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Oct 15, 2010


We're Bingin'! 

Check the style:  http://www.bing.com/shopping/search?q=fiestaware+&go=&form=QBRE

Having Bonanza's immense inventory added to Bing Shopping ought to generate a welcome pre-holiday surge of buyers for our selling community. 

There is no extra steps or work needed on your end to be included in Bing.  As of today, Bing is only accepting "new" items, so if you have new items in your booth, make sure they are marked as "new" so that they get included in Bing's results.  Note, also, that our results are still in the process of coming online (we were only approved a couple days ago, it can take up to weeks for all items to appear in search), so if you do have items that are marked as "new" and not showing up, that may be why.

Bing has indicated that they hope to be able to accept non-new items later this year or early next, though no definitive date has been yet been set.

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61 responses to Bing

BonanzaBoardroom says: 10/15/10 at 14:28:00

Excellent announcement Definitively a positive addition.


TheNostalgiaNook says: 10/15/10 at 14:42:46

This is great news,thank you,looking forward to this.

PhoenixResale says: 10/15/10 at 14:51:15

Fantastic! Looking forward to the Bing shoppers.

irishonebac says: 10/15/10 at 14:55:17

Thank you!

bogcandle says: 10/15/10 at 14:56:28

Happy, happy!!!

Paceset9999 says: 10/15/10 at 14:59:00


pugs says: 10/15/10 at 15:12:42

you said we don’t need to do anything..are there rules we need to follow like with google

are there bonz filters that will eliminate some items like with google

AnnappleBonanza says: 10/15/10 at 15:25:10

Amazing! Great news, will be fun to be bingin!

CritterCreekRanch says: 10/15/10 at 15:27:49

Wow great news yep i see some of my items over there wonderful!!

cdvdmart says: 10/15/10 at 15:31:16


Rdesigns says: 10/15/10 at 15:53:36

Great news! Thanks!

shopperville says: 10/15/10 at 15:53:50

Fantastic news!

DS520Diecast says: 10/15/10 at 15:57:38

Great news! Thank you!

driver211 says: 10/15/10 at 15:59:08

great news, thanks for doing that.

debinokc says: 10/15/10 at 16:01:10

Wonderful news with holiday sales approaching

chestoftreasures says: 10/15/10 at 16:44:54


Indizona says: 10/15/10 at 17:10:27

Sounds good to me!

RM1Gordon says: 10/15/10 at 17:13:07

Thanks, everything helps..

wblresources says: 10/15/10 at 17:38:22


Bighorsecoins says: 10/15/10 at 18:01:30

Sounds great

SunflowerAntics says: 10/15/10 at 18:19:30

Funny! I’ve had sales from .Bing in the past, my items must have already been there! And they were used too – I wonder how that happened?

Anyway – this is great news!


pugs says: 10/15/10 at 18:47:00

Cheyenne, they would have come from generic Bing

Bing now has a shopping search

like google has shopping and generic

teapotgallery says: 10/15/10 at 19:08:11

great news!

HavensRainbow says: 10/15/10 at 19:41:07

Thank you Bill. That is REALLY good news to hear!!!

SunflowerAntics says: 10/15/10 at 19:50:54

Thanks Pugs for set’n me straight!


unameitcollectables says: 10/15/10 at 19:52:36

Great news, Thank You!

yeshuazgirl says: 10/15/10 at 20:15:02

Thank You Bill & Co.

sofyblu2 says: 10/15/10 at 20:19:45

GREAT!!!!! However, LOL please note that for example in Fiesta we have many listings showing many of which are VINTAGE and listed as USED (traits and atts both say used) Don’t question it

the_seller_inc says: 10/15/10 at 20:22:56

This is going to be awesome! Hopefully this will give our holiday sales a BIG boost!!!

sofyblu2 says: 10/15/10 at 20:27:10

Also noted that Replacements takes highest placement over there..considering the amount of vintage china they skated thru too!

sofyblu2 says: 10/15/10 at 20:38:55

So Bill..being as you are lurking how’s the calculator working??? 15 more days you know…ducking and running!

