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Enjoying the Road to 10,000
Nov 23, 2008

Enjoying the Road to 10,000

As many of you have recently noticed, this morning Bonanzle had its 10,000th user (Smits901) sign up. This feels like a pretty big milestone to reach on the path to establishing Bonanzle as the top marketplace for buyers and sellers looking for everything but the ordinary. Just to get a sense of how far we've come and how quickly we've gotten there, consider our page views per week since the beginning of September: Small wonder that we have to upgrade our servers practically every month! In September, we were handling about 200,000 page views per week. This week, we'll handle more than 1 million page views -- and possibly as many as a million and a half with post-Thanksgiving bargain hunters. Of course, page views is only one of many different metrics we could use to prove the impact that your grass roots efforts have had on quickly making Bonanzle a major player amongst online marketplaces. Nearly every day is a new record for daily sales, and it is all the direct result of so many of you, working in concert, to bring your buyers and friends with you to Bonanzle. For the "old timers" who were around the site in August or September, it has been quite a sight as the message forums have grown from averaging 50 new posts per day to now more than 1,000 posts every single day. Pretty incredible stuff. Bonanzle has always been about combining the sum of many parts to create something big. So it's only fitting that we'd use this commemorative occasion to thank those who have given us the parts we need to get to 10,000.

Thank You, in General

I was out with a friend of mine for dinner the other night when he told me about a web site he was thinking about starting. I would probably get in trouble if I said the exact idea for the site, but the general idea was for a marketplace that would use some creative technology ideas to stand out from the competition. When he told me the idea, my first thought was "Great idea. Now where will the community come from?" There is something indescribable about what brings the right people together at the right time to create an online community you want to be a part of. It happens so rarely. I would be lying if I said that I understood exactly what the magical "thing" is that draws the right people in, but clearly, Bonanzle's early users had that "thing," and they've brought their friends along with them. What we've watched happen since is that the upbeat personalities stick, and most of the "other" personalities slide away like rain off the windshield (to use a Seattle analogy). The result of putting all the right people together in one place? Active booths and message boards chalked full of do-gooders who make new buyers and sellers feel at home from their first clicks. A sense that we can build a place where everybody starts with the benefit of the doubt. It sounds easy, but it's seldom accomplished at any kind of large-to-medium scale online, because I think it takes the right seed to grow into the plant you're after, and that seed is hard to come by.

Thank You, Specifically

A short list of people who Bill thinks are awesome follows:

Great question, Earthling. Let me see if I can help!
  • Subscribing Members. I don't think that Mark and I could work on Bonanzle for so many hours per week if we didn't really enjoy what we were doing -- but when we looked at Bonanzle's bank account at the beginning of October, it became clear it was going to take more than "enjoyment" to keep the site strong moving forward. Getting our server and bandwidth upgraded to keep up with the increasing traffic was going to take some dough. Enter our subscribers. These users are the engine that moves Bonanzle forward at full tilt even before our FVFs match our operating costs. Subscribers let us make feature dreams become feature realities, and they open doors for possible marketing avenues. If you have enjoyed the ride to 10,000 and you aren't yet a subscribing member, here's how to become one. Remember: with every new subscription, we become imperceptibly awesomer.
  • The Bonanzle Blogging Contingent. Many of our finest users might have never heard about Bonanzle if not for the efforts for those that have written about Bonanzle regularly. I'm not going to list names because there are too many of you, but it makes my day to see the Google Alerts for Bonanzle filled with exciting news day after day.
  • bonanzlemark. I'm not sure if this one qualifies as a "person" I'd like to thank, since technically I believe that Mark is at least 50% machine (working support email 7 days per week, week after week? Even the Terminator never tried that), but I'll let him onto the list anyway. He inspires me daily and I know he has inspired many of you with his patience and never-ceasing positive attitude. Nice going, cyborg!
  • The BAC. You know who you are. Those that complete their objectives and mark them as finished every week have driven thousands of new users to the site. Even though some of the objectives aren't fun, some are, and we are very grateful for the weekly efforts of our action-minded members for helping us carry out our carefully quasi-calculated plans.
  • The Positive Forum Attitudes. With more than 1000 posts per day, it has become totally beyond the abilities of Mark and I to keep an eye on all the forums at all the times. But when I do visit the forums, I am inspired by the efforts of those that have posted hundreds (some even more than a thousand -- hooray to attheboutique, jamiro, Paceset9999, and BargainBasement for earning that distinction!). We could hope for no better group of folks to welcome in the new users and inspire the old. Ready? Let's practice: "Yes, sellers are really selling things on Bonanzle. Have you uploaded your items to Google yet?" :)

Now Only 90k Away from 100k Users!

