Bonanzle Family Team

yellowsand1964 says: 03/17/10 at 23:22:32

well congratulations Elizabeth

SparrowsJewels says: 03/18/10 at 09:12:16

Congratulations Elizabeth !!!

Sheenys-Shack says: 03/18/10 at 20:34:38

“To be a friend one should join hands with all people who
are working for great principles, great purposes and
great causes; he/she should put his/her shoulder to the
wheel to help achieve common goals.”

ANightOwl (Elizabeth) is a true friend to all of us.

Congratulations !!!

BARNTIQUES859 says: 03/19/10 at 06:12:02

truely the best man for the job—-this woMAN

hamillauctions says: 03/19/10 at 17:25:25

Wow! That’s a great idea Boyz! Night Owl sure has helped me a few times! She is a wonderful choice. Congratulations Elizabeth abd Congratulations on a great choice Bill! (and Boyz)


inspired says: 03/20/10 at 05:00:21

Awesome Choice!
Congrats Elizabeth

junebug46 says: 03/20/10 at 11:08:32

Congrats Elizabeth…have been guided and helped by many of your posts in the forum.

reksplace36 says: 03/20/10 at 15:10:38

Congratulations Elizabeth.


lostfan27 says: 03/21/10 at 07:02:28

Congrats~what a great choice! Elizabeth has helped me and you guys couldn’t have picked better!

sonsandie1507 says: 03/22/10 at 11:44:56

Gosh the boys are very smart to have made this dicision. Elizabeth is a wonderful helpful person and has helped so many of us. Congratulation Elizabeth

AllThingsVintage44 says: 03/23/10 at 14:03:53

Great choice

rmarie says: 03/23/10 at 16:07:37

Hey they sure picked a good one : D congrats to you Elizabeth!

OurDresserToYours says: 03/24/10 at 19:53:53

This is fabulous news! Wtg, Elizabeth…you are the best!
Keep up the great work…and thanks for all you do, seen and unseen to keep such a wonderful community clicking along.

nelliekellie says: 03/25/10 at 00:30:06

Congrats Elizabeth! Great news!!!!

eleanora2856 says: 03/26/10 at 12:37:38

Congratulations, Elizabeth!!

xxlucytheena says: 03/28/10 at 13:28:55

Congratulations and wishing you all the best! ♥

barbarabythebeach says: 03/30/10 at 10:39:54


ShopaholicTreasures says: 03/30/10 at 22:22:08

Congratulations Elizabeth!!! You are one of the best around!!! Happy to know that you will continue being there for each of us!!!

pennipete says: 04/01/10 at 07:00:55

Way to go Elizabeth! You’ll be fantastic, especially when you put that shoulder bag down and relax. You know you’ve been carrying that same bag for years?!

vinewood says: 04/01/10 at 23:07:16

Elizabeth is the best and will be a great asset to the BZ team , best of luck E and congrads

cybsara says: 04/11/10 at 22:17:05

Congrats Elizabeth!! And everyone is right, even though I am a newbie and just bumped into you, they couldn’t have picked a better person!

McCormicksGiftShoppe says: 04/19/10 at 11:06:24

WTG Elizabeth, congratulations! The Boyz sure know how to pick winners to help enhance the Bonanzle experience

KimsKorner says: 04/22/10 at 21:44:28

Way to go there girl! I just saw this, had no idea.

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