FaithRocks says: 10/15/10 at 22:19:36

Thanks Guys! With Bonanza’s new BING Search feed we hit BING Search page one today and topped out as first on BING Shopping in their default view Best Match for our Witness Christian T-shirt line.

Thanks again guys awesome job!

Bonanza Rocks BING Search and FATH ROCKS! BING

ShopaholicTreasures says: 10/15/10 at 22:53:43

Awesome News! You Boyz & Girlz really know how to come through for us!!! WTG!!!

Lisas_TX_Treasures says: 10/15/10 at 23:02:29

Y’all have been rrrrrrrrrrrrreally busy…..love it!!

And after you all get a break, feel free to stop in Austin area for some great Barbeque.

pugs says: 10/16/10 at 05:19:19

Sofy, Bill was lurking ???

Bill please answer my questions from above :(

BlueSkiesBoutique says: 10/16/10 at 07:14:25

That’s great news…

ladyweekes says: 10/16/10 at 07:45:08

Thanks for this great news. How exciting!!!!

BookbinEtc says: 10/16/10 at 08:52:24

Sounds good! Rushing to check for my stuff

newmillenniumbeatnik says: 10/16/10 at 09:40:25

Fantastic news, just in time before the holiday shopping season. Thanks Bonanzle Staffers!! I appreciate your hard work, this is a major step forward.

starshinin says: 10/16/10 at 10:28:57

been readin this since was first posted…great news and thanks to those for makin this possible…but am also waitin to see what answers may be ….

bharding says: 10/16/10 at 13:00:13

@Pugs: The only filters we have for Google Base are ones that eliminate items that don’t adhere to Google’s product policies (e.g., you can’t list mod chips, knives, sorcery, etc.) Currently our only filter for Bing items is whether their attributes have them marked as “new” or not. Not sure how the items sofy observed as non-new might have gotten into Bing Shopping, but I’m not going to question it… just smile and take the extra traffic

bharding says: 10/16/10 at 13:02:05

@sofy: The calculator is done… currently we’re just negotiating with AuctionInc. on the pricing scheme. Not sure exactly how long that will take to reach agreement, but our discussions are ongoing. I’d reckon my earlier guess for ETA is still on track.

sofyblu2 says: 10/16/10 at 13:12:49

My stuff has been showing on Bing for whatever reason..not all just some..and I ain’t gonna look twice

Hooray on the calc’s! Can’t come soon enough..customer bailed last nite on me because priority shipping showed as 58.45! Offered to find cheaper means and was too ticked off

Mystic-Sales says: 10/16/10 at 13:25:59

Bill, How do we optimize The keyword New in our listings for Bing Search Engine Product optimization?

Alilbirdy2 says: 10/16/10 at 14:40:12

Being Bing is a great addition, to the ways in which buyers can find us, thank you Bill

Woodyswag says: 10/16/10 at 14:46:05

Thanks! This is exciting!!

renagade says: 10/16/10 at 15:06:29

OK! – NOW youre talking … This is a Positive step! THANK YOU!

pugs says: 10/16/10 at 16:21:04

@ Bill,

1. not quite so with the filter, Bonz filter is very limiting and I have mentioned this to support as have others others

for example

Dickens Village Dept 56
Charles Dickens
Emily Dickenson
Dickies Work Clothes

are a few that do not go to google because instead of the filter just restricting the word “dick” it takes out any word with “dick” in it

this is just one example, there are other words that do the same thing

this eliminates thousands of listings that google does allow

2. also, if too many people with used items mark them new and they get to Bing can that get us cut off

BookbinEtc says: 10/16/10 at 17:53:07

Assembly is another ‘bad’ word; which makes it difficult for listing kits that need building, such as model trains, cars, crafts, etc.

