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BonanzleUp:  Join us in Seattle, Wichita, and Mobile!
Mar 26, 2009

BonanzleUp: Join us in Seattle, Wichita, and Mobile!

What do you get when you take the friendliest buying & selling community online, stick them in a room together, season with hor d'oeuvres, and let sit for 5 hours?

BonanzleUps! A "BonanzleUp" is the name given (by ... our community? Scott? I don't know who named them ) to a meeting where a select number of brave souls creep out from behind their computer monitor to mingle and strategize with the Bonanzlers you're befriended over the last six-plus months. Currently, there are BonanzleUps scheduled in Seattle, WA on May 16th, Wichita, KS on May 23rd, and Mobile, AL on May 30th. Mark and I will be in attendance at the Seattle meetup, and I believe Mark will be phoning into the Mobile meeting. I bet he could probably be sweet talked into phoning into the Wichita meeting too -- but don't tell him I said so. The indefatigable Mr. Scott Pooler has gone so far as to create a very professional looking website for managing the details of these and future BonanzleUps. You can monitor this site to get full details of these events as they unfold. I know that there have been a number of hard working Bonanzlers (in addition to Scott) behind the planning and logistics of these three meetings. Request to identify yourselves in the comments so we can applaud you as you take a bow! All three of the BonanzleUps request RSVPs so that proper planning and arrangements can be made. So git yer clicker to BonanzleUp today to get details and RSVP to get in on the good times... you'll finally get to put faces to the many Bonanzlers you've grown to adore, and if you're good you might even end up with a cup of free soda.

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37 responses to BonanzleUp: Join us in Seattle, Wichita, and Mobile!

gypsygirl says: 03/26/09 at 11:55:10

Well said Bill! So…I need the venue dear. I know you guys are swamped with building our wonderful site, which is why I said I would do this. Can’t do it with out venue. Course we could have bonfire and beer our in parking lot on tailgate’s ..snicker. Free Soda? Awww come on…beer? No..sigh..I’ll behave. Come people, get it going, your going to miss out on all the fun!

bluepennylady says: 03/26/09 at 11:58:08

HI, all,

I’ll be in Wichita! I am so looking forward to putting faces with the user id’s. As well as networking and learning new skills…

Just how sweet do we need to talk to Mark??


jacks says: 03/26/09 at 12:09:34

Looking forward to a nice crowd of fine folks in Seattle..
I’ll be there with my fine wife..

Liquidation says: 03/26/09 at 12:09:57

Bobbi and I are organizing Bonanzle Up Mobile. Bobbi has worked tirelessly on the charity auction booth. A huge Kudos to Scott for the website.

I will be attending Seattle and Mobile, I am very much looking forward to meeting everyone!

pieper says: 03/26/09 at 12:21:32

Cudos to all of your putting this together; I wish I could attend, but will be with you all in spirit and hopefully through the live feed! Do you know ANY other online community where this could happen! Bravo!

bharding says: 03/26/09 at 12:28:07

@gypsygirl: We’ve got a venue. Mark should be emailing you with the details (which he’s been tracking more closely than I) shortly.

OakIslandBoutique says: 03/26/09 at 12:29:06

I’m doing it coast to coast. I haven’t been to the west coast so, here I come.

I’ll be meeting up with a couple very good friends in Seattle. Looking forward to meeting many other bonanzlers!


ANightOwl says: 03/26/09 at 12:39:18

I bought my plane tickets and reserved my hotel room yesterday. Seattle here I come!

Am I decadent wishing I could go to all 3?

bonanzamark says: 03/26/09 at 12:44:33

This is going to be great. Excited to meet everyone. Time to break out “Twister”

BargainBasement says: 03/26/09 at 13:12:25

Such a super idea!

STBThreadworks says: 03/26/09 at 13:15:05

Hope someone from our three accounts can be there – will make an all out effort to attend! Great!!!

the_jewelry_shack says: 03/26/09 at 14:08:16

Phaedra & Bobbi are doing a great job organizing Bonanzle Up Mobile. I have taken up the Goal of promotion for the Charity Auction which will be called by our loyal friend Auctionwally. I will also be speaking at the event in Mobil.
There will be a very special Guest appearing in Mobil. But You all have to be there to find out who it is.

A Big thanks should g out to Mr. Scott Pooler for the work he has put into the website.

gypsygirl says: 03/26/09 at 14:26:45

I am so not playing twister old man! lol….

graphicsbymoondog says: 03/26/09 at 14:47:56

Speaking for those of us that can’t attend, somebody better take lots & lots of pictures! (Er, please? lol)


samsplace says: 03/26/09 at 16:15:01

I would like you all to know gypsygirl (aka Kat) has made this whole thing happen in Seattle!
I suggested a few of us meet at a coffee shop sometime and she turned it into the great event we have coming up.
Thank you Kat, you’re the best!
Thanks also to Pam and others who have helped her.

