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A Look Back at 2009, Forward to 2010
Jan 5, 2010

A Look Back at 2009, Forward to 2010

 Taking a look back through the changelist and our old blogs, 2009 was a pretty staggering year of accomplishments at Bonanzle.  Improvements for the year included:

Reliving just one classic moment from 2009
  • Overhauled booth page
  • Added item traits for better searching
  • Fully automatic integration with Google Product Search
  • Added API
  • Added affiliate program
  • Bounty of improvements to the shipping calculator
  • Added booth coupons, coupon list
  • Added widgets
  • Added category showcases
  • Added booth panels
  • Added automatic payment via credit card
  • Added ability to tweet and post items to FB
  • Added Craigslist exporter
  • Added international shipping
  • Numerous server upgrades and stability improvements such that the site has only had about 5 minutes of downtime over the last quarter
  • Completely revised checkout process made more intuitive through user feedback

And that is really only the beginning of the list when you look back through the changelist.  

With that kind of precedent, it's going to be a tough act to follow in 2010.  But we are beginning this year with goals just as lofty as we had set in 2009.  Some of the top shelf objectives on our list include:

  • More category-specific buying experiences.  The stuff that is important to a comic book shopper is different than what's important to a garden shopper.  Given the flexibility of the Bonanzle platform, we think we can build great shopping experiences for many different categories that give a more personalized feel than the "one-size-fits-all" presentation we currently use.  
  • Improved feedback system.  Not DSRs of course, but we believe that the current system still leaves open the possibility for retaliatory feedback, which is a big problem.  There are better approaches, some of which can be drawn from looking at what has worked successfully elsewhere.  More reliable feedback means more buyer trust, and more buyer trust means more repeat buyers (another key objective for 2010).
  • Improved offers page.  This page is still in version 1.0 from our launch.  Not only is it something of an eyesore, but it also gets unuseful pretty quickly when you have a lot of orders to manage.  We can do better.
  • More interaction.  Even though Bonanzle is already perhaps the most social marketplace online, we think that we have hardly scratched the surface of what is possible when it comes to bringing together a community to help each other buy and sell goods.  Instant answers and helpful advice on non-ordinary products should be the norm.
  • And whatever you tell us.  At least half of our features over the last year were the direct result of feedback we received from our community.  This promises to continue to be the case in 2010, and we're looking forward to hearing what other great ideas you have to make Bonanzle stand out from the crowd as the pre-eminent marketplace to shop for Everything But the Ordinary.

Thanks to everyone who supported us, and supported each other, in 2009.  The growth to 1.5 million unique visitors in December, along with more than 150k registered users, in a little over a year's time, speaks to what a special project we can build for ourselves here.  Keep bringing your friends, and we'll continue to build a community that feels like you're buying and selling with a group of your old pals.  Because you brought them here.  


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42 responses to A Look Back at 2009, Forward to 2010

ANightOwl says: 01/05/10 at 02:53:39

It’s been quite a ride over the last 12 months, that’s for sure!

I’ve been selling for fifteen months on Bonanzle and have been pleased to be here since day one. Every time I think you can’t come up with any more improvements, you come up with more new whiz bang features that never even occurred to me!

Keep up the wonderful work – I look forward to all that 2010 promises to bring.

renagade says: 01/05/10 at 04:11:45

Bill, As being here since “Beta” Days, I see nothing but “Better” days ahead.
You all have worked hard, listened to suggestions and God Knows COUNTLESS complaints, always taking them and turning the upside down, inside out and sideways to find how you can make Bonanzle grow from them.
The most important thing and the best improvements come when you guys stick to the K.I.S.S. rule. Simple Simplicity to find everything but the ordinary. That is what grows Bonanzle best!
Thank you all for providing the best in support, the best tools to work with, and look forward to seeing what is up next!

Queenmum says: 01/05/10 at 04:27:22

Being one of those that’s been here from Beta to Better
It’s been quite a ride indeed.

The fact that you, Bill, and Mark, and the rest of the Bonanzle crew, are always here
working, watching our backs,
thinking up new toys to add to the site,
just amazes me.

That you are more than willing to add new features,
try something different,
and listen when we tell you
something isn’t right,
is also amazing.

From the quirky sense of humor,
(whatever else y’all do, DON’T loose that),
to the fun graphics,
cool new tools & features,
and promotion and encouragement
of a feeling of real community,
Bonanzle is THE best selling site EVER.

Thank you all on the Bonanzle Crew
for your hard work, dedication,
and vision of what an online marketplace
should be, can be….WILL be.

yeshuazgirl says: 01/05/10 at 04:55:03

Bill, Mark & All Bonanzle “Boyz”

Your relentless persuit of improvement and your listening ear to the community here sets you apart head & shoulders above the noise. Kudos to you gentlemen for your vigilant persuit of excellence!

All The Very Best Is Yet To Come!