Knives may be a no-no with GPS, but then, why are there so many? Why are only Bonz knives excluded? Why can one say ‘knife’ in the title, but not ‘knives’?

Great news on the Bing SHopping, though. I hope my new items arrive there soon!

EclecticStuff says: 10/16/10 at 19:39:59

Forget about being included if you have a “new” item in the collectibles category. They do not have it as a category.

In the other hand, it is overkill on the main WEB page. I looked for my “new” Dept 56 Cowboy Rodeo Coffee Mugs and they were nowhere on the Shopping. Yet on the main WEB page they come up 6 times on the first page and again if just looking for Rodeo Dept 56 – they come up as my Booth and My item under both Bonanzle and Bonanza.

Same with other “collectibles” I have marked "new’ because they are.

And under “Shopping” I am not too impressed with the search results – quite a lot of totally unrelated items. For example “Mad Men Era Book” came up with “Hamlet” and a bunch of “Mad Dog” stuff, like Boots etc etc

Felicitations says: 10/16/10 at 23:41:54

Excellent news indeed, well done team. I hope we will see the bump from Bing Shopping, have had several good sales from Bing General search in the past. Thank you.

BookbinEtc says: 10/17/10 at 07:42:16

It sounds like ‘Bing Shopping’ is just getting going. I’m sure they have bugs to iron out, as well. With patience, I’m sure we’ll come to depend upon them more all the time, as we do GPS.

SmellsSoPretty says: 10/17/10 at 13:14:03

Two sales on Bing in one day.

Thanks Bonanza!

lol1955 says: 10/17/10 at 14:50:52

What else can I say but, “Hot DAWG!”

STBThreadworks says: 10/18/10 at 06:34:01

Great long term planning to have this link with Bing.

I found one of my jewelry bags on Bing, but the description is different than my item on Bonanza and when I clicked on the one on Bing, it took me back to Bonanza where it said my item could not be found. Do you think that somehow they had picked up my item previously before an edit was made to the title? How frequently do you think they will be updating our items? I only found the one item, so it most likely had to have been picked up in the past but they aren’t updating their links frequently. That edit was done long ago. The weird thing is that I have been working with Mark for over a year now on why those darned bags don’t feed out to Google. So it’s weird that Bing has one.

BookbinEtc says: 10/18/10 at 07:52:49

STB – are you looking at bing or bing shopping? Bing is like Google, whereas our new feed will be to bing shopping, like Google Product search?

Boutiquely_Yours says: 10/18/10 at 20:34:42

Woohoo— I am now officially doing the “happy dance” oops knocked some of my “stuff” off the shelf lol!!

BasseyeWholesale says: 10/18/10 at 21:41:58

That’s going to be really great,thanks..:)

BookbinEtc says: 10/22/10 at 19:08:51

Does Bing shopping only do even dollars?

I just found 2 of my items there – 10.00 each. But, when I clicked through to the listing (because I don’t have much at even $$), the price is actually 10.95.

What does that mean?

chill02wolfart says: 10/23/10 at 15:44:02

Bill, (a little embarrassing to admit)…I never heard of Bing until recently, and just saw this Post now. But anything that can bring new traffic and growth to Bonanza is definitely a plus. I look forward to seeing Bonanza run with the “Big Dogs” and soon become a household name


Added Note: I just did a Search for my items on Bing (my items are Halloween & New). None of my items are showing at the moment (I even typed in my exact Title).

Added 10/24: I’m sorry; I made an error. My items were not showing in Bing “Shopping”. I just discovered they DO show up in Bing “Web”. Thank you!

cshort0319 says: 10/26/10 at 12:38:38

As always, I don’t understand. We don’t have to do anything to be included. But we have to mark our item as new. What exactly does that mean? Newly listed, or new merchandise?

What do we have to do about attributes? Can we simply include in our listings, the phrase new listing? Or do we have to do something way more complicated than that?

My brain is not hard-wired to deal with this kind of thing……


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