We're looking forward to sharing many more milestones with you guys. It has been a real pleasure to watch the community grow, browse the exceptional items, and see so many old and new faces on the site every day. 10,000 only begins to scratch the surface of what we can achieve with your help; yet it is a long way to have come, and we are deeply grateful to the efforts of so many of you to bring Bonanzle this far. I will leave you with some amusing memories of Bonanzle from its infancy many months ago. Ever wonder what the old Bonanzle home page looked like? How about the first item view page? The booth view page? Proof that even the biggest of ideas have to start at the humblest of beginnings. Enjoy!

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46 responses to Enjoying the Road to 10,000

Liquidation says: 11/23/08 at 18:50:55

Thank you for providing the path, it has been a great ride, but far from over. Buckled in and ready for the long winding drive!


fashionrunway says: 11/23/08 at 18:51:10

Personally I want to thank Bill and mark for all the fine work they have put into making this a new home for us. I have been here since there were like 500 or 600 users so I have seen extreme growth and it is exciting to watch. I have a very positive feeling about this site for the future. Keep up the good work!

ActionHealthyLife says: 11/23/08 at 19:11:54

I want to thank Bill and Mark for the ingenuity, humor and patience you both display everyday. You both provide fine leadership. I’m looking forward to many more “mile markers”

CabinFever says: 11/23/08 at 19:12:42

I thank Bill and Mark too!!! Bill…you are a great communicator and that is indespensible to creating this site!!!

It is exciting…my user number is in the 800s. We are gonna love those low numbers as this place continues to skyrocket!!!

CityChic says: 11/23/08 at 19:12:46

I’ve only been a Bonanzler for 9 days and I really feel like I’ve been here forever. I will and want to work every day to help make Bonanzle #1. The reason? Because of the people here. Everyone is so incredibly helpful, caring, upbeat and POSITIVE – it is truly an amazing community. I am so gratful to have found all of you fellow Bonanzlers. Special Thanks to the “Boyz” (as I hear they are called) for creating this wonderful place.

driver211 says: 11/23/08 at 19:14:13

Thanks much for the hard work and the continued great service! Rock on to 100,000!

foundobjectbooks says: 11/23/08 at 19:20:45

Many thanks guys! It’s exciting to see my items looking so nice in a booth that is so easy to use, thanks to your design and hard work. It’s also pretty amazing to see my stuff up front on Google searches and with one click (and about half a second) buyers are brought to the item and to Bonanzle. Nice!!

XbeXetique says: 11/23/08 at 19:27:45

Thanks Boyz!!!! We appreciate your hard work for the site! Deb Bee

suelynn says: 11/23/08 at 19:31:02

Thank you. I have been here 3 weeks and WOW the growth. I can’t wait for more.

BooMoon says: 11/23/08 at 19:39:44

Thank you so much Mark & Bill for your hard work, you have such heart and we couldn’t help but follow suit

EastCoastNightGirl says: 11/23/08 at 19:55:20

You thank us, we thank you! I have enjoyed every second of Bonanzle since joining in mid August. You guys are truly impressive!

PS. Can I rename “my cart” to “my loot” ? That’s too funny.

twysp2 says: 11/23/08 at 19:55:38

I joined Bonanzle on 8 28 and was #868 and so happy to be here. I have not waivered from my thinking “This IS the place to be.” Thanks guys for creating a place for us.

leeflang_magazines says: 11/23/08 at 19:56:05


My cheeriest felcitations with your success.

Your and Mark’s open minds, and your humorous stule of communication are the solid foundations of Bonanzle which draw out the best in us all here.



AutomotiVenture says: 11/23/08 at 20:21:41

Bonanzle is such a great place. I love it here!
I’m just a little bit worried about my automotive category though. It disappeared. I can’t list many items. It’s coming back, I hope. I know you guys are working very hard to make Bonanzle a wonderful place for buyers and sellers.
Thank you for creating this wonderful new buying/selling venue! Maribell

sofyblu2 says: 11/23/08 at 20:56:43

Thank you both and all others involved for all your hard work. Thanks for putting up with us when we’ve had a bad day.Thanks for always pushing us to give you back a little more each and every day. Thanks for always answering our unending notes and IM’s with your personal touch. Thanks for letting us mess around with our silly smileys that seem to always make someone feel good for whatever the reason. Thanks for letting us run amuck with our hairbrain ideas. But mostly thank you all ever so much for believing in us so that we could believe in you. On that note I raise a glass to cheer you all! Mary & Russ

sofyblu2 says: 11/23/08 at 20:58:30

well crum! That was supposed to be two smileys raising their glasses and saying cheer – it’s the thought that counts right??? :)

sistahqueen says: 11/23/08 at 21:30:59

I add my thanks to those expressed here…

I have a renewed interest in my business of selling…I feel safe..I know how I want to conduct business and can now implement a plan to succeed…The light of site wide success shines brightly on and within Bonanzle………

