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Bonanza's Sitewide Spring Sale
Apr 19, 2022

Bonanza's Sitewide Spring Sale

It's that time of year again! Tulips and daffodils are blooming, Mother's Day is just around the corner, and the sun is peeking out to give us hope for a warm spring. Plus, it's time for Bonanza's site-wide Spring Sale!

All sellers can participate

Here's how it works: Create a coupon in your booth with the coupon code "SpringSale2022" (instructions below). Assign any discount amount to your coupon, from $5 off to 25% off. Buyers will be able to used this shared coupon code to buy items throughout the site, with the discount amount being unique to each seller. The sale will start on May 4th and last until May 11th.

We'll be advertising the sale on all social media accounts, and we encourage you to do the same. You can use the hashtags #BonanzaSpringSale, #SpringSale, #shopBonanza, #BonanzaMarket, #Sale, and #CommunitySale. We'll be posting announcements about the sale that you can share with your network. Follow us on social media here:

To announce your participation in the sale to buyers visiting your booth, you are welcome to use this new temporary booth banner:

We'll also be promoting the sale through an email campaign to our marketplace buyers and posting to our Coupons & Deals page.

Here's how to create your coupon

To create this custom coupon, hover over the "Selling" link located in the upper-left corner of any page and select "Booth settings" from the drop-down menu, then click the "Discounts & Coupons" tab. Enter your coupon code and any discount amount you want in the coupon creation box.

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To make the coupon public, click the button to "Publish this coupon." Published coupons will be advertised in your listing headers.

Pro Tip: Be sure to save any changes you make before navigating away.

Removing existing coupons

Coupons will stack. If you've created any other coupons that are currently active, you may want to remove them for now so buyers don't use more than one. You can always recreate them later. To remove a coupon, just click the "Remove coupon" link next to the coupon you wish to delete, then save the changes.

After the sale is over on May 11th, you can delete the 'SpringSale2022' coupon using the steps outlined above.

Help us get the word out

To promote the coupon for your booth and the booths of your fellow sellers, be sure to spread the word! Bonanza will share the coupon code "SpringSale2022" on Instagram and Facebook. You can share those posts with your friends so no one will miss out. 

I hope you'll join us in our site-wide community sale! If you have any questions about how it works, you can ask in the comments below or contact support@bonanza.com. Happy selling!

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39 responses to Bonanza's Sitewide Spring Sale

Virtual_Mamas_Place says: 04/19/22 at 10:00:37

Thank you Shelly! Happy Spring!

BonanzaShelly says in response: 04/20/22 at 08:56:53

Happy Spring, Virtual_Mamas_Place!

ArteGlass says: 04/19/22 at 10:01:37

Spring Sale is a good idea. Thumbs up.

BonanzaShelly says in response: 04/20/22 at 08:57:44

Thanks! It is a good deal for buyers and sellers alike!

tomwayne1 says: 04/19/22 at 10:03:20

Count me in!

BonanzaShelly says in response: 04/20/22 at 08:58:03

Sounds good, Tom! Glad to have you onboard.

OlikoOliko says: 04/19/22 at 10:51:28


fantazy007 says: 04/19/22 at 10:52:04

31 yrs in business. With our costs going up we need better ads and to raise prices.

BonanzaShelly says in response: 04/20/22 at 08:59:53

Hi fantazy007! Bonanza has options for you to sign up for more advertising and raise prices. Just write to support@bonanza.com for all the information.

purplenita says: 04/19/22 at 10:59:14


My booth will be participating. Can’t Wait!!!!????

BonanzaShelly says in response: 04/20/22 at 09:00:33

So glad to hear you will be participating!

YNGLLC says: 04/19/22 at 11:14:25

Thank you for site-wide opportunities like this that help all of us!

BonanzaShelly says in response: 04/20/22 at 09:01:41

You’re very welcome, YNGLLC! The Spring Sale has proven to work well for many sellers and we’re glad to be able to promote it again this year.

javastore86 says: 04/19/22 at 11:45:59

very nice

BonanzaShelly says in response: 04/20/22 at 09:02:14

Thanks, farihin!

VeronicaBooksAndArt says: 04/19/22 at 11:56:20

Marty DiBergi: Why don’t you make ten a little louder, make that the top number and make that a little louder?

Nigel Tufnel: These go to eleven.

BonanzaShelly says in response: 04/20/22 at 09:05:16

Join the community sale and let’s see it go to eleven!

BingoBob says: 04/19/22 at 12:03:44

This would be more useful to me if minimum purchase amount could be set

BonanzaShelly says in response: 04/20/22 at 09:12:23

This is possible, but not with the coupon in the spring sale. It is considered a combined item discount.

STRELECTRONICS says: 04/19/22 at 12:18:06

Can I say $10 off any Chrome book priced at 50 dollars or more ?
James Detlefs
STR Electronnics

BonanzaShelly says in response: 04/20/22 at 09:16:31

You can create that sort of discount, but not for the community sale. SpringSale2022 coupons can be set up for dollars/percentage off, but no minimum purchase can be added and the coupon would be good for any item in your booth.

SumIndoJava says: 04/19/22 at 13:53:57


BonanzaShelly says in response: 04/20/22 at 13:27:11

Thanks! I hope you’ll join the community sale by creating a coupon in your booth with the coupon code SpringSale2022

GoldenAccessoryLove says: 04/19/22 at 17:34:03

Great thanks for efforts to get big sales for everyone!

BonanzaShelly says in response: 04/20/22 at 13:28:35

You’re very welcome, we’re hoping for a fun community sale again this year!

FantasticFinds2014 says: 04/19/22 at 18:01:32

Always cool to do these little things to get more traffic to the site, Thanks!

BonanzaShelly says in response: 04/20/22 at 13:29:29

You’re welcome, FantasticFinds2014!

Jouth says: 04/19/22 at 21:20:01

So glad. Thank you

BonanzaShelly says in response: 04/20/22 at 13:29:54

You bet! Happy to have you join us in the community sale :)

jewelsoapbylauramae says: 04/20/22 at 03:57:36

Thanks for letting us know! I plan to participate!

BonanzaShelly says in response: 04/20/22 at 13:31:01

Awesome! Tell all your friends!

Roses_Quilts_Gifts says: 04/20/22 at 04:22:13

Sounds like fun. I will be joining.

BonanzaShelly says in response: 04/20/22 at 13:31:39

That’s great! Thanks, quiltersandmore.

JoydreamingX says: 04/20/22 at 05:35:37


Hot_Wheels_aawmiller says: 04/20/22 at 13:33:25

Will this make more that one sale? Only had one sale last month with over 8000 listings. Need something to bring in traffic

BonanzaShelly says in response: 04/21/22 at 12:46:27

Hi aawmiller! I would definitely recommend joining us for the sale!

Nisal_haththotuwa_ says: 04/20/22 at 19:46:10

Thank you shelly. Happy spring!

BonanzaShelly says in response: 04/21/22 at 12:47:25

You’re very welcome!

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