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Help Us Test New Server? (UPDATED Tues Eve)
Dec 15, 2008

Help Us Test New Server? (UPDATED Tues Eve)

Update 12/16/08 Tuesday: Going to take a first stab at upgrading main server to this new one at 9 PM PST so I can watch it under some somewhat heavy load before tomorrow morning (when it will be under heavier load). Apologies if things get weird this evening. Or tomorrow. There will probably be a stray bug or two here or there, but we'll stamp them out as quickly as possible. Original post: If anyone has time to blow this evening, take a minute to stop by our test server: http://dev.bonanzle.com/blogs/Thanks_for_helping_us_test_ We are planning to upgrade the underlying software that runs Bonanzle, but it has required a lot of changes that could potentially break things, so we could use a hand putting the new software through its paces before we put it up live. For the curious, this new software won't have any noticeable impact when we do move to it, at least in the short term. It incorporates more than a years' worth of changes to the underlying engine that runs Bonanzle (Ruby on Rails) -- ultimately this upgrade will make it much easier for us to internationalize the site and fix the time zone issues with Bonanzas, amongst other things. But in the near term, our main goal is just to get it running and be no worse off than we are now! :) Thanks for any assistance ya'll.

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10 responses to Help Us Test New Server? (UPDATED Tues Eve)

Newfangled says: 12/15/08 at 20:06:43

Cool! I’m testing right now!!!

I notice the people tab shows discussions from 1 day ago.

bkwrm40 says: 12/15/08 at 20:42:46

When looking at individual items, the ‘Tag It’, ‘Advanced Details’, and ‘Actions’ were not the same and/or missing.

bobbi85710 says: 12/15/08 at 20:55:17

I can’t pop into the Sell Tab or My Bonanzle Tab while testing. I see info where some pics should be. Looks good but missing some linkage that you are probably aware of. btw Hello Bill, Bobbi

MissJonie says: 12/15/08 at 22:28:31

I had the warning not a secure blah blah blah so I said I dont care and no further issues played around with my profile and other my bonanzle features no issues here

KimsKorner says: 12/15/08 at 23:07:05

Headed over there now

rurallj says: 12/16/08 at 01:28:16

Couldn’t find any issues not already mentioned, even power browsing in Firefox with multiple tabs and windows

sistahqueen says: 12/16/08 at 07:06:27

I guess my security is too tight…Firefox won’t budge,even when I tried to override…froze up my putor….grrrr

GildedElegance says: 12/16/08 at 07:35:41

Bill you are the most popular booth, went to check to out. Found your scary belt buckle, wanted to tag it as weird, could not. I have 144 items listed it shows 141? Went back to your booth and was ABLE to tag that scary belt buckle.
The only thing I noticed was that the pages were a little slow to load.

keepitsimple56 says: 12/16/08 at 16:57:05

Tried to post on discussion and received the warning page of not authenticated.

yellowsand1964 says: 12/16/08 at 19:49:30

great test..

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