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Indulgent Snow Day
Dec 18, 2008

Indulgent Snow Day

I dunno about the weather around the country for the rest of you, but up here in the Puget Sound we are going through some of the coldest weather on record, complete with two snow storms that have already happened and a third one scheduled to touch down this weekend. I've always been a big fan of the snow day, not only because snow is fun to walk through and play in, but because it signals a completely unscheduled break from work and the everyday routine for those who can't drive to work. We need this! Of course, since my daily commute is all of about 15 steps, it's a little hard to explain to "the boss" that I can't make it into work today. But I've kept the "snow day" spirit alive anyway, by taking a break from my usual todo list and instead working on the features that I have really been wanting to add. Naturally, since they're the features I've been wanting to put in, I'm pretty excited about them, so I thought I'd share:

  • Switching between pages in booth no longer refreshes page. What does that mean? It means that A) it's faster to browse through big booths, and more importantly B) if you're chatting in a booth, you won't have to refresh your chat when you move to a new page. And C) it just looks cool, to me :)
  • Email, blog comments, and hand picked lists now have same formatting options as forums. That is, smileys now register as smileys, and you can use bold, italics, and pictures and stuff. I hope to post a help page about the site wide formatting rules tomorrow.
  • Doing an item search now searches for users and hand picked lists as well as items. If a user's name or the words in a hand picked list match the term you search for, it will get highlighted at the top of the item search. Observe.
Of course, even with the snow, it wasn't all about what I felt like doing today. I also added the most highly requested feature on the "Next Up" list: you can now determine the price for calculated shipping items from the items' page. If you're logged in, it will use your zip code to calculate. If you're not logged in, it will ask your zip code and use that. Hope you enjoy the new stuff. Looks like it's going to be another snow day tomorrow, I wonder what would be most fun to add next...! Late Night Update! I just decided the next fun thing to add, and I added it. But I'm going to leave it as an Easter egg for some sleuth to uncover. I'll give you one hint: it'll help with your business cards.

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28 responses to Indulgent Snow Day

sofyblu2 says: 12/19/08 at 00:59:48

Very Cool!!! what would be fun to add next??? hmmmmmm let me think hmmmmmmmm

bharding says: 12/19/08 at 01:51:43

Hah! I know exactly what you want added sofy, and unfortunately, it is not fun to program!

Of course, I’m going to do it anyway… just not on my snow days!

cleosgreatdeals says: 12/19/08 at 02:51:12

Snow days are important! We build a snowperson anytime there’s four or five inches of snow. Might need Bengay in the evening, but oh what fun…..! Bill don’t forget to wear your mukluks and earmuffs! As always – Thanks for the enhancements.

SherAhnn says: 12/19/08 at 04:18:42

Hmmm business cards huh…gosh I thought it was something about the “dreary” tag…lol

jamiro says: 12/19/08 at 04:46:41

Love the new stuff Bill, search is now fun fun fun…. but how mean of you to not leave more hits for the “new toy” but thanks for the goodies and thanks for everything – now where’s Mark he’s better at giving hints LOL

EvesBooth says: 12/19/08 at 05:23:56

Love the hunt…but we need hot, warm, cold……so come back and tell us

SusansBooks says: 12/19/08 at 05:36:58

I think I noticed that there is a new item added under the assets, the “Check Out My Stuff at Bonanzle” label? Maybe I just didn’t notice it before and it has always been there…

Time-4-More says: 12/19/08 at 05:58:31

I agree with evesbooth we need more clues to this one

StarvingPackrats says: 12/19/08 at 06:06:40

Thanks Bill. The cocoa & yule log are wonderful!

bjstlmi says: 12/19/08 at 06:14:42

Thanks Bill. We love it when you have a Snow Day!

sistahqueen says: 12/19/08 at 06:26:24

Enjoy your snow…Get out and play,make a snow angel,etc and then………Get back in here and give us more clues!

SparrowsJewels says: 12/19/08 at 06:30:56

I love snow day but my boss picks me up when I call her to say I’m stuck. Praying for more snow so that she gets stuck.LOL

CabinFever says: 12/19/08 at 06:58:46

I love what you did with the snow day! Cool way of handling it…and driving other people nuts is always on the top of my priority list. Nice way to implement that into a work day!!!

