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Bonanzle Server Upgrade... Coming Soon! (UPDATED 2/11)
Feb 10, 2009

Bonanzle Server Upgrade... Coming Soon! (UPDATED 2/11)

UPDATE 2/11 @ 7PM. We're aiming to make the move at 9 PM PST this evening. Image uploading and such should now be functional (tho you won't see the images you uploaded on www.bonanzle.com yet... only on the new server). Please try uploading/cropping some stuff and post more comments if you find anything bizarre. UPDATE 2/11 @ 4AM. Audible at the 1 yard line! I changed my mind about how we'll handle images on the new server, so am going to spend most of Wednesday continuing to test the changes I made tonight before we move. Most likely we'll perform the move late Wednesday evening, but many factors could affect it. In any case, the transition shouldn't take more than a couple minutes... but there will probably be some new bugs to squash after we complete the move. UPDATE 2/10 @ 8PM. There's still one small piece of the puzzle that Alex is trying to work out to make it so files can be uploadable, so we're going to attempt the changeover tomorrow morning instead, most likely around 9 or 10 AM PST. The downtime should only be for a few minutes. I will still be taking down the site for 30-60 mins tonight (probably around 1 AM) to backup our database before making the move. Stay tuned for more... UPDATE 2/10 @ 4PM. We now have the new server up and running and ready for some testing. There are some things to keep in mind when testing it:
  • Not all of our images have been copied to it yet, so there are missing images here and there. This is known & expected.
  • It's still being tested, so it may go offline without notice.
  • Location maps don't work.
  • It is using Bonanzle's standard SSL certificate, so when you go to login (or visit any secure page) you'll get an error message that the certificate is for the wrong site (your browser might just give a more general message that the certificate is "invalid"). If you assure your browser it's OK, then you can proceed.
There is one other major thing to keep in mind here: unlike past server tests we've done, this one is hooked up to the real database, so any actions you do on this server will also be reflected on the main site. So don't do anything you wouldn't do on the Bonanzle proper. Is that enough disclaimers? Now that you've been briefed, please check out the new site here, and post any strange behaviors you might notice to the blog comments below. Thanks for your help! Original Post Follows... It would appear that we'll have the new server ready to go online this evening. If that proves to be the case, we'll probably be down for a couple hours this evening, starting sometime between 11 PM and midnight PST. Will update this post once more definite details are available, but wanted to give a preliminary heads up if this affects anyone's schedule. The new servers be smokin!

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33 responses to Bonanzle Server Upgrade... Coming Soon! (UPDATED 2/11)

nflgirl says: 02/10/09 at 11:49:29

Thank Ya! Thank Ya! Thank Ya! You Guys Rock!!!!!!!!!!

SparrowsJewels says: 02/10/09 at 11:52:41

Thanks Bill for the heads up. Thankful I will be asleep so no withdrawls here.

BarbsLamps says: 02/10/09 at 12:48:49

Thanks for the heads up and look forward to seeing how everything will go after the new servers are up. You guys sure do work hard for us. Thanks so much.

ANightOwl says: 02/10/09 at 13:08:17

Excellent! I’m glad it will be going online so soon!
I will arrange my work accordingly

BrownBagPantry says: 02/10/09 at 14:23:48

I’ll be asleep, so no problem with my schedule. Thanks for all your hard work!

Sofy'sChoice says: 02/10/09 at 15:05:58

Thanks for letting the nite crew know! Appreciate it.

collectibles4u says: 02/10/09 at 16:09:08

Thanks to Bill , Mark & all the crew for doing such great job for all of us. I be sleeping so it will not hurt me.

fashionrunway says: 02/10/09 at 16:35:36

Some of the pics are not showing up on the home page collage. (3 of them) It is the 3 biggest pictures that dont show when I go to the homepage. Each time I refresh or leave and come back, the same thing. Anyone else have this happen?

lighthousecollecter says: 02/10/09 at 16:39:54

Looks good. Seems to be functioning. You guys do a great job! Thanks!

ANightOwl says: 02/10/09 at 16:44:51

The forum color blocks are displaying weird on some threads in FF. Here for example

Other threads seem ok, same thread ok in IE.

It’s not the usual pictures bleeding to the right, but rather the color blocks are bleeding.

edit: It seems to be some threads with photos that are having the issue. All text or text with emoticons threads seem fine, and some with quite small pics are ok like this one

BrightestBlessings says: 02/10/09 at 16:40:07

Some of the booth banners are not showing up.

inedibill says: 02/10/09 at 16:51:43

Thanks for testing guys! ANightOwl, BB, and Fashion, all of your problems are one in the same, which is the problem with not all images having been copied over yet (the copy has been ongoing since middle of yesterday but there are now more than 7 million images on Bonanzle… yowza!) ANightOwl, the formatting is weird because when a user pic is missing, the column expands and pushes everything else to the right.