SparrowsJewels says: 03/26/09 at 16:52:38

Wish I could go. So you guys better take lots and lots of pictures for those of us that can’t make it. Videos would be nice too !Pretty Pleaeeesssseee

SharsBoutique says: 03/26/09 at 17:07:34

I realize you are way up there in Washington, but really, where is Wichita, KN? What the heck is KN? (LOL) Don’t you remember Dorothy and Toto? There were from Kansas….KS.

CoffeeNCurls says: 03/26/09 at 18:32:25

Looking forward to meeting up with the Bonanzlers in Seattle. Got my tickets, room all reserved, I’m good to go!

Kat and Pam~ I know how difficult it can be to try and coordinate a meeting with several people (whom you only know via the internet), all from different places and having sketchy details to work with. KUDOS to you two for all the hard work you’ve done! I’m sure it will be a great success!

TieTieAgain says: 03/26/09 at 19:42:40

Sharon of Shar’s Boutique is the driving force behind the BonanzleUp in Wichita! I’m just trying to keep up! We’re gonna have a great time and I’m looking forward to putting faces with avatars! BTW: Rock Chalk Jayhawk K-U!

bharding says: 03/26/09 at 20:58:53

@Shars: At least I didn’t call it “KA”, I was on to something_, right? !http://www.bonanzle.com/images/emoticons/smile1.png!

annssafari says: 03/26/09 at 21:36:26

I’ll be going to Seattle. Looking forward to it.

no one says: 03/27/09 at 09:04:57

var googleSearchIframeName = “cse-search-results”; var googleSearchFormName = “cse-search-box”; var googleSearchFrameWidth = 800; var googleSearchDomain = “www.google.com”; var googleSearchPath = “/cse”;

no one says: 03/27/09 at 09:05:24

var googleSearchIframeName = “cse-search-results”; var googleSearchFormName = “cse-search-box”; var googleSearchFrameWidth = 800; var googleSearchDomain = “www.google.com”; var googleSearchPath = “/cse”;

ZiggyZool says: 03/27/09 at 09:58:07

Oh how I wish we could attend any of them.. hard to do with the “kids” 75 & 82 and all their paraphernalia – but Scott and I will both be there in spirit. And attached to the puter during the charity auction in Mobile! You guys all rock with all the behind the scenes work you are doing. Best of Luck and I concur you all better have loads of pictures, sound bites, videos etc so we can pretend we were there.

CALIFORNIATREASURES says: 03/27/09 at 11:13:49

Cant wait for one down here in Southern California!!

dollsjewels says: 03/29/09 at 10:44:06

We are going to go to one of them but are deciding which one. Are considering Mobile and Kansas.

no one says: 03/29/09 at 13:47:50

Wichita sounds good as I am in Kansas, let me know if I can help with anything

SHER15 says: 03/30/09 at 11:24:43

Sounds wonderful, a really great way to grow our community!! When are you coming to the East Coast??? Sandy

SHER15 says: 03/30/09 at 11:25:46

I mean, New Jersey or New York?? Sorry Sandy

XbeXetique says: 03/31/09 at 03:19:52

Iowa isn’t too far from Kansas but I will see. Don’t know for sure yet.

Time-4-More says: 03/31/09 at 05:49:46

We would love to attend all of these but can not. So everyone have a great time, have a drink for each of us(3)& enjoy your time with the fabulous bonanzle family.

artbyvalv says: 03/31/09 at 09:55:15

Just a wee bit far for me.. lol

stuff says: 03/31/09 at 14:29:47

I’m planning to do every thing in my power to putter up from Oklahoma for the Wichita BU. Sounds like fantastic fun! I can hardly wait!

iBusinessLogic says: 04/01/09 at 13:08:30

To answer the ever burning question of who came up with the name BonanzleUp! – It was I, Scott Pooler of iBusinessLogic. I cannot withhold my exuberance or marketing brainstorming even for good cause marketing.
Enjoy the http://bonanzleup.com website and please utilize the forums there! Get together and discuss BonanzleUp! ideas and make it a real central hub of information for the meetup attendees and hosts.

sharsgiftmart says: 04/26/09 at 12:54:40

Sounds like such fun!!! And I’m going to miss it!! When are you coming to Savannah, Ga?

frstyfrolk says: 07/02/09 at 09:16:29

I had planned to attend the Mobile event but I don;t know about making it to Wichita, IS there an East coast planned?

Smiles, Cyndi

naturaltrail says: 07/07/09 at 06:36:10

Good activity.

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