[CabinFever is busy taking notes on how to drive coworkers crazy and justify it to the boss…scribble scribble]

MissMary says: 12/19/08 at 07:34:05

Snow days make me feel all giddy

vintagelizzie says: 12/19/08 at 07:38:30

Thank you so much for the new and improved calculated shipping!

KimsKorner says: 12/19/08 at 07:53:36

Aha! I can easily fit my booth url on business cards now THANKS!

bharding says: 12/19/08 at 10:54:21

Aha, sounds like we have found our top sleuth in KimsKorner…! Vanna, what does she win? Oh, nothing? Sorry about that Kim!

EvesBooth says: 12/19/08 at 12:15:49

yes she won Bill…she won a shorter URL…just like us

EvesBooth says: 12/19/08 at 12:16:37

And Bill….don’t do that again and go to bed….We were going nuts

ZiggyZool says: 12/19/08 at 12:31:44

Nice to see you having fun again Bill! Thanks for sharing your “snow” day with all of your Bonanzle family… Hey we’ll cover for ya with the “Boss” if you wanna go sledding. he’ll never know or hear it from one of us that you were out playing… Love all the new improvements and fun stuff..


sofyblu2 says: 12/19/08 at 12:34:31

No fair! You added this after I left last nite pffffttt!!

BargainBasement says: 12/19/08 at 14:40:26

Super duper help, thanks Bill!

yellowsand1964 says: 12/19/08 at 23:09:14


LaFlorcita says: 12/19/08 at 23:18:04

Sounds great, Ty bill, happy Winter Solstice & Merry Xmas!

CityChic says: 12/20/08 at 14:11:52

Very cool Bill – You make improvements here at lightning speed! You’re awesome!

As for the snow – I’m snowed in here in Connecticut too – and I LOVE the snow days – but I am FROZEN solid – I’m wearing a hat and hood in my house! – lol

spencer455 says: 12/20/08 at 20:58:04

Hey it’s supposed to dump 25 cm of new snow here tomorrow (Sunday)night with high winds etc., so I’ll be here for some serious bargining and selling…drop buy and make an offer. And just too let you know, I have an avalance of early Red Book, McCall’s, and Liberty (Canadian), Chatelaine (Canadian) magazines available for sale…drop me a line

spencer455 says: 12/20/08 at 21:14:23

Public Warnings Marine Warnings Special Weather Statements Warnings
Cumberland County – Minas Shore
3:50 PM AST Saturday 20 December 2008
Snowfall warning for
Cumberland County – Minas Shore issued

Snowfall amounts of 15 to 25 centimetres are forecast Sunday night.

This is a warning that significant snowfall is expected or occurring in these regions. Monitor weather conditions..Listen for updated statements.

A low pressure system will approach from the Great Lakes on Sunday and intensify as it tracks up the Bay of Fundy and crosses New Brunswick overnight into Monday.

Snow will begin in the southwest Sunday afternoon and spread north across the province in the evening and affect all regions by midnight. The highest snowfall amounts are forecast for the valley and northwestern Nova Scotia where between 15 to 25 centimetres is currently forecast. Other regions in the province will can expect to see 5 to 10 centimetres with up to 15 possible in some areas.

Also strong and gusty winds are expected with this storm. Wind combined with snow will produce blowing snow giving reduced visibilities during the snowfall.

The snow is expected to end in the southwest in the evening and change to rain as warmer air is pushed in with this system. This rain will spread north during the evening and overnight hours to reach Cape Breton by dawn Monday. The highest rainfall amounts are expected along the south shore of the province where up to 20 millimetres is forecast. Elsewhere up to 5 millimetres can be expected behind the snow.

Behind the low cold air will follow and temperatures will cool off again Monday morning. This will bring flurry activity to the southwestern regions by dawn Monday.

mastoyshop says: 12/22/08 at 22:06:12

Sure glad to hear that Im not the only one getting snow. lol We had about 18 inches by Friday then got out Sat but wind, snow, drifting snow and my truck is buried and the drive way has 3 foot drifts. And Im in Western Washington folks. yep Bonanzle land. catn believe it. Those who have snow drive safe and Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night ma

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