Patti (YesGirl) smile

Rods_Books says: 01/05/10 at 04:58:51

Our site continues to grow and improve becoming a better experience for buyer and seller……..

I have been here since October of 2008 and plan to stay indefinitely……

Community attitude and Bonanzle support are what make this such a worth while place to be………….

momspennies says: 01/05/10 at 05:12:05

It has been wonderful to be here from the early days and witness how Bonanzle has evolved and continues to grow because of it! I appreciate all the efforts of the management team and to the users who devote countless hours to making Bonanzle what it is. It can only get better in the years to come. And I hope to be blessed enough to witness even more growth as it does.

This community is the shining light in my day.

adammas says: 01/05/10 at 08:13:49

I am please to be a part of the growth and success of the Bonanzle community.

BookbinEtc says: 01/05/10 at 08:22:28

Ditto to all the above!

Bonanzle continues to grow in both numbers and features, and while it has been a wild ride, it’s also a fun one. Yes, there are problem times, but the support remains second to none, and it all works out in the end.

Looking forward to a big 2010 on Bonanzle!!

SunflowerAntics says: 01/05/10 at 08:59:12

Thank you Bill!
You continue to amaze me in all that you have done here on Bonanzle – I have the utmost confidence in you and the boyz to carry us to the TOP of of the network of sales sites!

granny7x says: 01/05/10 at 09:02:00

I’ve been here since November 5 2008..and I have loved every minute…have met the nicest people in the world. from around the world…we watched football games together..we’ve cheered games on..we celebrated New Years and Christmas together..we know the births and deaths of family members ..me love our animals together..and the list goes on and on…some of us have even met in person..what a surreal experience..love everything about Bonanzle and everyone that has anything to do with it ..inside and out..

AutumnLeaves says: 01/05/10 at 09:10:41

Being here in beta days also I have to say again, I chose this sight after reading everything here. Bill, you sense of humor made that decision, then along came Mark with the best support I have ever experienced. Along with all of that I have made some wonderful friends and had my horizons expanded by many. Thank each and everyone of you, your the best. Regardless of the growth Bonanzle has experienced you have managed it all, Wow!

Foxy_Lady_Boutique says: 01/05/10 at 13:17:24

The ride so far has been a joy, I have nothing but positive things to say about Bonanzle, Bill Harding, Mark Dorsey, and they rest of the Gang that keep the wheels turning smoothly.

I’m looking forward to another year of positive progress.
Thank you all for answering our prayers for a Super Selling Site.


bparkerhouse says: 01/05/10 at 13:59:10

Thank you so so much for a wonderful year. I look forward to more days ahead at this very nice place to be.

joestreasures says: 01/05/10 at 14:16:10

You guys have done an excellent job. Pat yourselves on the back.

AnnappleBonanza says: 01/05/10 at 14:18:10

Thank you for all the hard work and long hours. Bonanzle has truly been a blessing for me. Thanks again!

lovelythingsdahlin says: 01/05/10 at 15:16:59

Love Bonanzle! It is easy to use and lots of fun. Y’all have done a fabulous job, and I look forward to selling and buying on the site for a long time. Thank you!

FlyingMonkeyFinds says: 01/05/10 at 15:26:39

Have been here since November 25, 2008.I had only been an online seller for a short time elsewhere and boy did that other place scare me! I feel like I am growing up with you guys, as I have not only seen my business grow over the past year, but all the many things I have learned being here. Keep up the good work and looking forward to an even bigger better year this year! LOVE my Bonanzle!

SherAhnn says: 01/05/10 at 15:47:24

Have been here since October 2008 and I continue to be amazed at the progress that we all have accomplished in such a short time. The support and the hard work on the part of the BOYZ and also all the hard work done by the early members to bring in more users and help the new ones along in their journey for Excellence !
I will be here through good times and growing pains.
Interaction is the KEY…don’t lose it.


GracefulArtifacts says: 01/05/10 at 18:18:07

Thank You for this. I think it is the neatest thing since tricks.

Users can now use same formatting tricks from forums (i.e., bold or itallic) when writing their booth policies.

Even when I whine (my bad) their is Always a Treat that Far Pluses anything I could think of moaning and groaning about.

Happy New Year

permacrisis says: 01/05/10 at 20:43:10

You’re doing fine , well,

Mount a bigger Drill Bit on that trait tool, (new/used option on ALL items)!

Keep in mind that Google gateway, it’s your ticket to a full belly!


twysp2 says: 01/05/10 at 21:10:29

I have been here since 8 28 08 and can not beleive the growth and improvements that has taken place so fast. I look forward to this coming year and years thereafter. Thanks for all your hard work making this site a desireable home to so many.

STBThreadworks says: 01/06/10 at 09:43:31

Change is a great motivator!

chestoftreasures says: 01/06/10 at 14:02:53

Keep up the good work. Enjoy being here.