Good finds, tho, keep em coming!

eyecatchingbeauty says: 02/10/09 at 16:57:43

between 3 & 6 am works best for me maybe even 4am.

inedibill says: 02/10/09 at 16:59:01

ECB: Hah! Sounds like you are on the Bonanzle Founder schedule…do you then wake up at about 10 AM wondering how many hard emails will be awaiting you in your inbox?

GreenThumbsGalore says: 02/10/09 at 17:29:01

the form box to the left of the find button is different widths on different pages.
192 px on the buy page and the individual booth page, 185 px on other pages (index/home, my bonanzle, people)
i haven’t measured it everywhere yet but it’s enough to notice when changing pages.

Foxy_Lady_Boutique says: 02/10/09 at 17:41:42

Do you BOYZ ever sleep?, you are giving this site 1000% and we appreciate it. Shari

GreenThumbsGalore says: 02/10/09 at 17:55:20

forum posts are posting out of order

kathyseven says: 02/10/09 at 18:10:04

There is something goofy with the Time/Dates on the posts.

There are posts showing up that appear to be missing the original post. First posts were replies to a missing post.
Here’s one of those.

Excited about the new Server. Zoom, Bonanzle Zoom!

inedibill says: 02/10/09 at 18:33:06

Very good news when all of the issues that can be found are the same two known issues: the time on the new server is slightly different (bout 4.5 minutes slower than time on old server) and the missing images on the new server cause some misformatting here and there. These are the kind of problems we like.

eyecatchingbeauty says: 02/10/09 at 19:03:52

No – on the weekdays I wake up at 7:30 on the nights I go to bed, which typically there are 1 or 2 nights a week that I don’t. Weekends my husband lets me sleep far too long.

so will you be rescheduling the time out

Marijeane says: 02/10/09 at 19:04:30

Looks good. The only thing I have found that is out of whack is the forum post.

yellowsand1964 says: 02/10/09 at 22:33:43

perfect ty for send the message


calicoseas says: 02/11/09 at 01:13:37

Thanks so much for all the thoughtfulness you put into this site, Bill. You even schedule a downtime for when most (well, a lot of) people will be sleeping.

You back things up before you move things over.

You keep us aware; and you let us know what we’re going to get out of the changes you make.

Thank Alec for us for working hard on that one more puzzle piece; and thank you for postponing the changeover until he gets it worked out. Sounds like an all-nighter for Alex!

I wonder what files will be uploadable?

Thanks to Mark, who still answers support@bonanzle.com so quickly and still with his sense of humor.

Like Ladyshars, I agree that we know and appreciate your giving us your 1000%; and I always hope you are getting enough sleep. Hope you have a whole crew helping you.

Maybe after this larger server goes live, and whatever bugs get ironed out, you’ll be able to catch a few winks.

Sofy'sChoice says: 02/11/09 at 01:45:46

Fastest I’ve ever seen it zip thru! Fantastic. Maybe it’s me but the colors are much brighter. Great job!

Sofy'sChoice says: 02/11/09 at 01:51:06

there’s a name for this madness LOL …."you are on the Bonanzle Founder schedule…do you then wake up at about 10 AM wondering how many hard emails will be awaiting you in your inbox?

GreenThumbsGalore says: 02/11/09 at 06:55:11

booth chat is blank on the new server this morning, it was working last night.

greensourcevintage says: 02/11/09 at 07:04:24

Same here-no real unexpected problems, just not all of the photos are showing yet-other than that everything seems OK! Fantastic Work Bill!

SunflowerAntics says: 02/11/09 at 07:55:04

8:47 am MST Went from your Blog link to new server, received this message:

Secure Connection Failed uses an invalid security certificate.

The certificate is only valid for www.bonanzle.com

(Error code: ssl_error_bad_cert_domain)

  • This could be a problem with the server’s configuration, or it could be someone trying to impersonate the server.
  • If you have connected to this server successfully in the past, the error may be temporary, and you can try again later.

I am using Firefox 3.0.5

I do know, during my Bonanza last night, the speed was incredible!

GreenThumbsGalore says: 02/11/09 at 08:10:31

quick text isn’t working.

AutumnLeaves says: 02/11/09 at 08:33:48

Your humor and way of putting things is what made me open a booth here to begin with. No huddle, lets go. However the fact that I have sold 100 items and get to read humor also keeps me here

momspennies says: 02/11/09 at 20:16:36

Glad to hear of the upgrades…I tried to log into the new server, but it wouldn’t accept my login…

tourdeforce says: 02/12/09 at 00:20:59

I have experienced multiple times in the last few days when the Bonanzle website has been down or has been so slow as to be unusable.

Starfisher says: 02/12/09 at 06:15:50

Things look great, I only had one problem. I received a notice from Google that the Upload Failed, No items are live. It said “We didn’t understand your delimiter, bad data line”. I’ve had no problems in the past and it uploads every night. Not sure what this means. Jan

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