Thank you for being stable….I often say that I have no problem following a leader,but I need to know where the leader is going…

If I know the destination and we become separated – I can ask someone for directions and still meet up with you…..If I don’t know where the leader is going I would wander around hoping that with luck I will find my way to someplace,somewhere?….

Thank you for letting all of know where Bonanzle is going…….

I am proud and happy to be a part of Team Bonanzle….


parkerhouse77 says: 11/23/08 at 21:40:09

My hat is off to all who have been working on this site for the past 10+ months.
Hail, Caesar and Brute too!

ZiggyZool says: 11/23/08 at 23:06:56

You Rock! Sending congratulations and my heartfelt Thanks for everything you do to make Bonanzle a home for us. Been on this journey with you since before Scurvy Dog all the way through Smits901 the adventure only gets more exciting along the way…

I’m in for the long-haul how far till the 1 millionth?? Will it be another “S” any predictions..? ;o)

Woo Hoot!

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine. ~Anthony J. D’Angelo

EvesBooth says: 11/24/08 at 02:11:02

Well Boyz, the thanks goes out to you also. Without you we would be nothing. And I’m happy to be a part of the Bonanzle family :)

I’m also here for the long hall and will have my party hat on for each “goose egg” milestone ….so happy bonanzling to the top

renagade says: 11/24/08 at 02:16:53

Bill and Mark…You have created something wonderful, in the site and the community it has become. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your hard work and dedication. I take pride in saying ….

I AM The Renagade and I PROUDLY sell on Bonanzle!

OctoberMoon says: 11/24/08 at 03:44:46

Thanks Bill and Mark for creating a forward thinking, fun site. I am one of those people who Bill helped with much good humor and patience. Thanks to everyone for keeping positive energy flowing.

OctoberMoon says: 11/24/08 at 03:45:55

……should read Bill and Mark……..gotta get that cup of coffee…….

cleosgreatdeals says: 11/24/08 at 04:13:00

It goes without saying – Bonanzle has come a long ways in a short time! Thanks Bill and Mark…and to all those that keep plugging away to help other sellers, promoting this site, and keep moving this site along!

jamiro says: 11/24/08 at 04:42:09

10,000 human beings that is so wonderful… been here since August, planted my flag in the sand (or green grass as it were) and I’m stayin’ Thanks for the sanctuary guys. Such a lovely oasis in the world of desert we all came from. You ROCK… and did I say thanks thanks thanks (need to say it 10,000 times:)

BargainBasement says: 11/24/08 at 05:14:20

It took me 10 seconds to join after I first saw Bonanzle. I had the feeling that unlike all of the other start-up sites, this one was the one, finally, that had the simplicity yet all the bells and whistles that all of us here I’m sure had been hoping for. I never in my wildest dreams thought it would be “out there” for me, but it was and is! So, Bill and Mark thank you two for being there and “here” for each of us and of course me! Sandy

no one says: 11/24/08 at 05:37:39

I’ve been on the sidelines until the 10K mark was hit. Congrats. Trust me, there are many more on the sidelines watching and waiting just like I was. Waiting to make that jump. They are ready. Good luck on the way to 100K.

tree411 says: 11/24/08 at 05:59:29

You’ve Come A Long Way Baby…

glorsstore says: 11/24/08 at 06:41:43

Hi! Enlightening letter… Congratulations! Have been leaving constant comments and links about Bonanzle on my Facebook.

Just want to let you know, though, that the photos aren’t showing/links aren’t working for me.

