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Cyber Monday Sneak Peek:  Coupons! (UPDATED)
Nov 29, 2008

Cyber Monday Sneak Peek: Coupons! (UPDATED)

Saturday Night Update: Coupons are now online. You can set them up by visiting Sell -> Advanced Options and then filling out the area that says "Coupons" (near the bottom of the page). Don't forget to click the "Save All Options" button when your coupon is filled out. I have run it through a fair number of tests locally, but I don't rule out the possibility their might be another kink or two in it. That's why it's going up the day BEFORE Cyber Monday :) If you find any issues with it, report them to support@bonanzle.com and we'll aim to get them worked out by Monday. But hopefully all will be hunky dory. Oh, I also ran a test to verify that you CAN put spaces in the coupon code you use. Original Post Follows... Just wanted to give those of you who are getting ready for "Cyber Monday" a quick heads up about a new feature that will be going online at Bonanzle on Sunday morning: booth coupons. Many of the savvier sellers have noticed that there's nothing buyers like more than feeling like they're getting a good deal on items, and in economic times like this, buyers' focus on price has never been greater. Thus, starting Sunday, you'll be able to specify booth coupons that give sellers a discount on items that they buy from your booth. I'm writing about it now in case you want to get a head start on advertising your coupons over the weekend. Here is the basic rundown of how coupons will work:
  1. A coupon is an alphanumeric code of your choosing that can give buyers either a percentage discount or a dollar discount on all items they buy from your booth. For example, I could create a coupon with the code "BHARDINGDISCOUNTZ" that gives users 10% off all items in my booth. When the user goes to checkout, they have the option to enter a coupon code for items in my booth. If they enter in BHARDINGDISCOUNTZ, the price of all their items (before shipping) is discounted 10% (so if they were buying $100 of stuff, they get $10 off). If I have "buy now" setup, they don't even have to send me an offer, they can just buy the items immediately for $90 plus shipping.
  2. Alternately, I could create a coupon that gave anyone $5 off of items from my booth. But you want to be a little careful with a coupon like this, since if they bought one item that cost $3, they would get the item for only the cost of shipping. There isn't yet a way to specify that a coupon is only valid with certain items, so at this point, flat rate discount coupons are probably only for sellers with exclusively expensive items.
Anyway, that's the idea. You can create as many coupon codes associated with your booth as you want and give different coupons different discount rates. You can delete a coupon at any time, so you could create a coupon on the morning of Cyber Monday and delete it that evening. If someone made an offer to you during the day, the offer would still reflect the coupon they used. A user can only use one coupon per transaction. In the future, coupons will surely be given more option (such as the ability to specify which items a coupon is valid with), but for now this should be a good beginning to a powerful promotion tool to boost your holiday sales. In response to inevitable questions: the limit on coupon code length is about 200 characters, and I believe that you can have spaces in the coupon code, but I haven't tried it yet, so if you want to be on the safe side it'd be best to choose a one-word code for the time being.

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32 responses to Cyber Monday Sneak Peek: Coupons! (UPDATED)

sofyblu2 says: 11/29/08 at 00:46:29


pieper says: 11/29/08 at 00:51:26

Thank you! (pieper shuffling around in the papers, muttering, “now what did he say?” LOL

renagade says: 11/29/08 at 03:02:43

Thanks Bill!! ANOTHER kickin improvement!
Where is this option going to be?? in the add item? advanced tab?? so we can set it up!

EvesBooth says: 11/29/08 at 03:46:56

Yes, can we set it up today? I work in the weee hours of Sunday & Monday and the day is almost gone when I get home. But I would like to take advantage of this also

oshunspirit1 says: 11/29/08 at 03:57:09

Great! I use these coupon codes in preferred customer mailings and stuffers with my BISI website all the time and people use them! THANK YOU!

cleosgreatdeals says: 11/29/08 at 03:57:55

Thanks! Woohoo!

valdazar7 says: 11/29/08 at 04:03:20

Great Idea!

Thanks Guys!

ITSAMCQUEEN says: 11/29/08 at 06:14:34

I would like to join your cyber Monday but I don’t know how. can you help please? Thank you.

leeflang_magazines says: 11/29/08 at 06:54:12

you guys are blowing me away every time again with such great improvements.

I wonder if I will be able to keep up with you. ;-)

What a coincidence that I was plannig to email my 3,000+ repeat buyers this weekend via Constant Contact, WITH A LIFETIME PERSONAL COUPON OF 10% OFF, to promote my move to Bonanzle with them.


yellowsand1964 says: 11/29/08 at 07:48:50

great informations ty

sistahqueen says: 11/29/08 at 08:09:51

You Bonz Boyz are Da Bomb Diggity!!!

Thank You some more for all you do…..

SunflowerAntics says: 11/29/08 at 09:50:07

Cool!!!!!!!!!! I’ll be taking advantage of that NEW feature!!
Thanks Bill!!


sapphire says: 11/29/08 at 10:06:14

Hey that really sounds great! Thanks Bonz Boyz. Just hope the instructions are easy for this not really savvy with the computer.

bharding says: 11/29/08 at 10:44:09

It is going to be in the booth advanced options section. I find it pretty easy to setup. Only two fields to fill out.. :)

Update: testing comment editing. Test passed.

parkerhouse77 says: 11/29/08 at 11:49:10

Great idea!! I may have to jump in on this!!
You guys ROCK!

I am no longer just “sipping” the Kool-Aid! I am a bonafide “drinker”! LOL!

KACHINA says: 11/29/08 at 12:16:09


driver211 says: 11/29/08 at 12:38:23

that sound nice and easy only 2 things to fill out. great!

Liquidation says: 11/29/08 at 12:57:39

Wonderful! I can now extend the savings regardless of payment option chosen, an awesome tool to drive sales for each of us, Thank you Bill!!!

ZiggyZool says: 11/29/08 at 13:34:27

Super Duper! I Like, I Like… thanks Bill for an other great tool! Oh just in time for putting one with each of my Bonanza sales from yesterday!


saracom says: 11/29/08 at 14:29:29

Fantastic! Thank you SO very much for what you have given us! Julie

RM1Gordon says: 11/29/08 at 14:55:35

Thanks for another great improvement..

bookbrowzers says: 11/29/08 at 14:57:43


CabinFever says: 11/29/08 at 15:09:12

Another really neato feature!!! Thanks!

xxCleosFleaMarket says: 11/29/08 at 15:15:03


ANightOwl says: 11/29/08 at 21:55:51

It’s just getting better everyday :-)

thingsandotherstuff says: 11/29/08 at 22:13:02

Great Bill, thanks for the surprise! This is the type of advanced feature you usually need your own site to implement, I’m glad I’ve begun treating my booth as if that’s exactly what it was! Thanks,Cliff

SignedSincerelyYours says: 11/30/08 at 00:41:31

WONDERFUL!!! I love this site more and more each day. It’s great being in on the ground floor watching the Bonanzle baby grow.

ZiggyZool says: 11/30/08 at 10:39:24

Thanks again Bill, I have set mine up it was easy peasy and when I went back to double check the coupon set up I saw where I can now enter another! Soooo Cool!

makescent says: 11/30/08 at 18:46:54

this is my first time making a coupon. Hope I did it right

makescent says: 11/30/08 at 19:30:44

where I entered the coupon in advanced options , it has a big red ’x" next to it. Is that right?

bharding says: 12/01/08 at 00:03:04

Hey makescent — yep that’s right. The X is what you click if/when you want to delete the coupon. I can see how it would be a little confusing though. We might want to re-think the positioning of the X…

PorcelainFantasies says: 12/01/08 at 14:01:47




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