RM1Gordon says: 01/06/10 at 18:04:54

Great site getting better.. from under 2000 users to over 166000, I have enjoyed the ride.. Keep going.. Thanks..

NORTHENLIGHTS says: 01/06/10 at 18:33:03

Thanks Boys for all the Great work and improvements you have done Bonanzle is such a Super and easy site to use . And Thanks to all the Friendly people that helped me get My Booth setup and started. I am glad to be one of the Great Big Bonanzle Family. And hope I enjoying many years of Selling on the Ranch And many years of growth. Thanks for all the hard work.

Rogersstuff says: 01/06/10 at 19:49:27

I just want to know how you oldtimers stayed with bonanzle when there was no hope in the beginning. What kept you here when you could of very easily went to another venue.

If you’d like to respond to this please feel free to bmail to me for I might not come back to this thread. Thanks Roger

stuffyouneed says: 01/09/10 at 02:37:47

All of the developments in the past year show why Bonanzle is the place to be this year and into the future. What a ride!

sandy7172cat says: 01/10/10 at 01:52:06

Canada Post shipping calculator would be nice for us Canadians, otherwise, really like being here at Bonanzle…

ocdgirl2000 says: 01/10/10 at 12:39:30

fabulous! the place looks great! kudos for all the hard work and dedication!

andi says: 01/10/10 at 20:52:06

Thanks for all that you do! Belated Happy New Year!

kodachrome says: 01/10/10 at 23:47:27

Bill: Your lofty goals are achievable and written down…We have no doubt they will be reached and exceeded. Your teams approach & the other networking going on here is conducive to sellers also reaching for their goals. We are privileged to have found Bonanzle and look forward to the ride in 2010. Happy New Year All!

jacksplace says: 01/12/10 at 16:21:46

Bonanzle has been great in 2009 and I’m looking forward to 2010! Thank you Boyz for making it all happen!

jGaragesaleGoddess says: 01/14/10 at 17:11:00


UknowUneedAnother says: 01/15/10 at 05:24:28

Ditto, Applauding!

MissOrangeShop says: 01/15/10 at 07:25:13

Love Bonanzle … People in Bonanzle are very helpful and friendly. Hope everything is better in the year 2010. Wishing Everybody in Bonanzle Lucky

pennipete says: 01/17/10 at 20:25:05

Just stopping in to kiss…I mean, thank you for all the hard work put in on our behalf!

tulvog says: 01/28/10 at 18:51:32

I can’t begin to tell you what a breath of fresh air Bonanzle is for me. Everyone is friendly, the site is so easy to use and I’m making sales! After being on that other auction site for 6 years, I must say I love Bonanzle!! Looking forward to 2010. Thank you!

mellcomm says: 01/29/10 at 08:13:19

I’ve been around since the early days, and am always amazed at the strides made in Bonanzle’s development. Thanks to the eyes & ears of Bill & Mark Bonanzle has grown in features, users, and sales in a very short time. It is refreshing to see a company that still listens to its customers and uses the information to improve the customer experience. Thanks to the Bonanzle team!

BookbinEtc says: 02/11/10 at 19:48:08

I’m not sure if this is part of the new f/b system – I never noticed it before. I don’t like the percentage rating on Feedback given. :(

It feels like a penalty for leaving honest feedback for non-paying buyers or non-performing sellers. Those who don’t read the listing, but buy and then disappear, either get off scot-free, or the seller is penalized if they leave a neg.

I’ve left one neg, for a seller who disappeared after I paid, and my f/b left percentage jumps out at you, like I’M the nasty one.

louboutinshoes says: 03/15/10 at 03:08:23

Waterproof Christian Louboutin Shoes
March 15th, 2010

Most fashionistas have a nice pair of Christian Louboutin red sole shoes.Sometimes they are exposed to the rainy day and may be damaged to some degree due to be wet for a long time.We may cry for that bad experienec especially in summer because summer in a rainy season.After losing an expensive Christian Louboutin red sole shoes,I decide to find a way to protect my Christian Louboutin red sole shoes.Finally after several times’ test,I have found an good mehod to reduce the risk.It definitely works!

Before that great action,please take off the Chirstian Louboutin red sole shoes laces.Then clean your shoes thoroughly with a soft cloth.Remember to use a soft cloth to clean otherwise it may hurt the leather.

The second step is to use spay aerosol fabric on your Christian Louboutin red sole shoes in open ventillation.Make sure that fabric is from of the product.

Lastly,just let your Christian Louboutin red sole shoes dry in open area.Then brush off all inside with soft clth.

Note:a good way to reduce the bad effect of water or rain through your Christian Louboutin red sole shoes is to cover your feet with good-quality plastic. http://www.shoestop10.com

lostnfoundlovies says: 04/02/10 at 08:52:19

love love love it here ♥ sure beats the other sites by a mile ~ i love the instant messaging the best ~ keep up the great work ♥ HAVE A HAPPY EASTER WEEKEND ALL ♥

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