Glor’s Store

ltlduck says: 11/24/08 at 07:34:39

Congratulations, I just want to express my thanks and gratitude to you for taking on this Enormous undertaking and what it has taken from your family and friends—even though you are enjoying it. Thank you, thank you, thank you for creating a friendly place to create, sell & buy- you guys are the best. JoAnn

yellowsand1964 says: 11/24/08 at 09:16:11

these is an amazing plaxe and amazing things can happens

Cindy'sCloset says: 11/24/08 at 09:40:03

Thank You so much for all you have done for so many of us and the many more to come…

zanderbooks says: 11/24/08 at 09:59:38

Seeing the user number increase daily has been amazing, and it will be fun watching with front-row seats as it climbs to 100K!! Thank you, Bill, for always keeping us informed with your “What’s New?” info and your wonderful blogs, and for putting in countless hours to make Bonanzle the BEST. Thank you, Mark, for always being on the ready to help with support, and for also putting in countless hours to make Bonanzle the BEST. The humor and heart you both have comes through with everything you do and everything you write. You’re the glue that holds us all here and keeps us sticking around. Congrats, and GO BONANZLE!!!

leeflang_magazines says: 11/24/08 at 10:11:31

OctoberMoon said it most eloquently. This is a ‘forward thinking’ site.

That ‘forward thinking’, that predictability, is what allows us sellers to plan ahead again, to make our business plans work.

This is quite a step foward from having been focused on trying to circumvent the daily new barriers being put up elsewhere.

Here we are liberated.


Lilyladys says: 11/24/08 at 14:24:55

I also want to thank Mark & Bill for there wonderful site.This is an amazing place to sell and buy.The people here are all wonderful.Keep up the FANTASTIC work guys and the PERSONAL touch and we will be a million times better than any other selling & buying site

RM1Gordon says: 11/24/08 at 14:50:40

Thanks for a great site,, buth the site and community are great and a fun setting.. almost three months here and glad I switched. the future is here

orlenahope says: 11/24/08 at 15:09:40

Congratulations and thank you Bill and Mark. I’m really pleased to have found such a great place to buy and sell items. It is so supportive here, this kind of atmosphere just so unique and appreciated.

When I knew that I was going to start back up with online selling, I just sat there frustrated. I knew there had to be somewhere outside ebay (and better), I didn’t want to go back, but I had no idea how to find what I was looking for. By luck I stumbled on a blog that mentioned that Bonanzle was an option. I googled Bonanzle, and that was that.

Best of luck and continued success, I’m glad I am here to see you succeed so wildly!

SunflowerAntics says: 11/25/08 at 07:30:37

I count it a privilege to be here at Bonanzle. I want to thank Mark for all the time he has spent with me in “email support” so that I could get “logged in”. Mark you are my hero and Bill, thanks for such a GREAT site!

liberty925 says: 11/25/08 at 10:50:38

Thanks guys - you really are the best! It is good to have on-line selling be fun again. The trickle-down theory is definitely in effect here-your great karma is trickling down and pervading the whole site!

graphicsbymoondog says: 11/25/08 at 11:19:51

I think many of us sellers have been waiting for you. Not any one else, but you specifically, Bill and Mark. The two of you have done something here that many have attempted, (i.e. created a viable competitor to The Giant), but none have really succeeded at. And I think the key behind it is your outstanding personalities and ethics. So you see, it could only be the two of you.

A funny fact:
Mr. Super Skeptic himself, my husband mOOndog, is now becoming more interested. When I first listed here, and soon sang out “Our first sale on Bonanzle!”, he sort of grunted. Now when I sing out “Another sale on Bonanzle!” he actually turns his head and looks. Amazing! hehehe

Anyway, thank you, Bill & Mark. You guys are the best!
Onward to 100,000! And beyond! Woohooooo!


valdazar7 says: 11/25/08 at 12:18:54

Thank You!!! What more can anyone say?

All of the above have said it better than I could!

SO, I’ll just leave off with-

GO Bonanzle!!!

pieper says: 11/25/08 at 13:36:24

I did not hesitate to join either once I heard Mark on with Lisa Suttora and saw the site. It just seemed such a good fit; but truthfully, the humor from the first moment I stepped on the site is what cinched it for me. You all are just so amazing! Reading this has just made my eyes tear…and given me shivers. Thanks to everyone who makes this place so special!

vinewood says: 11/26/08 at 11:24:09

Bonanzle is the best site i have been on with the hard work of Bill and Mark Bonanzle will be the best.

Bonanzle is fast and easy to list , with a chat area for all to say hi. love it here.

Funkarelics says: 11/26/08 at 18:11:19

What a great site. My sales continue to increase. Thank you for providing such an awesome and fun sales venue!

yellowsand1964 says: 11/27/08 at 17:09:43

wow !!! that is news kool we are in TV hope sales coming up


bostonantiques says: 12/05/08 at 10:39:23

This is what legends are made of.

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